Chapter Fifteen - Take what you really want

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Jamie's P.O.V

I was happy sitting her with Mila, drinking coffee and was simple but it made me a happy man. I was trying my best not to think about us only being friends because I want more than that but I know I can't have that so being friends I will take for the moment. We had been sitting in the café for a good few hours, losing track of time like always when we are together.

"You want to maybe go grab dinner? Not a date though, just dinner? Maybe burgers or pizza, something like that anyway?" Mila asked

I honestly never realised it was dinner time already, the hours have flown by.

"Yes dinner sounds good, not had anything since breakfast." I laughed

"You should have ordered something in here." Mila said

"I know, was too busy enjoying my time with you it never even crossed my mind." I laughed

Mila giggled, her cheeks turning a little red. I gave her a quick wink, teasing her a little. She shook her head, playfully rolling her eyes at me. I felt at ease with her, been that way since the moment we met, it was good yet confusing feeling. We got ourselves organised, sorting the bill out before we headed out to go find somewhere to eat.

"I hope I am not interfering with any of your plans stealing you for this length of time?" Mila asked

"Of course not, you can steal my time anytime you want." I smiled

"Always such a charmer." She laughed placing her hand on my chest

"I try my best..." I laughed

She removed her hand as quickly as she placed it on my chest, her arms falling at the side of her body. It was all feeling very casual, not sure if that is a good or a bad thing though. We walked for a little while before finally finding a place to eat. I placed my hand on her lower back, leading us inside, the hostess coming to us and finding us a place to sit. I pulled Mila's seat out, letting her sit first before I took the seat across from her. She gave me a grateful smile.

"Do you want an alcoholic drink or just food?" I asked

"I don't think drink is a good idea." She said

"I guess not..." I said "Only food it is then." I added

I knew she refused a drink in case we end up in bed together if we have a drink. A silence fell between us as we looked at the menu, both deciding on burgers and fries with a soft drink.


Spending all this time with Mila I was struggling...badly. All I wanted to was pull her close, kiss her and be with her again but I couldn't do any of that. I knew even if I tried she would end up walking away and I wouldn't hear from her again and that is not something I want.

"I should really get home, a lot of studying too do." Mila said as we sat drinking coffee after our meals.

"OK. Can I give you a lift home?" I asked

"I was going to walk, it is a nice night." She smiled

"Well can I walk you home? Then I will come back and get my car?" I said

"I don't want to be a bother..." she said nervously

I reached over the table, placing my hand over hers, not grabbing it, just sitting it there

"You will never be a bother." I smiled

I knew she was not too keen on that idea of me walking her home then having to walk back to my car but I honestly never minded. I finally got her to agree to let me walk her home. Her place was not too far from where we were, so wouldn't take too long.

"When can I see you friends." I said, making sure to say the last part in case I freaked her out.

"We will get something arranged...soon hopefully." She smiled

"OK. Looking forward to it." I said

The two of us chatted casually as we headed towards her place. I wish she stayed further away, not quite ready to say goodbye to her just yet. I think also a part of me was thinking there is a good chance after we go our separate ways she will start ignoring me again. I hope not because I can't be doing with these mind games. I know that is not what she is meaning to do, far from it but that doesn't make things any easier. I sighed disappointed when we reached her place.

We stopped outside in the street in front of her place, Mila turning to face me. If this was a different situation this would be the moment I would pull her in for a goodbye kiss.

"Text me later?" she smiled

"Yes of course." I said smiling back "Can I get a hug?" I added

She nodded and stepped into me. I pulled her in, hugging her against my chest. She wrapped her arms around my body, hugging me back. I sighed to myself, having her close to me again making everything harder for me. We hugged longer than we needed to, to be honest. It was like none of wanted to pull away but after a few minutes Mila did. She looked up at me, her eyes searching mine. She placed her hand on my chest and sighed. I was trying my best to work out what she was thinking. I watch her mouth open but then close again. She pulled away, running her fingers through her hair and shook her head.

"I will talk to you soon OK?" She said sadly

"Mila what is wrong?" I asked sensing something was not right

"Nothing, it don't matter, it is only going to make things harder for both of us." She said her eyes falling on my lips.

I soon clicked on what she was thinking, she wanted to kiss me but wasn't sure if she should. I wasn't sure if we should either but I found myself reaching for her, pulling her back into me.

"Jamie!" She whimpered "I can't, no matter how much I want too." She added

"Then pull away..." I said

"I can't..." she whispered her lips seeming to inch closer to mine.

"Then don't...take what you really want." I breathed out

She closes her eyes, taking a deep breath and closed the space between our lips. As soon as her lips covered mine I groaned loudly, pulling her tightly in against me. God how I have missed those lips. She melted against my lips, her arms slipping around my body once again. The kiss was passionate and mind blowing...I never wanted it to end.

Mila pulled away first, panting and trying to catch her breath.

"You wanna come in?" She finally said, tugging her lower lip between her teeth, her eyes dark and wide...her cheeks flustered.

"Yes." I stated quickly and firmly.

Mila grabbed my hand, practically dragging me into her place. I think us only being friends is not going to work out, well not for tonight anyway. 

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