Chapter Four : Bad Idea

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Mila's P.O.V (AKA Bonnie)

Jamie's ex had kept her distance, though that never stopped her glaring at us, well more me. She was jealous, that was clear but she was the one that left him, she can't have the best of both worlds. Though the night had been going well, Jamie sticking with the people who don't talk behind his back...sticking with me. Drinking, talking, laughing, dancing and flirting. Yes I had been flirting, something I shouldn't be doing, well not in the way I have been. Yes I pretend flirt with clients for appearances but tonight there was nothing pretend about it which is not how this works but I couldn't help myself.

"I have had enough, you wanna get out of here?" Jamie whispered in my ear, his hand on the small of my back

"And go where?" I giggled

"We can go up to my room for a drink, well if that is allowed?" he asked

"You have me until one a.m., you paid for that so we can do as you please." I smiled "Well within reason of course." I added laughing

"Then I would like us to get out of here and go have a drink in my room." He said smiling widely at me "Cause to be honest I have had enough of her eyes glaring at me for one night." he added

I couldn't blame him, the break-up was still very new, and this can't be easy for him seeing her with him. She seems like a bitch anyway, don't know what he seen in her, then again maybe she hadn't always been this way...I don't know and frankly it is none of my business.

"Well that is what we shall do." I smiled

Jamie and I said goodbye to the people he wanted to say goodbye to, a few of them thinking we were leaving because we were hot for each other, we just let them think that. We headed back up to his room.

"Thank you for tonight Bonnie, you made everything bearable." He smiled as we approached the door

"You are very welcome." I smiled brightly as he let us on

I knew this was a bad idea but technically he still had me for two and a half hours even though we have left the event. Plus I was enjoying my time with him...too much to be honest.

"Make yourself comfortable, those heels must be killing your feet." He said "Take them off, I don't mind." He added

I found myself nodding even though it was a bad idea, me getting too comfortable

"What would you like to drink? Scotch? Vodka? Gin?" He said giving me suggestions

"Gin and tonic please." I smiled

"Coming right up..." he said getting us both a drink

Jamie headed over, sitting on the bed, patting the spot next to him. I raised a brow at him, making him chuckle

"I only want you to come and sit by me." he said shaking his head

I made my way to the bed, sitting down but making sure there was a space between us. I was not sure if I trusted myself enough to be too close to him especially when we are alone in a room. I was attracted to him...strongly and I need to make sure that stays under control because after tonight I wouldn't see him again. I do not start anything with is one rule I make sure to follow because it would make things too complicated for everyone involved. I have never been in this situation where I have actually been attracted to a client, not in the way I am too Jamie. I think maybe it would be different if I done the sexual side of this job because I could use that to calm down my attraction for him but I don't which makes this all that much harder.

"Bonnie are you OK? You disappeared there?" Jamie asked, pulling me out of my thoughts

"Yes...sorry I am fine, what were you saying?" I smiled

"I was asking have you been doing this job long?" he said

"About four years now, it was my friend that helped me get it, sort of never had a choice." I sighed "I needed money to survive, pay myself through veterinary school." I added

I have never really told anyone that, then again no one has really asked, most people only care about having a beautiful woman on their hips to impress everyone else.

"You are studying to be a vet?" He smiled "That is great, I love animals." He added

"Yes I dream is to one day have my own practise." I smiled "Though I am only on my second year, still a few to go but I will get there." I added

"That you will, is that something you have always wanted to do?" he asked

"Yes from since I can remember." I smiled

I had to change the subject, I had told him too much about me already

"Quick question, if you don't want to answer me then it is OK, it none of my business but what did you ever seen in that woman? Surely it couldn't just me her looks?" I asked

The woman was stunning, couldn't understand why a man would fall for her but falling and planning to marry someone are two different things. I see a sadness flash across his eyes when I bring her up, maybe I should have done that. I think it was a way to get the topic of me to stop which is selfish I know but it sort of came out.

"Honestly? She wasn't always this way, either that or she was pretending to be someone she was not for the first couple of years. She used to be very sweet, loving and caring, then something changed or maybe I was just too blinded by her to see it at first...I really don't know." He sighed, running his fingers through his hair

I found myself leaning over, placing my hand over his...Jamie looking up at me

"Sorry, I shouldn't have brought her up." I said "How about we stop talking about her...about all the shitty things about life and find something better to talk about?" I added

"I really like the sound of that..." he smiled seeming to perk up


"I never realised it was so late." I laughed looking at the time

I should have left an hour ago but I was having fun hanging out here with Jamie. I have not laughed this way in a long time, possible never actually, he was a funny guy. I felt chilled and relax, like I was not being paid to be here...I felt very comfortable with him, usually I am always a little on edge, keeping myself safe but I wasn't doing that with him, it was strange it was like I trusted him

"Does that mean you need to go?" he said sadly

"No, I can stay for another hour but I need to text in to one of the other girls to tell them I am safe, it is something we always do and if I don't they will worry." I said

"It is good that you all have each other's back." He smiled "and with me you are safe...promise." He added

"I know...I have a good sense that way." I smiled

I grabbed my phone texting Sammy a quick message telling her I am safe plus a password we tell each other to make sure it is actually password is M.B (Mila &Bonnie) because no one knows our rights names so that always works. She text me back, letting me know she had received it. I sat my phone aside

"Done, so you have me for maybe another hour before I really need to head home." I laughed

"An hour I can do..." he smiled widely

I know I shouldn't be doing this but who is going to know? No one, only Jamie and I.



Sorry not updated was away for a few days on holiday, just back. 

How are you all? 


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