Chapter Nine - Please don't go?

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Mila's P.O.V

"Thank You for dinner, it was delicious." I smiled as we headed out of the restaurant

"You are welcome." Jamie smiled "Are you going to leave now?" he added sadly

I know I should yes, leave, go home and stay away from him but I couldn't, well not tonight anyway, I wasn't ready for that.

"No, not yet...I don't want to." I said honestly

I watch as a smile creeps up on his lips, the sadness soon gone. I giggled, shaking my head, do you think he is happy I am not going anywhere? I would say so.

"I was hoping you would say that." He smiled "Wanna go a walk around the city then maybe we can go back to mine for a drink...and I do only mean a drink before you think I am after anything else." He added, making sure he was clear on the last part

"That sounds good." I smiled linking my arm through his

It was nice to be spending my time with him again, it felt like a proper date and I tried not to let the fact that he had paid for my services again get to me again because I know this time he done it because he wanted to...not because he needed me to be his pretend date because he wanted to see me.

"Thank you for not walking away when you seen it was me that you were meeting, no matter how much I know you were thinking about it." He said

He was right the moment I realised it was him I wanted to turn and runaway because the agreement was we wouldn't see each other again. I am glad that he never stuck to the agreement because then we wouldn't be here. I am not going to lie the moment my eyes fell on him earlier my heart started beating faster in my chest, got those strange feelings in my stomach too and they scared the hell out of me.

"I am glad I never walked away." I said resting my head on his shoulder as we walked

"Me too." He said kissing the top of my head

I think after tonight it would be better for both of us if we don't see each other again because it would make things complicated...harder. I felt safe with him...trusted him after spending only a few hours with him that first night which is something that does not happen to me. I struggle to trust anyone, he was different.

"I can't remember the last night I took time to walk around the city, it has been too long." I said

"It is a beautiful city but I think when you stay in it you forget to admire the beauty of it." Jamie said

"That is very true." I said agreeing with him

Jamie slipped his arm around my waist as we walked. I shivered as I felt his hand against me. I was hoping he never noticed my reaction to him, if he did though he never said anything which I appreciated it.

We walked around for a couple of hour until it started to get dark and cold.

"Wanna head back to mine, I make a mean hit chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows." He said proudly

"That sounds is starting to get cold and quickly." I giggled rubbing my hands together

"Come on then, let's go get a cab." He smiled "Until then take this." He added taking his coat off and placing it over my shoulders

"Thank you..." I smiled appreciating the jester plus it smelt really good...he smells really good

Thankfully we managed to get a cab quickly, heading back to his. He paid the driver and we headed in to his studio apartment, it was a beautiful apartment, the man had good taste.

"This place is incredible." I gushed looking around

"Thank you," he smiled "Make yourself comfortable and I will get the hot chocolates made." He added

I headed over, taking a seat on the sofa and waited for him, looking around. I smiled seeing the family photos, something I wish I had but I don't because I don't have family. The thought saddened me. Hopefully one day in later life I will have my own but not until I am done with getting my degree, wouldn't want to have kids when I was in the job I was in right now, would be too hard.

"Hey you OK?" I hear Jamie's voice said pulling me out of thoughts

"Yes fine, just thinking that is all." I said smiling over at him

He came over to where I was, handing me a smelt and look good. I thanked him with a smile, taking a small sip. How does he get it as chocolatey?

"How do you get it to taste this good?" I asked

"Secret recipe, been in my family for generations." He said winking at me

I pouted at him, hoping that would make him feel bad and tell me what it was, he never though...he stood his ground on that one and I let it drop. I knew no matter what I did he would not share it with me.

"Would I be pushing it if I asked you stay with me tonight?" Jamie asked nervously

"I don't know if that is such a good idea." I said softly

"I guess..." he said disappointed

I wanted to, I really did but if I did it would make it harder for me to leave in the morning.

"Jamie I want too, but it isn't that easy." I sighed, running my fingers through my hair

Jamie place his cup down, turning side on to face me

"Why can't it be that easy? Why does this need to be hard Mila?" He said softly

"You know why...we have been through this Jamie. This would never work, not after how we met, it wouldn't feel right." I said sighing

Why did I agree to come here? It was such a bad idea.

"I don't care how we met Mila, there is something here, you feel it too, I know you do." He said sighing

"That isn't the point Jamie. I can't be with a man I met only because he paid for me." I said

He will never understand this, how that one can unless they have done or are doing the job I am doing.

"You don't need to feel that way Mila. You are more than someone I just paid for." He said

"Jamie you don't get it, you probably never will." I sighed shaking my head "I think it is time I should go home." I added getting up from the sofa

The longer I stayed, the harder it is going to get. I reached for the handle of the front door but before I could open it his hand was over mine and I feel his warm breathe at my ear.

"Please don't go Mila...I am sorry." He whispered in my ear

I shuddered, feeling his breathe against my skin

"I need to go." I stuttered out

"No you don't...stay please Mila?" he said turning me around to face him

His eyes were searching mine, full of hope and before I knew what I was doing I nodded, agreeing to stay and grabbed his tee, pulling him closer to me and pressed my lips on to his. If tonight is all we have, I want to make the most of it. 

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