Chapter Twenty Eight - Everything always feels better with you...

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Mila's P.O.V

"Mila baby what is wrong?" Jamie asked as I got into his car "I thought you were until midnight?" he added

"I can't do this anymore." I sobbed

I was working and I have never had such a terrible night. The guy that had hired me was a creep and a perv...him and his friends. The things they were saying to me, the way they were trying to touching, it was sexual harassment. Yes I know this job isn't perfect but no one deserves to be treated the way I got treated tonight.

"Mila what happened?" He said worried

"They were disgusting...the things they said...the things they done." I sobbed out

"I am gonna go in and fucking kill them." He said in complete anger going to get out the car

"Jamie please don't, just get me away from here please." I said grabbing him

"Mila they can't get away with treating you like that...anyone like that." He said through gritted teeth.

They were touching me, trying to put their hands under my dress, trying to kiss me, saying very dirty, very sexual things to was disgusting, it made feel disgusting. I don't care how much I was getting paid, no amount of money is worth going through that.

"Please Jamie just take me home?" I cried "I feel disgusting...I need a shower." I added

"OK baby...let's get you home." He said reaching over to take my hand

I turned to look out of the window, tears streaming down my face. I can't do this anymore, even if it means I need to leave College until I save enough money I just can't do it anymore. It was getting too much and I hated when I had to leave Jamie to go meet some guy I don't even know. It wasn't fair on him. I wanted to concentrate on us. I need to find another job. Jamie put some music on, knowing that was the best way to calm me as we drove until we got to his house.

"Come on beautiful let's get you inside and I run you a bubble bath." He smiled

"OK, thank you." I said wiping the last of my tears away

He helped me out of the car, wrapping his arm around me and kissing the top of my head.

"I am sorry you have had such a terrible night baby...sorry some people are terrible humans." He said

"Me too..." I said sighing, resting my head on his shoulder

We headed inside, Jamie going to run me a bath while I headed to his bedroom, getting all my make-up and that off, taking a breather on the bed for ten minutes.

"Mila your bath is ready..." I hear him call out

I pulled myself off the bed, going through to the bathroom and slipping myself into the bath.

"Will you come and join me?" I said looking up at him

"Sure baby..." He smiled

He stripped down, slipping into the tub with me and I rested against his chest. He kissed over my shoulders gentle before he started massaging them. My entire body was tense, he giving me a massage was helping.

"How you doing beautiful?" He asked softly

"Better now that I am with you." I said

"I will always be here for you..." He said

"Thank you..." I said taking a hold of his hands

He took the cloth after he was done with my massage washing me, he was so sweet and gentle. I closed my eyes over, smiling. I was starting to feel better and I knew it was because I was with Jamie now.

"I think I am going to quit, I can't do this work any longer. If I need to I will take a gap year from my studies until I get another job and save more money then that is what I will do because I don't wanna do this anymore. I don't wanna leave you to go meet some guy I don't even know." I said as we relaxed in the bath

"You can quit Studying baby, we will work something out." he said

"Jamie it costs a lot of money for College." I said

"Then let me pay for it..." He said rubbing my arms

"No...that is not happening." I said "I will work something out." I added

"Mila I wouldn't mind. I don't want you have to leave College, you are doing great and it is all you ever wanted." He said

I sighed, not wanting to get into this again. I found it sweet that he was offering but I have always looked out for myself, got by on my own. I turned around to face him, kneeling between his legs.

"That is too much to ask from you Jamie, why would you do that?" I asked stroking his cheek

"Because I love you and you deserve the world." He said

That is the first time he has said that. Yes we told each other we were falling in love but we have not yet said it. I smiled, leaning in and pressed a soft kiss against his lips.

"I love you too..." I said smiling "But you still aren't paying for my college." I added giggling

"Baby please let me help you out?" he said "If it makes you feel better you can pay me back." He added but he never sounded very convincing about the last part, had a feeling he would not even let me pay him back

I had a feeling too though he was going to give up on this one. I just never wanted him spending his money on me, it is something I have never liked or ever let happen.

"I will have a think about it OK? I will see what money I have saved then go from there." I said "I love you, thank you for being so amazing." I added

"I love you too." He smiled "I just want you do what you love baby and I wanna help anyway you will let me." he added

I gave him another smile, kissing him sweetly before turning back around and resting against him. We stayed in the bath for half an hour, relaxing and talking.

"Come on we should get to bed my love, you have had a hard night and need to rest." He said

"Five more minutes..." I giggled

He gave me what I wanted before we climbed, getting organised and climbing into bed. I was ready for sleep that was for sure. He was quick to pull me close to him and kissed me.

"I love you sweetheart." He whispered "Rest well." He added

"I love you too..." I said snuggling into him

I just wanted to forget about everything that happened tonight, well what happened when I was working anyway...everything else was amazing, it always is with Jamie. 

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