Chapter thirty - Two - Answering him

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Mila's P.O.V

"You want me to move in with you?" I finally stuttered out after a few minutes of silence.

I have never seen him look as nervous as he was looking right now, guessing me taking forever to answer has made him more nervous.

"Just a suggestion but forget I asked because you don't look like you like the idea." He said sadly.

"What? No it isn't that at all babe. I was not expecting you to ask me that." I said

"Then what is it? Because right now I can't read your face Mila and that scared me because it is something I can usually do." He said "Mila if you aren't ready for that, then that is OK but please don't make me wait too long to let me know what you want." He added softly looking away from me.

I reached over, placing my hand over his, making him look back up at me.

"Jamie my answer is yes." I smiled "We practically live together anyway as is it." I added laughing

"You will?" he said and I watch his entire body relax "And yes we practically do." He added laughing

"I will, would be good for both of us. I will happily stay with you, we always have fun together no matter what we are doing, whether that is just hanging out, messing around or in the bedroom or just doing nothing." I said, Jamie nodding in agreement with me.

"Are you a 100% sure you wanna do this? I don't want you just saying yes because you feel like you need to." He said

I leant over the table, placing a gentle kiss to his lips. I pulled away, moving around closer to him. I placed my hand on his knee, him turning to face me.

"Babe I am 100% sure...promise. I want to do, not saying yes because I feel like I need too. I want us to stay together officially." I smiled

"Then OK, when you wanna move in...this weekend?" he smirked

"I think I need a little more time than that I think. Need to give my landlord notice, get things sorted and pack my things, more like in a couple of weeks officially anyway but you know I spent most of my time at yours anyway." I smiled

"I am sure I can wait a couple of weeks." He said with a petted lip

"You will just have to." I laughed kissing him

I was not expecting when we went for dinner for him to asking me that, he must have been thinking about it recently, don't think that would be something he would come up with on the spot.

"How about after dinner we stop by, get a bottle of champagne and headed back home, and celebrate you being stuck with me now." He smiled

"Sounds perfect." I said kissing him before moving back to the other side of the table.


We had arrived home...yes home I can call this place home now right? Even though I have not officially moved in yet? I am sure I can and he will not mind. We had grabbed the bottle of champagne on the way.

"Home...our home." He whispered as we entered

I don't think I was meant to hear him saying that he was saying it that quietly. I smiled to myself, resting my chin on his shoulder and he looked down at me. I ran my fingers along his cheek...

"Yes our home..." I smiled

I watch his cheeks turn a darker shade of pink. Yes I was for sure not meant to hear him saying that.

"You heard that uh?" He said rubbing the back of his neck

"I weren't as quiet as you thought." I laughed kissing his cheek.

"Oh...OK." He said

I stepped into him, hugging him and he slipped his arms around me. I buried my face in his neck and he stroked my hair.

"I am happy you said yes, I honestly thought you were gonna say no." he whispered in my ear

"I know, sorry I freaked you out for a minute or two never meant too." I said nuzzling his neck

"I know but the main thing is in the end you said yes." He said

I removed my face from his neck, looking at him and smiling, him returning the smile.

"I really am crazy in love with you..." I said softly

"The feeling is mutual my love." He said kissing me

Once we pulled apart he headed to grab us some glasses before we headed outside, Jamie pouring us both a glass and patting his lap for me to sit on. I took my place on his lap.

"To us beautiful and whatever has to come for us." He said

"To us..." I said as we clinked our glasses together.

I rested my head on his shoulder, him using his free hand to stroke the small of my back. He placed a soft kiss on the top of my head. I placed my hand on his chest, feeling his heart beat against it, that making my smile grow.

"Perfect..." He whispered as we enjoyed the night, the champagne and each other.

"Yes perfect is the best way to sum it up." I said

We sat out on the balcony for an hour, talking and it was prefect. Just being with Jamie like this made me a happy woman and it has been a long time since I was truly happy but with him I can't help but be happy.

"I love you..." He whispered kissing my neck

"I love you too..." I said with a soft moan

He placed his finger on my chin, making me look up at him. His lips fell on mine, the kiss longing and passionate...sweet and gentle. His kisses always felt perfect on my lips. I pulled away, getting to my feet and reached my hand out.

"What are you doing?" He asked

"I would really like for you to make love to me now Jamie." I said softly

He took my hand and I pulled him up, turning around. He placed his hand on my hips as we headed to his bedroom, well now actually it is our bedroom, think that is gonna take time to get used to, calling this place ours rather than just his. It was a big step I know that but it was the right one.

"I can't wait to make love to all night...every night." he whispered kissing my neck as we walked.

I whimpered, that sounded perfect. Perfect, a word that has been used a lot tonight but it was the best way to describe it all. I could get used to that, him and I making love every night in our our bed. I had a feeling us living together was going to be amazing. 

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