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I'm sorry for not updating earlier, I was really sick, I'm feeling better now.

He was completely silent. He looked at her before looking away.

"Why now Davis?" He inquired.

"Because I realized... I realized that your mom is dear to both of us. I mean she means to you as much as she means to me and yesterday I realized that our rivalry for her love was unnecessary... so let us be friends. Please?" He looked at her then shook her hand

"Friends." He said. She squealed and smiled and he almost found her quite overreacting. But then he just rolled his eyes.

"I'm going back to Om and Gauri then." He said and turned to go.

"Wait! Shivaay!" He turned around to look at her.

"We can have lunch together today." She suggested and that time he needed to pinch himself. What had happened to Annika Davis in a span of a day??

"Sure" He kind of smiled before leaving. As he joined Om and Gauri, he was troubled by their discussion.

"What did Davis want?" Om asked.

"She wants us to be friends?" He rather asked than answered.

"Which insect bit her? Did you check if she had a fever?" Gauri inquired.

"I don't know what's wrong with her. She's been getting on my nerves since last night. And today she asked for my friendship. She said it was because of my mom. She didn't want my mom to suffer from our rivalry for her love." Shivaay explained.

"That's odd. In ten years, I've never seen Annika caring for another person if it's not herself and know she cares how your attitude towards each other will affect your mother."

"I guess she must have heard me talking with my mom yesterday morning. I told her that I was planning to find a well-paid job for us to finally move out of that place, and to my utter shock, my mom agreed. I would have never expected her to be that happy about moving out of that mansion."

"That's great Shivaay. I wish you the best bro!" Omkara hugged him and they chatted some more before going to their class.

To his utter shock, when he reached the classroom, Annika signed him to join her. However he ignored her, he wasn't ready for the storm called Davis. He wasn't ready to see her being nice. Such a change in her character wasn't made to be. Shivaay sat at his usual place, two rows from the back, left side, near to the windows. He was alone for that class since it was his Spanish class and Omkara, Gauri, Rudra, and Bhavya were taking other classes, art for Om and Gauri, Taekwondo for Rudra and Bhavya.

As he believed that he would spend most of his hour alone with some people coming from time to time to ask him for slang words in Spanish, he felt some movement next to him, to his shock, it was Annika who had sat next to him. She smiled at him and his heart melted. He had never hated her, it was pretty much the contrary, but her character, similar to that of her father M. Davis made her repulsive and unpleasant to look at, despite her ethereal beauty. Her inner self made her look disgusting. But that smile, that almost innocent smile, its lingering on her rosy lips just gave him the feeling that he was observing Ahana Davis' daughter and not Ashton Davis' daughter.

"I think you didn't see me signing you to join me... so I decided to join you." She whispered.

"Focus on the class Davis, the teacher has started his lesson." He gritted through his teeth.

"I have a first name Shivaay, and I would be happy if you use it." She said before taking notes and being concentrated on the class.

Shivaay couldn't believe his ears when she called him by his name. The last time he had heard her say his name was in a video of them that his mother showed him and even in that video when she was three and he was four, she would call him 'Vaay and not Shivaay.

"M. Oberoi it's not time to daydream." His teacher reprimanded him in Spanish. (Do you want me to add the Spanish translation?) Shivaay just glanced at Annika who had a small smile playing on her lips. He decided to concentrate on class and tried not to look at Annika. But he just couldn't keep his eyes off of her. She was fascinating him at the moment. Why was she suddenly interested in him? What was she up to?

"Tia told me that you sat next to Oberoi in Spanish class?" Ragini asked Annika when they were in the girls' bathroom.

"Yes, I think the plan will be easier than I thought," Annika answered while combing a few hair strands. She was about to add something when Kaia made her way into the bathroom.

"Leave Shivaay alone!" Kaia simply said with her hands pulled into fists.

"What will you do if I don't, huh?" Annika pushed her against the wall. "I can be friends with anyone that I want. If I want to be friends with Shivaay then I will." Annika put her hair back and was about to leave with Ragini.

"I will never let you touch my Shivaay, Annika Davis!" Kaia spat and Annika only smirked.

"Never underestimate Annika Davis, Kaia." Annika left the bathroom with an objective clear in her mind, seducing Shivaay Singh Oberoi.

Her Nanny's Son - A Shivika fanfiction - CompleteOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz