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That night, Shivaay was walking aimlessly on the streets. He had no money, was hungry and tired but he couldn't and wouldn't resign himself to go back there. As he felt that his legs were giving up, he sat on a bench and looked at nothing in particular.

"What a shitty life... first time ever I had felt something for someone. Something so strong and so pure that I felt privileged to feel it. And in the span of one day, I lost everything, a place to live, a lover and a mother. I will never forgive you for that Annika Davis." Shivaay sobbed. He was still in a sort of trance when a man who was clearly intoxicated came to him and sat near him on the bench.

"What's the matter bhaaaai" He trailed off and Shivaay chuckled at their miserable existence. He took the bottle away from the man's hand and emptied it in a nearby sewer.

"You shouldn't be drinking that much. Alcohol will only bring pain in your life." Shivaay patted the man's shoulder.

"What's pain? My sister is in a wheelchair, I cannot even pay her medicines, let alone her surgeries! I spend day and night working my ass off for misery that they call a wage. Alcohol helps me because with it I forget my life!" The man looked up at the sky, his eyes full of tears. "Oh God! Why did you bring such injustice in the world? Why did you make weak human beings and strong ones? Why did you create wealth and diseases? You're very unfair! Each time we work for you, you push us five kilometers back!" Shivaay's heart bled for that man and he picked a sheet of paper from his bag and wrote his number on it before putting it inside the man's pocket.

"What's your name yaar?" Shivaay asked.

"Sahil." The man said.

"Well, I'm Shivaay. As you can see I'm as broke as you but I know we can make it if we work together on succeeding. If ever you remember our chat tomorrow, do call me, I will be glad to know you better and help you out." Shivaay said wholeheartedly. He then got up to leave and continue on his path towards self success, or better said, self-happiness.

He had been walking for an hour and a half when a car passed before stopping a few meters forward. As he walked past it, he was shocked to hear the driver call him.

"Shivaay!" Shivaay looked at the man and was to see him.

"Mr. Davis?" He wanted to ignore him but deep inside, he wanted the man to tell him that his mom had been looking for him and that she forced Mr. Davis to go out and look for him.

"What are you doing here at such an hour? You have to mow my garden tomorrow morning!" Shivaay could literally feel his heart-shattering. People didn't want him for him. They wanted him for what he could offer, they wanted him for their own benefits.

"Selfish people!" He muttered under his breath.

"What did you just say?" Mr. Davis asked.

"Nothing, sir, I'm leaving your house, I don't want to have anything to do with you people," Shivaay said and kept on walking. He would keep on walking until he would find his place in that world of arrogance and selfishness.

"What happened between you two Annika?" Ofelia asked for the hundredth time. She kept on insisting to know why did her son leave that house which had offered him everything he needed.

"I don't know why he had such an outburst nanny! I thought that we were just fine!" Annika lied. Truth be told, she was feeling lame and regretful, not because Shivaay left, but because she knew that once her nanny would know about her masquerade with Shivaay, she would leave her as well.

"He will come back nanny," Annika said, hugging the old woman tightly.

'You don't need him, nanny, I'm enough for you. Your little Annie is enough for you.' Annika thought while passing her fingers through Ofelia's hair.

"I don't even know if he has money on him or if ever he has eaten! I should have gone with him, he wouldn't have been alone!" Ofelia sobbed.

"Sh, it's okay!" Annika tried to reassure her nanny. "He's just throwing a fit, tomorrow he will be back home." Annika kissed Ofelia's forehead and stayed with her until she fell asleep. After that, she walked to her room with a heavy heart. She let herself fall on her bed and just looked at the ceiling.

"I could have never imagined that my little plan would lead to something so bad! I do not want to have anything to do with Shivaay... But I cannot let my nanny suffer like that!" Annika took her car keys on her bedside table and left her room. She took her car and began driving around the city in search of Shivaay. When she finally found him, he was tossing around and around on a bench, probably trying to find a comfortable way to sleep.

"Shivaay!" She called him. As soon as he saw her, he got up and began to walk away but she ran after him and held his arm.

"Please, come back home! Nanny is feeling empty without you."

"Home? That's not my house Miss Davis. Moreover, I do not wish at all to live under the same roof as you, I don't even feel like breathing the same air that you do. Regarding my mother, as much as it pains me, she decided to stay with you. Just like I'm now bearing the consequences for trusting a cheap person like you, she too has to bear the consequences of staying with you. Now, do not annoy me anymore, I'm fed up with you constantly bothering me. You're a pest Miss Davis and I highly hope that today will be the last day I'll be saying your face." 

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