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Their night out turned to be a moment of peace and calm. At a moment, Annika even forgot her emotional turmoil. As they reached Davis mansion, Ofelia was shocked to hear peals of laughter coming from both of them.

"And do you remember that dude shouting?!" Shivaay chuckled.

"He went like 'Aaah!'" Annika said imitating the man's scream with a high pitched voice. As they were recalling their moments at the cinema, Ofelia smiled while looking at them. She had wished nothing but to see their proximity.

"Would you care to explain what does all of this means, Annika Saoirse ("Ser-sha") Davis?" There came Ashton Davis as always, ruining every little joy in the family.

"Because now I cannot even hang out with my peers 'Daddy'?" Annika stressed the word, daddy.

"Do you think of the family reputation? What will people think when they'll see you roaming around with an employee?" Ashton argued.

"Shivaay is not an employee, he's my nanny's son, and I want him to live here without having to work for us because he doesn't have to. When speaking about reputation, you shall really consider your own personality. I'm not the one who made our name dirty by fathering Jaya Kumar's son Shaad!" Annika held her cheek as tears of rage blurred her vision. Her father stood there, his hand still held in the air after he slapped her.

"Annika!" Shivaay run to her and took her in his embrace.

"It looks like truth hurts! You cannot face your own-"

"Annika stop. Shivaay, take her to her room." Ofelia intervened. She waited for them to disappear upstairs before speaking.

"I will never tolerate you raising your filthy hand on my daughter or speaking ill of my son. With all due respect, I want you to stop interfering in their lives, you have never been a father to Annika, I don't see why you're trying to be one now. As for Shivaay, he has never bothered you so just let him be. If I ever see or hear you mistreating my children I will forget that I live in your house."

"That's what you shall never forget Ofelia," he twisted her arm behind her back. "You live in my house! My house, my rules. I care less about what you think about me. What matters to me is that my daughter will never be seen with your beggar of a son."

While the confrontation between Ashton and Ofelia was taking place, Shivaay and Annika were in the young woman's room. Shivaay hesitantly rubbed her red cheek.

"Does it hurt?" He asked before biting his tongue. Of course, it should be hurting, her cheek had taken a deep shade of red with her father's fingers printed on it.

"It just stings a little bit." Annika sniffed and to her surprise, he engulfed her into a hug.

"You don't deserve him treating you like that." He said sincerely.

"What can I do? He's my only family." She seemed defeated, but then he took her hands in his.

"He's not. Mom is also your family." He said, looking in her hazel eyes. For a mere second, Annika was almost frightened by the intensity of his look. They weren't just eyes, they seemed to be bullets piercing through one's soul, through her soul. She averted her stare, finding some weird interest in her green wall.

"I think you shall go to sleep now. Tomorrow we have class." She said and Shivaay understood that she needed to be alone.

"Annika, I just want to let you know that I've never considered you an enemy, except regarding my mom's love... I've never hated you and I can be here for you no matter what if you want me to." He was about to leave when she called him,

"Shivaay." He turned around, facing her.

"Thank you." it was barely audible and for a while, he thought that he had misheard her but then he saw her lips moving and he couldn't take that as a dream.

"Goodnight Annika." He smiled warmly at her before walking away to his mother's room.

As he left, Annika walked in her en-suite bathroom and plunged in a hot bath to relax her nerves. She was a boiling mess, a bomb ready to explode. First, there was Daksh who played with her feelings. Then, Kaia who managed to defeat her in the battle for Daksh's love, just like Jaya defeated Ahana in the past. And she earned a slap for being with Shivaay... That same Shivaay, who even though she wouldn't admit it, had been her only support in that whole mess, along with his mom. Now Shivaay was the master plan for her revenge more than ever. He was there to destroy the Davis reputation, to show Daksh what he had lost and to make Kaia burn with jealousy.

As Annika thought about how Shivaay would be important for her revenge, she had this smirk on her lips, the smirk of her father, one of the little things which made the world remember that she was Ashton Davis' daughter no matter what.

"I hope you now see why I don't want to leave Annika on her own," Ofelia said caressing her son's hair. "No matter how harsh she looks, Annika is still pure in her heart Shivaay. She just needs to be loved and to love in order to find her true self. If we're not here to help her discover herself, she will turn out like her father, ruthless and heartless, I can't let that happen."

"I understand mom, and I will make it my priority to protect Annika from herself. I'm happy that we're on good terms again, it will be easier to have a better understanding of each other."

"Thank you Shivaay for being with me in protecting Annika, you don't know how much it means to me." Shivaay smiled and hugged his mother. He had never thought that one day he would be in the situation where Annika Davis would become along with his mother, the most important woman of his life.

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