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Last update of the year u.u Sorry for not updating earlier, I didn't have any inspiration and I'm currently in holidays and travelling. I hope you'll step in 2020 with confidence in yourself and a positive mind as it's not the case for me , I've lost interest in most of the things I liked including writing . However, I hope during this new year  I will  be able to find a better version of myself. Wish you all the best and happy new year!

"Happiness is known to you when you face everything when you are destroyed when your whole soul turns into ashes. That is when you know happiness. Because when you're nothing, you understand how everything matters. I grew up in a big house with big cars, with a staircase made of gold and 25 maids constantly keeping the house clean. But that wasn't my home. I was the nanny's son. Being of the same age of the daughter of the family, a friendship between us could have happened easily but her house which was made of gold didn't mean that her heart as well was made of gold. I learnt it the hard way. I learnt that we weren't from the same world and that is the reason why when our worlds collided everything shattered." Shivaay scribbled down on his notebook. He had hidden under a bridge after his meeting with Annika. He couldn't have her find him again. He was cold both because of the temperature and of the void her betrayal had left in his heart. He wrapped his arms around his legs and hid his face between his knees. Then, he tried to get some good sleep. He wanted to go back to school the next morning. After all Mrs Davis had paid for everything, he couldn't let her money go to waste. He was happy enough that since he got the position as a trainee he would get some money and would be able to afford some stuff like food, and maybe a cheap place where to live. He didn't know from where to start but he knew that it was a new beginning for him.

The next morning, he had come earlier than usual at school, which enabled him to hide some stuff in his locker and to get ready before more students come.

"Shivaay! How are you?" Om had arrived out of nowhere and elbowed his friend. The lack of food, however, made Shivaay step back a little for he was being weak.

"I'm good O'! What about you?" Shivaay smiled faintly.

"I'm all good! Heard that you kissed Davis during that party! When are you going to make it official?" Om enquired and Shivaay clenched his jaw. He was the one who kissed her first. He started it.

"Nothing will be official Om." Shivaay calmly replied.

"What happened?"

"She was a faker, you see. Annika Davis has played with my heart and feelings. But it's okay, I'll show her what I'm capable of." He clenched his jaw afterwards, trying hard to keep his rage within himself but he just couldn't and hit a nearby locker.

"You seem really angry. You shall try to calm yourself bro. Moreover, you can't do much since you're still living with her."

"That's where you are mistaken, I moved out last night."

"And where are you living?"

"On the roads," Shivaay said honestly. Om and he knew each other since they were toddlers, he could trust him.

"Damn! Why didn't you tell me? You're not spending another night on the roads. You'll come and live with us. Mom loves you like her own son and your mom and she are friends, you both can stay with us as long as you want."

"There is only me Om. My mom decided to stay with Davis."

"I cannot believe this. Ofelia auntie loves you more than herself! How can she do that to you? How can she let you live outside on your own?"

"She loves Annika Davis more I guess." Shivaay lowered his head and Om hugged him. He knew his friend needed him.

Shivaay spent all day long ignoring Annika and at night, he was warmly welcomed by Jhanvi Singh, Om's mother who cared for him as her own son.

Two months had passed after that night during which Shivaay lost his mother to Annika Davis. It was now graduation day.

"Shivaay! Come here beta! Look you didn't properly tie your tie." Jhanvi said and tied Shivaay's tie properly.

"Thank you Jhanvi mom," Shivaay answered and looked at his reflection in the mirror. During these two months, he had worked for Mr Reddy and had given some of his money earned to Jhanvi, and kept the remaining money as his savings. After his graduation, he had planned to move out of the country for he had been accepted in the most prestigious University of Canada. Om would come with him.

Jhanvi also helped Om get ready for his graduation then the trio left. When they reached there, they came face to face with Annika and Ofelia.

"Shivaay..." A whisper escaped Ofelia's lips as she saw her son after two months. She went to him and was about to hug him when Shivaay stepped back.

"Please Ms Gomez, have some manners," Shivaay replied coldly, though he felt daggers piercing his soul for every word he said.

Ofelia couldn't believe his words. Her own son was treating her like a stranger. He then turned to Jhanvi and took her hand in his.

"Mom let's go." Shivaay, Om and Jhanvi made their way inside the hall without talking about the incident that just happened outside. As the ceremony began, Shivaay could feel that he was being watched and when he turned around, he saw Ofelia watching him with pain in her eyes. While Annika who seemed paler than usual was looking straight forward.

"Now let us welcome the two best students of this year, Shivaay Singh Oberoi and Annika Davis!" The host who was also the headmaster said and the two of them got up to walk to the stage.

They were asked to deliver a speech and Annika started first.

"It is an honour for me to be here today. This year has particularly been hard for this was the last year but I think all of us deserve congratulations for keeping up with our efforts and being able to succeed. I... I..." Annika's vision started to blur, and she fainted. However, she never touched the ground...

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