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When she left the doctor’s office, Annika came face to face with Shivaay. She didn’t even get to say anything he rushed to her and hugged her, to Annika’s shock.
“Are you alright? I was so scared!” He said and kissed the side of her head before realizing what he was doing.
“We are fine.” Annika replied and they left the place. Annika went home with her car while Shivaay used his and they met in the mansion. As soon as they faced each other though, Shivaay’s nice side completely disappeared.
“Are you fucking nuts? How could you leave like that without informing anyone? Why didn’t you wait for us to go together to the appointment? What’s got into your mind Annika? You…” Annika stopped him in his rant by raising her hand.
“Stop it. Just stop it. You have no right over me Shivaay.”
“Remember that I’m your husband!”
“My husband? In what name? I’ve never been your wife so you’re not my husband either. The only relationship that we may be sharing is only as this baby’s parents. Apart from that you and I have nothing in common.”
“Annika.. I swear I will…”
“You will do what huh? You’re always threatening me and never act! What will you do? Kill me? Destroy me? Let me tell you there’s nothing left to destroy Shivaay.” Annika was on the verge of tears but she used her whole will to hold them back. “You want me to ask for your forgiveness? Then I’m sorry for what I’ve done. I say things, I do things and I can’t take them back and you know what? That’s what I am… well at least that’s what I used to be… I can’t help it! I never had any example from my dad and you know it. You wanted me to have empathy, love and every feelings that no one taught me how to feel. I’m sorry if that morning I called you names after we slept together, but I’m mostly sorry for being unable to take these words back.” Annika sniffed and didn’t even realize that she was crying. At that moment even Carrie and Ofelia were in the room, hearing the young woman.
“Annika…” Shivaay began but she nodded her head no.
“No Shivaay. Don’t come near me. Don’t touch me. You have no right to do this. Go live your perfect life with Carrie and just leave me alone. I’m giving you five days for all of you to leave this house. After all it's my house.” Annika said sternly. She was about to leave for her room when Ofelia stopped her.
“Annika what’s this sudden change?”
“I’m your boss. Know how to talk to me Ms Gomez. For your information, I have nothing to tell you. I’m only accountable to myself.” Annika said and left to your room.
“What did you do to her Shivaay?” Ofelia asked.
“I did nothing.” Shivaay just replied and was about to go upstairs to check on Annika but Carrie stopped him.
“Let her be for today. She has just had an ultrasound. She’s tired. You better let her rest for today, you’ll talk with her tomorrow.” Carrie advised him and he hummed.
Annika locked herself in her room and sat against the door. She brought her knees up and stroked her belly softly.
“Since I know that you exist Shivaay has been choosing for the three of us. I let him do but now it’s over. I want you guys. Even though I didn’t want you in the beginning, now you’re my lifelines. I want you with all my heart and with all my might and Shivaay will never be able to take you away from me. I’m not a damn surrogate mother. I’m your mother. I’ll be facing childbirth, pregnancy and it’s not to give up on you. I have the capacity and the will to bring you up so I’ll do that.” Annika said with a small smile on her face and realized that she had never been genuinely happy until she heard for the first time the beating of her babies’ hearts. That may be the only thing she could thank Shivaay for, him preventing her from aborting was the best decision he had taken.
“Annika…” Speaking of the devil… Shivaay was now at the other side of the door. He didn’t listen to Carrie, after all.
“Go away.” She replied without even flinching.
“I need to know how the ultrasound went.” He said.
“Why do you care?!”
“He’s my baby Annika.”
“It doesn’t seem like it Shivaay. The only thing good you’ve done was preventing me from having an abortion. Apart from that in these few days you’ve never held my hair when I throw my guts up, you’ve never asked if I needed anything either. You’ve never cared about this pregnancy. And by the way they’re probably two of them. The thing is that you hate me so much that I don’t even know why you want a baby from me.”
Shivaay sat down and leaned against the other side of the door.
“You’ll never understand Annika.”
“You can still try.”
“It’s a matter of love. You’ll never understand.” They didn’t speak afterwards. They were busy thinking about their own decisions and how both of them who were best friends in their childhood came to this point where they’re constantly trying to destroy each other. “They had far more in common than either realised. One was born Catholic, the other Protestant. One was born Irish, the other British. But neither was the greatest difference between them. One was born rich and the other poor.”
― Joseph O’Connor, Star of the Sea (This quote may be the one that fit this book the best 👍💯)

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