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Well, well, well... We're heading towards the end of the book which will probably occur in 4 chapters or something like that.  To be honest, I was supposed to end my journey with her nanny's son but I got a new request so I'll come back with another Shivika story which will be supernatural, a new genre for me and it will also be about revenge. I'm a bit perplexed with the plot because I never wrote supernatural stuff as supernatural as the plot will be, neither did I write about revenge. But I'm ready to try my best to write it.

The day later, Annika could still feel shivers running down her spine while thinking about what occurred with Shivaay. How could she admit in front of Shivaay and her uncle that she loved Shivaay? She was still doubting about her feelings and was scared to be left heartbroken given the fact that he was supposed to love Carrie. She didn't want to cling onto someone who didn't want her and decided to try her best to push him away from her.

She was laying on her bed, deep in her thoughts when she heard a knock at the door.

"Come in!" She said and Ayaan made his way in her bedroom.

"That's so girly for a room with your husband." Ayaan looked at the surroundings and chuckled. Neither she nor Shivaay could fool him. He knew things like that and had a feeling that something broke between the two of them.

"We married a few days ago Ayaan. We didn't really have time to change anything in my bedroom and I don't want to let go of how it is at the moment." Annika said looking outside.

"You know what?" Ayaan asked.

"No, but I bet you'll tell me."

"You are afraid to let go of your past. You are afraid to let her go..."

"I don't know what you are talking about Ayaan uncle." Annika had gotten up and was looking at the floor.

"I'm talking about this room. I'm talking about this house, about the fact that except for some changes and the fact that you've painted it again in the same color this room is exactly like Ahana left it twelve years ago." Ayaan said and Annika became numb. "You're living in memories Annika, this house, everything here is a memory of Ahana. You need to let go. You need to let her go and live..."

"Stop. You can't say anything about that. You don't know anything. You've never been there Ayaan. You never cared for me. You cannot just come and do your preach about my mom and expect me to listen like an obedient child." Annika furiously wiped the tears on her cheeks. "And what I do or not with my husband is none of your business."

"Annika, we've always cared for you. It's just that things were difficult..." Ayaan trailed off.

"Nothing is difficult when you want it. You cannot justify that you let me here alone. You knew that my father never cared about me. And you didn't do anything about it. Neither you nor your sister nor your parents. As soon as my mother died you too died with her. You cannot judge me on not wanting to let go. A lifetime is not enough to mourn the death of my sun, my moon, my world, my everything."

"Annika I was 16 when Di died. How did you want me to take you along with me?"

"You didn't have to have my custody. I only wanted you to visit me. I only wanted someone to cry with me for my mom's loss. I wanted someone to understand me and you weren't there." Shivaay who was eavesdropping decided to make an entry. Seeing her that broken broke something inside him. She seemed so fragile, she seemed like these leaves that fall in autumn and when you step onto them they crackle and break. That was how she looked. He walked to her and took her in a protective embrace. She gladly accepted that shoulder and began weeping profusely.

"Annika..." Ayaan trailed off but Shivaay raised his hand.

"It's not the moment. Go away Ayaan." Shivaay said calmly while slowly stroking her hair. Ayaan left and Shivaay focused on calming the young lady.

"You shall not listen to Ayaan. He doesn't know your pain, Annika. No one knows your pain. Not even people who are in your situation. Everyone deals with their pain and there is no case of people facing the same pain the same way. You're unique and Ayaan doesn't know how you are living your mother's death, I don't either. But the thing is that I understand that you need your time. You can finally mourn your mother's death without your dad telling that your mother is not worth crying for. You can cry for her death, Annika. You must cry because you lost her. It's your right to do so and I never saw you doing it. Annika, please cry..." Shivaay said with her head resting on his chest and she nodded her head no.

"I don't want to cry. That would be admitting to the world that she's gone. I can't do that to her Shivaay." She said. Well, at least that was what he understood. Shivaay wouldn't accept no as an answer. He took her febrile hand in his and they walked outside. She believed for an unknown reason that they would go to the bakery to buy cakes but he drove past it.

"Where are we going." She said sniffing a little bit. Shivaay held her hand and she constantly knew that he had planned for something. She hoped that it wasn't what she believed he was doing but when she saw him stop in front of the cemetery, her heart literally ceased to beat.

"It's time to let her go Annika."

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