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He held her, with her head resting against his chest. He pushed a few strands of hair behind her ears and admired for a moment her angelic face.

"Someone please call an ambulance!" He shouted.

A few hours later Shivaay, Om, Jhanvi, and Ofelia were waiting for a doctor to come and tell them what was wrong with Annika. Shivaay didn't want in any way to be in that hospital but Jhanvi insisted because she knew better than letting Shivaay's heart darken because of Ofelia and Annika, but one could see the two clans because on one side of the room, a crying Ofelia was sitting and on the other side, Om, Shivaay, and Jhanvi were standing.

"Who's here for Annika Davis?" They all went to the doctor to listen to whatever he had to say.

"First of all you may not worry, she is completely fine, she shall be up in a few hours. But you shall really take care of her and that too in her condition..."

"What do you mean by... in her condition?" Shivaay asked, sensing that something was off.

"She's pregnant. She shall take rest. I cannot say for how long but she's probably one month or two months pregnant." Shivaay could swear that the ground had slipped beneath his feet as he heard that.

"I need to take some fresh air." He stuttered and left, followed by Om.

"Bro? What's wrong?" Om held his shoulder and squeezed it.

"O, we didn't only kiss that night. Annika and I had sex..."

"You know her reputation dude. She's probably got laid here and there..."

"I've taken her virginity, Om. If she's two months pregnant, there's a high chance that the baby's mine."

"And then?"

"I don't know but there is no chance that I'll let my child live away from me." Shivaay clenched his fists, tears threatening to fall. But mind you, they were tears of rage. He loved her indeed but at that moment he hated her more. What a pity! Here they were probably about to have a child together.

"Whatever you decide, I'm with you Shivaay," Om said and Shivaay smiled.

"Thank you, Bhai."Shivaay then replied and they both went back inside. They only found Jhanvi in the waiting room.

"Jhanvi mom, where's my... Ms. Gomez?" Shivaay enquired.

"She 's gone into Annika's ward. She said she needed answers." Shivaay's eyes flickered on hearing that. He too wanted answers, but he would not let it appear on his face. Never.

"I think we shall go." Shivaay declared.

"Won't we wait?" Jhanvi asked.

"For what mom? We're not needed here." Shivaay replied.

"Oh, really Shivaay? You're the child's father after all." As Shivaay heard his mother's voice, his heart stopped beating. He couldn't believe that he was about to be a dad! And that too Annika Davis' child's dad!

"The baby's mine?" Shivaay asked, not believing his ears.

"Yes, honey. Annika just told me what happened between you two, and I'm not really happy about it but..."

"I'll come back tomorrow. Jhanvi mom, Om, let's go." Shivaay said, ignoring his mother's remarks. He needed a night to think about whatever he would do with Annika Davis, but there was no way his child would grow fatherless.

"So what are you going to do about Annika, Shivaay?" Jhanvi enquired while they were on their way home.

"I don't know yet, but I won't let my child grow without a father. My child is innocent in all this mess." Shivaay sighed heavily. He had saved money to go abroad but he guessed that that money would be useful for something else.

Back at the hospital, Annika looked at the white ceiling with tears in her eyes. Now she was pregnant with Shivaay's baby. She had told Ofelia about them sleeping with each other, that night before Shivaay left the house. However, she hadn't told her about the atrocities she had shouted to Shivaay. She didn't have the courage to admit that she had been that cruel. But one thing was sure, she wouldn't keep that baby. There was no way she would give birth to that baby, Shivaay's baby.

The next day, Shivaay left home at dawn and headed straight to the hospital. As he was left into Annika's ward, he couldn't help but touch her belly. He couldn't believe that his baby was growing inside her. She stirred in her sleep and opened her eyes delicately.

"Shivaay?" She said absent-mindedly before realizing that it was him indeed. She then straightened up immediately.

"What are you doing here?"

"So you're pregnant with my child? Is it again one of your lies? I mean... given the fact that you're a whore, you must have probably slept with half the men at school in these two months right?" He sneered.

"Don't you dare to insult me! For my bad luck, you're the only man I've slept with! But don't worry! I'll abort the child as soon as possible! I don't want to have anything to do with you!" She spat and he pounced on her like an angry lion, he gripped her hair and looked at her with eyes filled with rage.

"If you ever kill this child, be sure that I will make your life a living hell!"

"You have nothing to say, my body, my rules! Moreover, you have no right over me!"

"I have no right on you? How can you be so sure about it? Just wait and watch! " 

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