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Hi, sorry for not updating earlier, sickness, lack of inspiration and exams delayed the update. I need to tell you that this story is already moving towards its end, I don't think that writing 20 chapters will be useful, so I'll stop ASAP. Thanks to the few of you who comment. 

A week later.

Since that scandalous night a week back, Annika hadn't really talked to her father. They were acting like strangers towards each other, strangers living in the same house. They were already like strangers, they had been living like that since her birth, but back then it was just a detail. Now Annika was determined to cut all ties with her father, she just didn't know how to get to that point, how to manage it. Above all, she didn't know if mentally speaking, she was ready to assume her loneliness. If Annika was suffering from a family turmoil, Shivaay, on the other hand, was enjoying her company. He had never thought that he would be closer to her in such a short span of time and he would be lying if he said that he didn't appreciate every second of it.

"Shiv! Are you ready for school?" Annika asked while taking her car keys.

"Yup!" Shivaay answered and picked his backpack from the floor. As they were about to leave, Ofelia called them from the kitchen.

"Coming mom/nanny!" Both answered simultaneously and went to the kitchen.

"You both were about to go out without even taking your lunch!" She said and both teens held their ears in forgiveness.

"Sorry, mom/nanny!" They again said simultaneously and had an eye-lock.

"Okay, now go to school, you'll be late!" Ofelia rushed them out of the house and she watched them leaving until the car disappeared.

"Hey, Shivaay! You know, there is this party going on tonight." Annika said while turning up the music.

"Huh... I'm gonna pass!" He said, fidgeting with his fingers.

"Why Shiv?" She asked while pouting.

"I have an interview with Mr. Reddy after school." He revealed and Annika hummed.

"You know that Neil Reddy is my relative right?" Annika asked. Neil Reddy was the brother-in-law of her late mother, and they had been on good terms, even though Neil and Annika's aunt Radhika divorced a few years back.

"Come on Annika, you know very well that I don't want your help in that field. I want to reach my goal without anyone." Shivaay explained.

"But I'm your friend Shiv, I will help you if needed," Annika said. Shivaay just looked down and hummed. He wouldn't ask for her help; because he knew he could get over stuff on his own.

As they reached their school, Shivaay was about to go when Annika held his forearm.

"Listen Shivaay, I didn't thank you earlier and I'm sorry about it. So, thank you. Thank you for being here for me. I know nanny is the one who asked you to be with me. And I will forever be grateful to you both."

"I'm not doing it for mom Annika. I'm doing it for you." He revealed, leaving Annika speechless.

"I need to go." He was about to leave when she again stopped him.

"Let me drop you at Neil's office. I'll wait for you and when you'll be over, we'll go to the party."

"When are you going to accept a no as an answer Davis?" He asked chuckling.

"Never Oberoi, and that too from you!" She winked at him and got ready to leave her car. They were going to different classes for the first lesson which was maths for Shivaay and Chinese for Annika, so they parted. However, before going to her class, Annika, sent a message to Ragini and Tia, telling them to meet her in the bathroom. She was feeling as if something was pinching her heart but she didn't do anything about it and met her friends in the toilets.

"So, how is it going with your plan regarding Shivaay?" Ragini asked.

"As smooth as it can be ladies... Shivaay is trusting me completely! I think I can seduce him more soon. I'm not done with this Kaia, I want her to suffer as much as possible." Annika's nostrils flared with anger.

"And what about Daksh?" Tia enquired.

"To hell with him, I don't care anymore about him"

"Then why do you want to make Kaia suffer that much? She's not responsible for her mother's sins.." Ragini trailed off and Annika rolled her eyes.

"I will never let her win like that, without a scratch on her body," Annika said and left the bathroom for it was time for her to go to class.

"It looks like the devil and you are getting closer day by day!"

"Come on Gauri, don't call Annika like that." Shivaay defended the young lady.

"If I remember well Shivaay, you are the one who gave her this name, so why are you acting like that now?" Om asked.

"Like what?"Shivaay asked.

"Like you care.." Gauri said.

Shivaay looked around himself before saying, "Because I do,"

Precap 😅

Annika could feel her head spinning and she also felt the morning breeze hitting her back. She sleepily rubbed her eyes before looking at her surroundings. It was a place unknown to her. And as she looked around, she spotted drops of blood on the sheets covering her nude body. That's when she noticed the pain on her lower abdomen as if it had been torn. She looked inside the covers and not only did she see her nude self but she also saw someone else's ass laying beside her! She hurriedly removed the sheets covering the person's head and her world collapsed, realizing that she was naked with someone as naked as her, who was none other than her nanny's son! 

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