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Olivia's P.O.V.

The birth of our second child happened to be on a very hot day, at the beginning of summer. For the first time, I experienced real labour pain, and I missed the troll's magic.
But Jordan was there the whole time and let me squeeze his hand so that I could handle the pain better. It hurt, but it ended some time.

It was a girl. We decided to give her the name 'Arianna'.
In our home, we had a fountain from which only holy water flowed. The trolls said there is a Greek goddess named Arianna and she once dig the earth at exactly that place, until water began to flow. It was a sacred place and the water wasn't something to drink daily, you only were allowed to touch it when you felt really bad and needed help from a higher power.
I never touched it, but I was often at that place. Just like the grot, it was a place where I felt comfortable and where I suddenly forgot all my worries.
When I looked at my baby for the first time, I kind of remembered my visits to that place and so I come up to give her the name of the Greek goddess. May she be blessed with the holy water.

"I wish Iduna would be here." I said, while looking up at Jordan, still holding Arianna in my arms.
"Me too. She'd probably be very careful at first but then so excited and would want to hold her sister the whole time." Jordan imagined.
"Yeah, she'll be the best sister in the world." I smiled.
Suddenly Arianna started crying, as if she just understood what I said. As if she wanted to meet her sister so badly.
"I hope so too, Arianna. We only need to find your uncle, Jack, and then we can finally go back home. Your real home." I said in a childish-like voice.

Some months passed again.
This year was a very hot summer but the days were getting colder again.
One day, when I was walking as usual to the nearest market, I saw a boy. He looked kind of sad and also strange – but not in a bad way, though. I decided to follow him. I didn't know where he was going, and I didn't care much for that moment. I was just too curious to even think about it.
It seemed like he knew I was following him, but at the same time he didn't. As if he ignored all of his surroundings and didn't care if he was even followed. As if he had nothing to loose.

"Hey! Young boy!" I shouted, to get his attention.
His reaction was pretty strange. At first, he didn't bother, so I screamed again. Then he finally turned around.
My heart stopped for a moment. I lost control over my breath. My hands were shaking, I dropped the wooden basket.
"Jack?" I asked, while tears were flooding out of my eyes.
"Do I know you?" His voice was deeper than I remembered. Also his complete appearance changed; he had now white hair, instead of brown. And he still had the same stick, with which he saved me.

"I do look different now, but you... you didn't quite change at all. What are you doing here? Where have you been?" I still couldn't believe that I finally found him. Maybe it was only a dream – that's why I wanted to know everything. The questions just appeared on my tongue without thinking about it. I didn't even bother to answer his question.
"I'm sorry, but I really don't know you. How come you can see me, though?" He apologised.
I wasn't sure what was going on. Why did he act so weird? Did he not remember anymore what happened? Why was he asking me why I can see him? What happened all these years?
"Jack... don't you remember? I'm your sister."
"I... I have a sister? So... that means I also have a family, right? Where am I from? Where was I born? Do I have other siblings?" He was so excited about it, it was almost creepy.
Maybe it wasn't him but just a person who happens to look exactly like him? What if I talked to a total stranger right now, who really doesn't even have a family or is suffering from amnesia?
But do such coincidences like this really exist? I mean, even if it's not the same person, the stick is exactly the same! At least I wanted to know then from where he got the stick.

We talked a little more but it was too much for me so I told him that I needed to go home. But we made plans to meet tomorrow at the same place and time again. I wasn't ready to take him home, I wanted him to meet Jordan only when he remembered everything – me, our parents, his sacrifice...

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