Chapter Eighteen

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After the police left, we sat there in silence. Harry and Vik hadn't even known about this. Tobi was still unconscious and Simon was now in the hospital. No one had seen Jj and he wouldn't answer his phone. Josh luckily hadn't been to hurt. He was just a little cut from the knife. They got him patched up and he was fine. I didn't feel exactly great, but I was strong. Vik and Harry obviously didn't have a scratch on them. I stood up and walked to the kitchen. Simons blood splattered the tiles. I ran to the bathroom and retched. Luckily I made it to the toilet because I didn't want to have to clean that too. "Grace, are you okay?" Josh asked from the living room. I nodded even though he couldn't see me. "Yeah, I'm fine," I said before vomiting again. I didn't want any of them to we me like this. I had watched these guys for most of my life and I was now staying with them. I didn't want them to see me puking everywhere. It'd be awkward. I closed the door so that way they couldn't see me. After I felt a little better, I washed my face and hands. I opened the door again after flushing the toilet. I walked out of the room. Josh was standing there."You aren't okay," he said. I nodded and tried to hold back tears. "Grace, he's going to be fine." "Can you really say that? It was yet again my fault. I hurt Tobi, Sasha, and Simon. He almost killed you, Josh. When I tried to chase Aaron, he said he would kill you. From the way he tried to kill Simon, I assume he means slowly and painfully. The police haven't found him and he just keeps attacking. I don't want all of you in the hospital," I said. "Grace, I just said that it's fine. When we stick together, we can do anything. I mean, with out you, I'd be dead. You grabbed the knife," he said, giving me a smile. I just leaned against the wall, and cried. I didn't want to face the truth, but there it was. If I wouldn't have come downstairs, Simon would have been dead and the rest probably would be as well. Josh came up and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Grace, I'm sorry. You're fine. Everyone's gonna be just fine." "It's not gonna be fine. It's my fault, you know that. Sure, I hit the knife but I almost failed. If you hadn't kneed him we'd all be dead. I don't know who called the cops, but whoever did, saved us. If the cops wouldn't have been called, we wouldn't have held him off. We'd be dead," I simply said, emphasizing the last part.

*Discontinued* This Wasn't Supposed to Happen - A Sidemen Fanfiction *Version 1*Where stories live. Discover now