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My eyes flutter open to the sound of numerous voices all speaking to me at once. I shut my eyes tightly to relieve the slight headache that I have. I sit up cautiously. For some reason, I'm expecting to be in a hospital, but I'm in a chair in the backroom of the deli section in Kaden's store.

"Are you alright?" Kaden is kneeling in front of me with a glass of water in his hands.

The last thing I remember is seeing my mother outside of the store. That must've been a dream. Watching those old videos of her must've put her on my mind and caused me to see things.

"Oh... good. You're alright." A female voice speaks from behind me.

I hear the clink of her heels as she walks towards me, and I turn around. My eyes widen and I hope out of the chair where I'm sitting. I don't have anything to protect myself, so my instant reflex is to put my set up and prepare to fight her if I have to.

"No." I shake my head and close my eyes. "You're dead, this is just a figment of my imagination. That's all." I mumble to myself.

I know that I'm not crazy. I shouldn't be seeing things in my head. I miss my mother, I admit to that, but not enough for me to start having hallucinations.

"No." she speaks softly, inching towards me. "I'm not.... I'm not your mother. I'm Katherine, her twin sister."

"Twin sister!?"

"Mhhh." She nods her head. She doesn't really have to explain how, I can look at her and see that.

I just cant wrap my head around the idea of someone looking exactly like my mother. It's like I'm looking at her all over again, but I can't tell her how I feel because it's not her. There's so much I wish I could say and I feel like I have the opportunity to. I can't though, because it isn't her who's standing in front of me. It's a woman who looks just like her, a total stranger.

I can't even think of two words to say to her--Katherine-- that will sum up what I think. I'm just too in shock to speak.

I didn't see her at the funeral, and thank God for that. I don't know how I would've been able to handle that: looking at a woman who looks exactly like her but I know that it's not her. Emotions fire off inside of me. More than one all at the same time.

She's a stranger to me. Just because she had the same face as my mother, doesn't mean that she's worth getting to know.

I turn around to look at Kaden, just to make sure that I'm not the only one absolutely staggered by this situation. Why is she here?

"What do you want?" I ask. I try to mellow out my voice so that it doesn't sound like I'm angry with her. She's given me no reason to feel anything about her.

"I just... I've been away for so long, and I've stayed away because I knew that it wouldn't benefit anyone. I'm back because I have a family that I want to be apart of. My sister wouldn't have wanted me to stay away, and knowing that she's gone just makes me wish I spent more time with her." she explains.

She looks genuine. Her soft, honey eyes show authenticity, but I don't know if that's because they remind me so much of Katrina's. I don't know anything about this woman except for her name, and I'm already taking a liking to her. This is what I meant when I said that her being around is dangerous for my emotions.

"How come you weren't there--at the... y'know." I question, referring to the funeral that she didn't attend.

"Are you kidding me?" Katherine looks at me like I'm foolish to ask such a question. "Would you go to a funeral and you have the exact same face as the person who's dead? I didn't go because seeing me would just make the feeling way worse for everyone else. Plus, I hadn't been around in so long, no one would've know who I was besides our parents. I just didnt-"

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