They deserved it! 🤫

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You've been in the glade for 5 months now and 5 new girls came which to your relief.
Y/f/n is funny and really nice she has a crush on Minho and to be honest with you I think they would make a cute couple. The other four girls like to make fun of you and get you into a lot of trouble with Alby which you could careless about, they're the one having sex with all the other guys. " Y/n ? Hello?" Y/f/n as she waved her hand into front of your face , you look at her , she smiles and shakes her head. " what ?" You questioned frowning at her. " nothing" she said smiling looking down that her plate of food. " WHAT TELL ME" you whisper-yelled at her. " ok god you are just like eyebrows" she said snickering as she said it and I laugh a little as well that's a name you guys gave Gally but don't want him to hear it. You picked up your toast and throw it at her running at outside. You only did it since you guys were late to breakfast, luckily Frypan is a nice guy and kept two plates aside for you guys. " oh your going to get it" She said grabbing the toast chasing after you laughing. " IF YOU CAN CATCH ME !!!" You yelled over your shoulder laughing and everyone was looking at you guys even the four girls of course they were, they always do but you didn't care. You looked back for a second before crashing into someone, the girls started laughing. " HEY Watch it!" You realised who you bumped into and regret it. " i-I'm so sorry Gally" you say getting up and you felt two hands on your chest sending you flying backwards. Gally had pushed you I one swift movement and the girls stopped laughing and looked at you with worried , concerned, horror in the faces? You couldn't tell but you tried to get up again before flying backwards again. " I'll stay down if I were you" Gally said towering over you has you sat there. " leave her alone Gally" y/f/n came walking up standing in between you both. "Ow!" Y/f/n said as she was pushed down. " LEAVE HER ALONE GALLY" you said with confidence in your voice for some reason and walked up closing the gap , he towered you but you looked up and frowned at him even though you were terrified of him. He was tall , strong, and just looked terrifying.
" what's going on here?" You heard Alby said you sigh in relief that it didn't go any further.

Skip time
It was dinner and you walked in but were tripped by one of the girls. You sigh and get up , got your food and started eating alone because when Gally pushed y/f/n over she hurt herself pretty bad so she has to stay at the medjack. One of the girls walked shoving you With her shoulder. " Opps sorry didn't see you" she said smirking at you , oh how much you wanted to slap her stupid face. You had enough of this shit, " WHATS YOUR PROBLEM?!" You asked standing up in her face which got some people's attention. " what you going to do about it?" She asked looking over at her friends smiling. You rolled your eyes going to walk away but she tripped you again " that's it!" You say putting your hand on her throat pushing her up against the wall.
Which almost immediately got Thomas to rush towards the other 3 girls getting up " g-get off me" she said but you didn't realise you were choking her a bit which good she deserved it. " some one get y/n off her!" Thomas yelled trying to keep the other 3 back. You didn't move but then felt large hands grab your waist lifting you up and placing you down you immediately turned around to get to her again. " MOVE" you said with pure anger towards her. " that's not going to happen" a harsh voice said and you realised it was him Gally of course. " Y/N !" Alby yelled across the kitchen. " WHAT!" You yell back not realising that it was Ably , he crossed he's arms over his chest " MY ROOM NOW" he instructed and you started to walk off when she had to open her stupid mouth. " oh finally the slut is getting it tonight" you heard laughter from the boys , you spun around so quick landing a punch in her jaw and she falls back you sat on her throwing another punch and again. " Stop it!" Gally yells pulling you off her and glaring at you before saying " Go" you sighed harshly and walked over to Ably.

Skip to the next day

You were standing next to Thomas in the meeting because everyone had to decide if you get sent in the maze or not, that's when she walked in with Zart holding her hand. You couldn't help but smile and feel disgusted at the same time because firstly she is with Zart who likes to hit girls and secondly because of the bruise you gave her on her jawline. Then Ably walked in " All right we all know why we're here" glaring at you as you looked at the floor. " Keepers first .... Zart what do you think" you look at Zart " well I think she should go into the maze because she broke a rule" " alright then... Frypan?" " I think she should just get punishment" you smiled at him and he smiles back " ok" " Winston?" " ummm I'm sorry y/n but she should get throw into the maze" he said looking at you sadly but you just nodded at him knowing he wouldn't do it on purpose " Minho?" " ummm same with Winston" you felt guilty but not mad at your friends " Clint?" " I say into the maze but if she survives punishment after" " ok last but not least Gally?" You heard him scoffed " well at slinthead should just get... punishments" you snapped your head up and looked at him surprised but that still means you Get thrown into the maze because 2 to 4 votes.

Skip time at maze door
" As leader I banish y/n for assault to another glader" Ably said holding a pole. " you don't need the poles Ably" you said turning to walk into the maze, you to face you friends that you might not see again and of course she was smiling holding Gally's arm now then the doors closes

( I'm to lazy to write what happens in the maze we all know multiple grievers and a lot of running)

Next day
You were sitting against the maze doors, your legs and body were aching. You couldn't move because your muscles clamped up stopping you from moving. You heard the maze doors opening but were to tired to move or even look. " Y/N ! are you ok?" A familiar British accent asked sounding worried " yeah I'm ok" you said back. " did you get stung? Are you injured?" He asked walking towards you kneeling where you sat. " no I'm just tired and my muscles are clamped up" " oh that's good and here let me take you to the Medjacks" " thanks Newt that would be great" then Newt picked you up in bridal style and walked to the medjacks. You guys arrived at the medjacks and Newt later you down gently onto the bed. " hi Clint" you said turning your head to see his eyes widen " y-your alive how?" You just smiled " I'll tell you when I wake up I'm tired and sore" you say closing you eyes soon drifting into a heavy sleep.

You wake up to feeling water poured onto you " WAKE UP Y/N!!!" A cheerful voice which you know to well chuck , again with one of he's daily pranks and you get up running after him that's when your legs gave into sending you falling down the stairs before to large hands grab your waist stopping you. " you need to be careful" Gally said pulling you up and once again your legs gave in you put your hands on Gally's chest to steady yourself. " maybe I should take it easy" " yeah maybe you should" he said throwing you over he's shoulder as he walked you to your hammock placing you down before walking away. It's 2 hours since then and you just sat there bored out of your mind that's when you heard someone scream.

Sorry these one is so long but hope you enjoy 💞

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