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( I seriously don't know what to call this imagine so help me please and also these imagine book is only going up to 100 parts)

You groan sitting up holding your head. That's when you remembered what happened. You ran into the maze after Jackson and Ellie. You guys were running until you got knocked out by a griever.
" Jackson! Ellie!" You yelled walking around the corner, seeing there little bodies limp. " no NO!" You screamed running over to them. " Jackson Ellie wake up... come on wake up!" You screamed cradling them, tears streaming down your face. You sat there for a while screaming and crying.

Your heart aches as you put them under some vines with flowers. " I'm so sorry" you whispered crying. You got up and started walking off into the night.

Today was hot the sun burned my skin. I was sweating and was dehydrated.

Newt's POV

We all stood waiting nervously for Thomas and Minho to get back. They ran around the corner making everyone cheer.
" hey did you guys find anything new?" Chuck asked. " nope the usual" Thomas replied patting Chuck on the shoulder.
" oh well we..." I stopped staring into the maze. " what are you..." Thomas's eyes widen. There was a girl walking past our entrance. She was walking slowly before dropping to the ground.
" Minho go and get her" Alby ordered and Minho nodded running over to get her. He picked her up and brought her to us. He laid her down in the grass. " she's dehydrated and looks like she's been through war in there" Minho exclaimed pointing to her cuts and bruises.

" is she strung?" Gally questioned, crossing his arms and frowning.

" nope not a single griever string" Thomas said in a confused tone of voice. She slowly fluttered her eyes open making us all step back in fear but she just looks at us. She doesn't even try to ran. I kneeled down beside her to see if she will try to move away but she doesn't she's looks too tired to care.
" she's pregnant?" Chuck questioned " what she can't be pregnant " I said back shaking my head. That's until I look at her stomach, she has a bump. " she is.. what do we do?" I said looking at Alby. He stands there for a second " Gally get her and bring her to the medjacks" Gally nodded carefully picking her up.

Couple hours later

We all sat at the table eating dinner. " so how was she Gally?" I asked putting a piece of steak in my mouth. " she's good but turned out she is 5 months pregnant" Gally said putting a spoonful of food in his mouth. I chocked in the water i was drinking, coughing slightly after. " 5 months?" I said in disbelief that she could of survived that long in the maze. I looked at Minho he had the same expression on his face. That's when she walked in with Ably. He stopped,  muttered something to her and she nodded looking over at us. She looked scared walked out of the kitchen but was walked back in by Ably pointing to us. She took a breath and started making her way over to us. " hey Ainsley how are you feeling?" Gally asked her, she smiled " better than before" she looked at Minho " thank you" he smiled " your welcome" then she looked at me and Thomas " she thank you too for seeing me before I walked past" we both nodded " no problem" we said unison making her giggle. We all laughed and got to know each other.

*Couple of weeks later*
I was sitting watching Gally and others. Being pregnant isn't easy so I can't do anything really only help the medjacks here and there. And pick up the bucket of weeds if it's not in the floor.
" hey Indiana" Thomas said walking up to me. I stood up with my knitting. " hey Thomas how's the run?" He shook he's head " the usual" he hugged my and I dropped the knitting. I groaned in annoyance " you'll have to get that" I huffed. He chuckled letting go. " here" I laughed " thanks Thomas... should you be in the map room?" I questioned. " oh yeah but are you ok?" I rolled my eyes. " Thomas I'll be fine" and by that we both said goodbye.
I started to walk over to Newt each step hurt. " Indiana where are you going?" Gally asked from where he was. " going to see Newt" I yelled back not stopping. " ok be careful" he yelled back and I laughed putting a thumbs up. I stopped and leaned against the fence to the slicers. " Indie are you ok?" Chuck asked walking out of the slicers. I frowned " what are you doing in there?" I asked knowing he was a Slopper. " giving Winston a new butcher knife but anyway are you ok" he asked again. " yeah I'm fine just being pregnant is a workout" I answered back. " where are you going then?" He asked putting down the pans for Winston. " too Newt" I said started walking off. He ran up beside me. " I'm coming with you" he said making me laugh.

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