05. Strange Seas (Revised)

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My eyes open themselves slowly before going wide upon realizing that everything hadn't just been a bad dream. Looking out the small window, the sky is still dark, allowing me to assume that it's sometime early in the morning. Swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I almost scream aloud at the horrific sight of a rat scurrying in between my legs towards a hole in the wall. This didn't help with the feeling of nausea I could already feel from being tossed and turned by the ship.

Standing from the bed quietly my legs carry me towards the door which, to my surprise, is unlocked. Turning the doorknob ever so carefully and quietly, I slip outside into the hallway. Surely if any of the crew members were to catch me I'd be taken to Captain Wolfe without hesitation. I stop and listen to hear if there's any movement within the vessel, but can't hear anything that should alarm me. My boots squeak with each step I take, causing me to step in small patterns until I reach stairs that should take me to the main deck.

The crisp, cold air caresses my face before sending a shiver down my spine. Each time I exhale, I watch as my breath forms before me. Feeling adventurous, I begin to walk towards the front of the ship. With each deep breath I take all I can smell is the salt of the ocean; I finally understand what my Father was talking about. Leaning against the front railing of the ship, half of my body is practically hanging off as I watch the raging waves below me. I can't help myself as I watch the stars twinkle in the clear sky while staring off at the endless ocean There's no sight of anything that remotely looks like land, which means no stops anytime soon.

"It would be a shame if you were to fall off," The gruff voice of Captain Wolfe states as I turn around quickly. My eyes narrow themselves in every direction for he can not be seen, only his voice heard. "I hear the sharks are terribly hungry at night."

My legs carry me forwards across the deck only to feel a hand grab onto my shoulder. My breath catches in my throat as I turn around quickly, my formed breaths bouncing off his chest. My eyes widen as I'm face to face with the pistols hanging from the sash across his chest. I can't help but feel intimidated by his presence. Backing away from him, strands of his blonde hair flow in the breeze underneath his hood.

"I'm not afraid of you," I lie while crossing my arms in defiance. "I've seen hounds scarier then you."

He suddenly unsheathes his cutlass before lightly pressing the tip to my chest. My breaths quicken as I try to anticipate his next move. I swallow roughly as the cutlass now moves up to my neck. "Think carefully the next time you open your mouth," he growls before pulling the blade away from me and back into its holder.

I'm shaking in my boots from both fear and the cold. He now walks forward, even closer to me. "Are you cold, or that stricken with fear?" He whispers as I can see the smirk appearing on his face. My eyes don't dare to look upon his face; he would be able to see the fear in my eyes. Being strong is my only defense against him.

"I'm fine," I lie through chattering teeth. "I don't need your help."

He chuckles in his throat, causing a chill to crawl down my spine. "I wasn't offering it," he replies smoothly.

I look down at my boots and the wooden floorboards before he starts to walk past and away from me. Grabbing a sort of leather jacket off of a barrel, he returns and holds it out to me. My eyebrows knit together in confusion as I hesitantly take it from him. He doesn't stay a minute later as he turns back around and walks into what I imagine to be the Captain's Quarters. What an odd man, I think to myself.

Once I realize he won't be making a reappearance on deck, I slip my arms into the leather jacket, huddling myself inside. Was it a mere convenience he was out on deck the same time I decided to be, or could he have possibly known that I had left my room? I couldn't answer this, but decided it would be best if I returned to my cabin.

     My feet move as quietly as possible as I make my way down the stairs that lead to the cabins. Once I've reached mine, I opened the door and close it ever so carefully behind me. The room seems to be even colder since when I left it. My eyes drooping with exhaustion, I don't take off the jacket and climb between the sheets.

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