Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Wedding

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I sit inside the carriage outside of the Church for as long as I can, dreading walking down the aisle of doom. Realizing I cannot be late for my own wedding and that I cannot hide from this problem forever, I slowly get out of the carriage. Many townspeople stare and gasp as they see me enter the Church. From what I can see from the back windows of the Church, every seat is filled with townspeople. I clutch the bouquet of blood red roses in my hand to try and relieve the stress and fear, but it doesn't do me much good.

Before I know it, the wedding march is being played and the townspeople all stand like a wall, ready to see their soon to be Queen. My mind races as two men open the giant back doors of the Church. I place the bouquet in both my hands, and put on the most fake smile I can produce as I begin to walk down the very long aisle.

I shake in my heeled shoes as I walk. Looking away from the crowds of townspeople gasping at the sight of their soon to be Queen, I see Prince Adam standing at the alter. His smile almost seems real as I slowly approach him. He is dressed in a suit bearing his honorary medals and a cutlass hanging from his belt. To really sell that we are in love, I force my eyes to begin to tear.

Once I finally reach the alter, I hand my bouquet to Sally, the maid, who I can tell has been crying by her puffy, red eyes. I place my hands onto Prince Adams and the ceremony begins.

"Dearly beloved. We gather here today to join the union of Prince Adam Wolfe and Kate Rosa Maria." The Priest begins.

I stare into Prince Adams eyes with fake passion and feeling, but it seems that the townspeople are falling for our trap, because they all swoon and sigh.

"Is there anyone who objects the union of these two?" The Priest asks the crowd.

At that same moment, the two gigantic back doors of the Church burst open. Captain Wolfe walks in along with his crew, pistols and cutlasses with them.

"I object!" Yells Captain Wolfe.

My eyes truly do now tear with joy as I see him make his way towards the alter. He winks at me as he makes his way down the aisle.

"You little viper." Prince Adam hisses at me in a low voice.

I stare back into his eyes with total fear as he grabs onto both of my shoulders, shaking me back and forth. "How could you do this? You cheater! You liar!" He screams as he does these actions.

"Adam, stop." Captain Wolfe's demanding voice growls.

To my surprise, as I look at Prince Adam's eyes, I'm shocked to see tears begin to form in them. But those tears of sadness soon turn to tears of hatred. Before I know it, his arm is around my neck, and I am now facing the crowd of shocked and confused townspeople.

"You thought I would be so easily fooled." Prince Adam growls in my ear as I stare at Captain Wolfe. "Too bad I came prepared."

"Let her go." Captain Wolfe orders now stepping one foot onto the alter.

"Not so fast, Eric!" Prince Adam yells in a devilish tone, and before I know it, I hear the sounds of a cutlass being ripped from its holder. The coldness of the blade gingerly touches my neck as my once tears of joy turn to tears of fear. The blade is pressed slowly into my neck, not breaking the skin yet.

"If I cannot have her as my wife to rule with me, then no one will!" Screams Prince Adam to Captain Wolfe.

Captain Wolfe stares at me with much remorse and passion, but I only stare back with fear and sorrow. Many townspeople now get to their feet. Women scream in fear for me, while most townspeople hurry out the Church doors. In a matter of minutes I go from being the bride of England, to the bride of death.

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