Chapter Twenty-Four: Innocently Arrested

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     My room resides right besides next to Captain Wolfe's. They're connected by a singular door, which I choose to leave unlocked. There's hardly a change in scenery, except that there is no longer longer a balcony and French doors; large, narrow windows replace that feature. I slipped on the provided nightgown and crawled in between the soft sheets, blowing out the candles before becoming too comfortable. My mind is restless as it replays every single moment from earlier. Staring up at the ceiling, I yearn for the knowledge of the future. What else can possibly happen?

     Terrible nightmares infiltrate my dreams, causing me to wake up multiple times during the night. I could feel the sweat dripping from my forehead and back as I sat up, running my hands through my damp hair. After finally gaining the gumption to try and sleep once more, I end up screaming myself awake. Captain Wolfe rushes in through the conjoining door, his chest quickly rising and falling before his shoulders seem to fall in security.

     "I-I'm sorry," I manage to squeak out as he slowly walks towards the bed. "I didn't mean to wake you."

     "It's not your fault," he whispers with a grovel to his words while sitting at the bottom of the bed. "I've been having them, too."

     I pull my knees to my chest, sitting there while admiring Captain Wolfe in the glow of the moonlight. His face is chiseled to the perfect shape, something I had never taken notice of before. He stares out the window with no emotion to his features; deep in thought.

     "As long as you're okay," he suddenly says while standing from the bed. "I'll let you rest."

     "No," I retort quickly as his head snaps back to look at me. "Can you stay until I fall asleep?"

     He stands still for a moment, staring at me before walking over to the corner of the room. He lifts one of the sitting chairs and places it beside the bed. I swiftly lay my head back down upon the pillow as he sits in the chair, taking my hand gently into his own. I place his hand between my face and the pillow, nuzzling into it. Just his touch alone can send my heartbeat into a regular pattern and the sense of security to override my emotions. His breathing is heavy as my mind recognizes it's pattern.

• • •

     I slowly wake up and look to my side; Captain Wolfe is no where to be found. Those hours of consistent sleep made me feel like a new person. I hoped that Captain Wolfe was able to finally rest as well, but doubt he did.

     Standing from the bed, my feet landed on the cold, hardwood floor, sending a chill up my spine. I walked silently towards the door to Captain Wolfe's room and opened it. My eyes look inside to see him still fast asleep; unmoving and silent. I walk inside the room and stand at the bottom of the bed, watching his chest move up and down slowly.

     "You aren't as quiet as you think," he whispers, causing me to jump out of shock. He rubs his eyes before sitting up in the bed. "Should we get breakfast?"

     I look down at the floor before answering, "I'm not hungry."

     "You must eat something," he says with a slight sternness in his voice before his eyes turn soft with concern.

     "I don't know if I have the stomach yet to eat," I reply honestly, feeling nauseousness spread through me like wildfire.

     Captain Wolfe only sighs, having no argument to offer with my statement. "Then how about we walk around town for awhile," he suggests with a slight grin. "We could both use some fresh air."

     "That sounds like a good idea," I weakly smile. "A new environment is best for both of us."

     The walk through the palace is a silent one. Staff seem to stare at Captain Wolfe hatefully as he passes by; trying his best to ignore their scornful eyes. I hadn't even noticed that he was no longer in fancy clothing, but back to his same blouse and pants from the ship.

     "Back to being a pirate, eh?" I question. "You must be feeling a little bit better."

     "Of course," Captain Wolfe replies,
surprised. "A bloody suit is not an outfit you'd want to wear around frightened townspeople," he whispers smoothly as small smile appears on his lips.

     "Fair point," I respond as we walk out into the bright sunlight.

(currently rewriting this chapter for whatever reason 😂)

Most of the townspeople were at the celebration last night. Even they give us looks of confusion and disgust. I hope with all my soul that Captain Wolfe doesn't let it get to him.

"When will the talk of kingship be finalized?" I ask as we walk down the cobble stone street. Most people are not out today, you can't really blame them.

"I suppose whenever my Brother wishes to speak of it." Captain Wolfe answers.

"Are we to stay here until then?"

"I would think we would have to." Responds Captain Wolfe after a moment of silence. "But we'll be back on the sea soon if I have anything to say about it."

I nod. "How about we go down to the docks? Smell the salt water again." I suggest, smiling up at him.

"That sounds like something I need right about now." He agrees as I link my arm through his.

Once we finally reach the dock, the smell of salt water seems to calm Captain Wolfe more than I thought it would.

The time with him is peaceful, and seems like it could never be disturbed. We sit on the wall, and dangle our feet over the edge. Captain Wolfe's ship can be seen further down.

The moment of peace is interrupted when the sounds of boots marching our way can be heard.

"Excuse me, Prince Eric." A deep voice says behind us.

Captain Wolfe stands to his feet, but I stay seated on the wall. "Yes?" He asks.

"I'm afraid you are under arrest." The soldier says, raising his arm, as two other men grab onto each of Captain Wolfe's arms.

"What for?" Demands Captain Wolfe.

"Prince Adam has declared treason against you for the actions of your accomplice in the killing of the King." The solider says.

I now stand to my feet. "Did these orders come straight from Prince Adam?" I ask.

"Indeed, Ma'am." The soldier replies.

Shackles are placed on Captain Wolfe's arms and legs as I stare in horror at the scene. Captain Wolfe does not seem surprised, nor disturbed, at the actions of the men.

"I shall go speak with him." I say to Captain Wolfe, fighting back tears.

"No. Don't you dar-" Begins Captain Wolfe.

"You cannot stop me." I say, watching as the men begin to pull on the chain connecting the shackles on Captain Wolfe's arms to get him to move. Their actions do not work, for Captain Wolfe is still in the same spot.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be just fine." He says softly. I can tell he must see the fear and sorrow in my eyes and the tears beginning to form in them.

The men pull harder on the chain connecting the two shackles on Captain Wolfe's arms.

"If talking doesn't solve anything, I'll get help." I whisper, cupping his face in my hands quickly.

He simply nods, and is drug away by the men.

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