Chapter Eighteen: Pirates and Princes and Kings

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Days have passed, but my thoughts stay the same. The thoughts of deceiving a man, who can surely put me to my death if the truth was told, chills me to the bone.

The news of land being spotted ahead draws everyone to the main deck like a bee to honey.

The ship follows a river, all the way up to London, as I'm told. London is like nothing I've ever laid eyes on before. So many people. So many places. This is nothing like Panama. Half of my body is practically hanging off the ship as I look at my new home for a couple of weeks.

The ship finally docks, and I can see the people glancing with confusion and with curiosity. The trees and mountains I'm used to are not what can be seen in front of me. Buildings and streets can be seen as far as the eye can see. Guards are stationed at the bottom of the plank, waiting for us to exit the ship.

I jump when I feel Captain Wolfe's hand clasp my shoulder. "Ready?" He asks.

"As I'll ever be." I answer as he leads me down the ramp and into a new world.

The guards stand there as we step foot on the cobble stone streets. I notice right away the women in their fancy gowns and shoes whispering to one another.

"Hm." Captain Wolfe says, noticing the women's reactions as well. I look up at him with question. "Your clothes just can not do here, can they?" He asks.

"I suppose not." I say, looking at the clothes I am currently wearing. I do not mind the outfit I wear at the current time, but I'm sure the King and Prince will.

"Come on." He says, leading me into a gown shop.

"What can I do for you?" The woman behind the counter asks.

"We need an elegant gown." Captain Wolfe says looking down at me. I nod my head in agreement.

My eyes dart to a green gown on display. I walk over and stare at it with admiration. It is made of fine material and is exactly my size. The gown has green ruffles on the chest and arms, and goes down to the ground.

"Perfect." Captain Wolfe says from behind me.

The woman quickly pushes me into a dressing room, and helps me with the gown. Since I have not been home with my Mother and her need for me to be in very high shoes, when the woman slips on the high heels, I almost fall over.

"You look beautiful!" She squeals as she opens the curtain.

I notice Captain Wolfe stare, and as he does, a grin slips onto his face. I twirl and laugh in the dress as I look into the mirror. I haven't felt this beautiful in a long time.

"Indeed you do look most beautiful." He says, walking over to me.

Captain Wolfe pays the woman, and we leave the store. The women who whispered at me before, now gasp at the gown I am wearing.

"Now, when we get to the Palace, just remember I'll do most of the talking." He says, waving down a carriage for us to ride in.

"Do I smile? Do I wave? Do I smile and wave?" I ask nervously.

"Smile." He says, opening the carriage door for me.

Once we are both inside, and Captain Wolfe has told the driver out destination, I place my head on his shoulder.

"Don't expect this to go perfectly, I'm not very good at making people like me." I say, wishing I could stay like this forever.

"You made me like you." Captain Wolfe says, grabbing my hand and holding it in his.

"That's different, I can speak my mind to you, but defiantly not to someone who can send me to the gallows." I respond with a slight shiver at the thought of being hanged.

Captain Wolfe laughs for a moment, but then kisses my forehead. "I promise, all will go well."

"I hope your right, for both of our sakes." I say.

The carriage stops in front of the two giant gates. A guard walks over, and by the looks of it, almost has a heart attack.

"By Gorge, is that truly you, Eric?" The guard asks, shaking in his boots.

"Aye. Now, do the lady and I a favor, and open the gates please." Captain Wolfe says. The guard does what he is told straight away.

"Your true name is Eric?" I ask him with a smile.

"Indeed it is." Captain Wolfe answers.

I stare up at Captain Wolfe for some last minute support, and he shoots me a wink. My heart begins to pound widely as the giant gates begin to open.

We are lead by a good number of guards into the the Palace itself. A grand golden chandler is hung in the middle the two great stair cases. The Palace itself could fit inside an entire city in Panama. Maids and other staff members gasp at the sight of their long lost Prince. I shake and breath rapidly, but quietly, as we enter the throne room.

The King and Prince are seated in their thrones, but both stand once we enter. We are presented in front of the two, and my mind fuzzes with fear.

"Eric? Is that you?" The older man, who I assume is the King himself, asks Captain Wolfe.

"Indeed it tis, Father." Captain Wolfe answers, and looks over to me. I return his gaze for a moment, but then turn my attention to the King and Prince.

The King walks down and embraces his son, Captain Wolfe, in a hug. But I notice the Prince walk down and stand in front of me.

My heart pounds in my chest as the Prince begins to speak. "Hello. I am Prince Adam Wolfe." He says, picking up my hand and kissing the top of it.

"Kate Rosa Maria. Daughter of the Governor of Panama." I respond, curtsying to the Prince.

I can hear the sounds of the King and Captain Wolfe talking and jesting with each other.

"You are most beautiful indeed." Prince Adam says with a smile to me.

I feel my cheeks turn hot, and I hide my face with a fan the woman gave me at the gown store.

"Brother." Prince Adam says as he hugs Captain Wolfe briefly. "You are finally home."

The King bellows for the guards to listen, this makes me jump out of my skin. "All of you, spread the word, tonight we shall have a ball and a feast due to my sons return! All townspeople are invited! Go, quickly, and spread this news!" The guards do as they are commanded and leave the throne room, shutting the door once they are all out of the throne room.

"Who is this?" The King asks Captain Wolfe as he makes his way over in front of me.

"I am Kate Rosa Maria. Daughter of the Governor of Panama." I respond, curtsying to him as well.

"She wished to meet the King and Prince to speak of a proposition from Panama. I was already on my way, so I brought her along." Captain Wolfe speaks up.

"Is that so." The King says, staring at me as if he was trying to read my soul.

He then gives me a soft smile, "You may stay here in the Palace in the mean time, until we are able to discuss further plans."

"Thank you, your majesty." I said returning his smile.

"Miss Kate." Prince Adam pipes up and now stands in front of me. To my surprise, he grabs both my hands.

"Would you accompany me to the ball tonight?" He asks, staring into my eyes with such gentleness.

"I shall." I say, returning the same gentleness to him.

Captain Wolfe then coughs. "I will show Miss Kate where she will be staying." He says. "She may stay in my old room, and I will stay in one of the guest rooms."

"Yes, very good plan son." The King says as himself, still quite in shock, and Prince Adam rerun to their thrones.

I bow before the two, and then allow Captain Wolfe to escort me out of the throne room.

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