06. Land and Liquor (Revised)

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The weather was luckily in our favor as we sailed. For about three days the ship purged on before land was spotted. The joyful shouting of the crew could even be heard all the way down into my cabin. Without thinking of the risk, my legs rush up the wooden steps and onto deck to see what caused all the commotion. Slightly out of breath, I can hear the rapid beating of my heart within my ears as most crew members cling to the railing. My body practically hangs off the ship in order to see what has captivated everyone's attention. Vigorous waves crash upon the beautiful sandy shore as a quaint town resides in the distance. I contemplate jumping now and swimming to shore, but I'd probably be killed before I ever made it. Salty sweat forms on my brow and top lip, reminding me that I am still wearing the coat Captain Wolfe in the extreme heat. Colorful palm trees sway in the bright sunlight as natives can be seen walking about the town. Some pause on their travels to watch the ship dock. My legs start to run towards where the plank is to be set until I feel someone latch themselves onto my arm. My head wildly turns to face whoever it may be as anger flares in my eyes. I'm met with the deathly stare of Captain Wolfe before trying my hardest to release my arm from his grasp. However, his fingers are locked tightly around it, not allowing me to take a step further away from him.

After glaring down upon me for a moment, his attention shifts towards the crew. They all stand as straight as an arrow, some quickly giving me a glance. Captain Wolfe's voice bellows for all to hear, causing me to jump within his grasp. "Listen up! We dock for two days in order to refill our supplies. I expect all of you back aboard no later then dawn on the second day. If you fail to, the ship waits for no one." The crew yells out in agreement before making their way quickly down the ramp. It's as though they've missed the feeling of dry land as much as I have. My arm is still held captive by Captain Wolfe, not allowing me to join in their celebration. With my hair ratted and oily, I'm in no mood to play any sort of games. He doesn't expect me to stay on this vessel, does he? He certainly wouldn't leave me here... would he?

"While we're on shore, you will not leave my side. Is that clear?" He asks while placing an arm roughly around my shoulder. In resistance, I shake off his arm and break free of his grasp. Standing there as though I am a statue, his stance stiffens as well. His voice deepens and growls in response to my actions; "Try anything, and it might be the last thing you ever do."

He extends his arm--almost gentlemanly--as a sign for me to walk down the plank first. Summoning some sort of courage and strength, I carefully travel down the rickety board of wood. Being off that ship, though it may only be for a short time, is the best feeling in the world. I close my eyes as the warm rays of sunshine caress my face. The glistening sand is almost blinding to look upon, reflecting white, sharp rays of light.

"I'm glad the jacket fits," remarks Captain Wolfe huskily from behind. I glance over my shoulder at him. Realizing I'm not going to respond, he pulls a tiny flask from his sash and takes a drink. Repulsed by the thought of liquor, my head snaps back around. He chuckles lightly at my action, taking enjoyment from my displeasure. "I believe it might even suit you."

"Nothing from a pirate will ever suit me."

"Not yet."

My teeth grind themselves to keep me from losing my temper. The sound of liquid being swished around in it's container reaches my ears, taunting me. I was never one to enjoy such a foul drink. Father did at times, even though mother despised it being within the household. The crew members have dispersed and disappeared from sight, going their own way in order to find some way to enjoy the few hours of freedom they possess. Admiring the small town, my eyes look inside windows of shops. Homes line the streets along with small businesses and shops. Walking past a bar called Plunder's Revenge, I hold my breath in order to escape the foul stench of alcohol and smoke coming from inside.

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