14. Books of the World (Revised)

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The night in the brig is damp and terribly cold. Every few minutes my body shakes from shivering uncontrollably as goosebumps cover my entire body like a blanket. I want nothing more then to be in my cabin, safe and warm. Everything is dark besides the illuminating moonlight.

"Miss Kate?" Mister Joes voice squeaks as I now sit upright on the wooden floor. "Are you awake?"

"Mr. Jo?" I call out quietly as the familiar sounds of creaking steps reaches my ears. "Do be careful, it's very dark."

"Aye," his tone almost sounds a bit sarcastic. He is now in full view, a lantern attached to his side and something else in his right hand. "It's quite late, Miss Kate."

"As if I could sleep down here," I respond, receiving a slight chuckle from Mister Joe. "What's the news?"

He merely laughs before handing me a bun of bread through the iron bars. I devour it, forgetting all manners and allowing instinct to take over. Besides, no one appreciates manners on this vessel anyway. I can hear myself chewing while waiting for Mister Joe to speak.

"We aren't going to have to worry about him for some time, Miss Kate."

"Why? What's happened to him?" I ask before taking another bite out of the bun.

"Captain Wolfe gave him a very, very hard time for what he had done to you, Miss," Mr. Joe replies before leaning the left half of his body against the iron bars.

"What kind of hard time, Mr. Joe?" I inquire with a hint of amusement in my tone. "He got what he deserved, whatever it was."

"They fought with swords for some time before Captain Wolfe beat him. When they were dueling, Captain caused Marcos sword to fly right off the ship! Being the honest gentleman Captain Wolfe is, he switched to bare fist fighting and won after Marco collapsed unconscious."

"What a codfish," I replied with a snicker before Mister Joe erupted with laughter.

"Indeed, Miss Kate, indeed."

"I suppose the Captain only saved me due to needing me alive to carry out their little scheme, right?" I question while finishing the bun of bread. "Of course, right."

"I'm not too sure about that, Miss Kate. Mr. Joe replies with a hint of blush upon his cheeks. "I think you're changing him into a different man, a better man."

I scoffed at his words, causing a look of confusion to form on his face. "I highly doubt that, Mister Joe."

The man only shrugs before searching his pockets rapidly, most likely looking for a key. "I think it's time we got you out of here."

"Yes, please!"

I stare at the man with anticipation of finally being free of this cage. He fiddles for a few moments, checking his pockets, shoes, and even under his hat. "I'm terribly sorry, Miss Kate, but I believe the key is lost."

"L-Lost?" I repeat before forming a plan in my head. "I think I have an idea."

"What do you need?"

"I need a fishing hook, any kind will do."

"I'll go get that for you right away!" He states before running up the creaky steps and out of sight.

A couple minutes later, Mr. Jo returns with a single fishing hook. "Will this do?" He asks with a pleasant smile.

I examined it closely as he hands it to me through the cell bars. "This should be perfect," I reply with an equally beaming smile.

Going to work, I twist and turn the hook until it was as straight as an arrow. I turn the lock through the bars so it halfway facing me and shove the little hook inside. Mr. Joe watches with curious eyes as I continue my attempt to pick the lock.

"You seem to know what you're doing," he states at last.

"Well, when you have a little brother who takes all your stuff and locks it in his chest, it becomes a life necessity to know how pick locks in order to get your stuff back," I explain to which he nods his head.

After a while of moving the hook from side to side in the lock, it finally pops open and falls to the floor with a thud. I pushed the cell door open, and take a deep breath. It felt wonderful to know I wasn't confined to that tiny space anymore.

"Good to have you back with us, Miss Kate," Mr. Joe winks before we walk up the stairs. "Perhaps you should check on the Captain."

"How did I know you were going to suggest that," I smile. "Perhaps I will."

"Last I saw him, he was in his study," Mister Joe replies. "Might want to check there first."

As we reach the top of the deck, I can feel the night air caress my face. The freshness of the salty air is too good not to enjoy. I stand still, inhaling and exhaling a few times.

"Thank you for everything, Mister Joe, but I think it's time I also go thank the Captain."

"I believe that would be wise," Mister Joe replied with a kind smile before motioning to a door. "In there."

Walking up the few steps, I stand before the large door. The mosaic window is lit up by a light from the inside, showering my face in an array of colors. I knock on the door lightly, and then a little harder, just to make sure he heard me.

"Come in," he calls from inside.

Reaching down to the door handle, I turn it slowly before properly opening the door. I shut it behind me before standing quite flabbergasted over how beautiful the study is. It contains maps, an endless amount of books, and a gigantic globe.

"Is something wrong?" Captain Wolfe asks, snapping me out of my daze.

I stare at him for a moment. "It's beautiful."

"Thank you," he seems genuinely pleased about my interest. "It holds many wonders."

"I don't doubt it," I reply while walking over next to him. Out of curiosity, I watch as he plots dots upon the map. His eyes are focused as he uses an odd looking tool to estimate a distance.

"I wanted to thank you...." Trailing off, his eyes look from the map and meet my own. The lantern light almost shows a flame within them that I had never noticed before.

"For what?" He questions, an eyebrow slightly raised.

"You could have easily went along with what Marco was doing to me, but you didn't, and for that I thank you."

His eyes are searching my own, for what I do not know. "I did what I had to," he replies softly, not leaving my gaze for a moment.

"Yes, but I'm not exactly..."

The creases of his mouth curve upwards. "You're welcome."

I can't help but stare into his eyes. There's something about him that I don't know, and I want to figure it out. Realizing just how long I've been staring, my gaze returns to the map. My fingers trace the map around the large table, but then turn all my attention toward the books. Shelves upon shelves of books reside on the walls.

"You must have all the books in the world," I state in awe before taking a selected few from the shelves.

"Not quite," he chuckled while continuing to plot upon his map. "Most were my fathers, but I've also picked up a few on my voyages."

Pulling Romeo and Juliet out from the shelf, I place it upon my pile. I move the books next to the bear skinned chair and sit down. The chair had to be the most comfortable thing since I had been subjected to the cold floorboards. Between the dimly lit lanterns and beyond comfortable chair, I enter a state of pure relaxation and begin to read. As long as I'm away from Captain Marcos grasp. I know that I am well protected, of at least I hope.

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