Chapter Twenty-Eight: Preparing For The Wedding

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The dreams I have that night are unbearable. Several times I wake up screaming or shaking due to the dreams of being held captive in the Palace by Prince Adam or hearing the news of Captain Wolfe's death. Only this time, Captain Wolfe is not there to comfort me.

The rays of sun shine awaken me from my only peaceful slumber of the night. The rays blind me as I slowly open my eyes. Realization of what today holds in store for me enters my mind as soon as my feet touch the wood floor.

After I clean myself up, and walk back into my room, I feel my heart stop for a moment. A simple, yet elegant, wedding dress lays upon my bed. Slight shaking takes over my body as I stare at the bouquet of blood red roses laying across the dress. My breathing increases rapidly, and I soon begin to stumble backwards. Fear overtakes my body at last.

I look out the windows, and stare at the busy streets below. Men, women, and children can be seen wearing their finest attire due to the wedding which will be taking place in an hour.

In one hour, I will be married to a Prince. In one hour, I will be the Queen of England. In one hour, I will be the wife of Adam Wolfe, not Eric Wolfe.

My heart shutters with fear as a knock on my door is heard.

"Who is it?" I call out through ragged breaths.

"Sally, the maid. I was sent to help you with your dress." She squeaks from behind the other side of the door.

I open the door, and look at the curtsying woman smiling weakly up at me. I can't help but return a grin to her.

"Are you excited?" The maid asks quietly as she tightens my corset. "Our new Queen." She whispers.

I try to contain the outburst of tears which wish to flood out of my eyes. "Thrilled." I whisper in response.

"We haven't had a Queen since Queen Mary disappeared." The maid whispers, tightening the laces even.

"Disappeared?" I ask with question.

"Yes. No one has seen or heard of her in about thirty years." The maid responds. "We all assume she is deceased."

My heart begins beating so loud I'm surprised the maid cannot hear it. "That's unfortunate." I whisper with great fear in my voice.

"Indeed, Miss. But that will all change now that you are here." She says with excitement in her tone.

I dare not agree, for I know in my heart that Captain Wolfe will take me far, far away from this place very soon. At least, I hope so.

The maid slips the wedding dress smoothly over my head. It fits like a glove, but I do not feel beautiful in it. I feel trapped and constrained in this dress.

"The finest jewels for our Queen." The maid whispers as she takes a velvet box from the dresser and opens it to reveal a diamond crown. My heart stops at the sight of the diamonds shining in the sunlight.

The maid places the crown softly upon my red hair, and places a diamond necklace around my neck. The jewels feel like heavy weights on my neck and head.

"You look beautiful, Madam." The maid says, as she turns me around to look in the mirror. I stare at myself in horror and fear, but force a convincible smile on my face.

"I must go get ready myself, Miss. Please excuse me." The maid says as she leaves my room, leaving me with my thoughts.

I look over at the grandfather clock. In about ten minutes, I'll be walking down the aisle to my doom.

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