Chapter Twenty-Three: Realization

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The raging screams of women. The shuffling sounds of shoes. That is all I hear as I wait at the top of the stairs, holding the pistol in hand. Captain Wolfe then stares up at me, dazed and confused. His stare tells me he can not bear what's in front of him alone. I rush down the stairs dropping the pistol and almost tripping over my shoes that lay at the bottom. I peer slowly over one of Captain Wolfe's shoulders.

I understand now why the women screamed in agony, and why many stepped away. The corpse lie on his stomach, a puddle of blood circling him.

The King is dead.

"You." Prince Adam yells, walking fast towards the scene. "This is your fault!" He shouts at Captain Wolfe.

Captain Wolfe just stares at his Brother without saying a word.

"You knew that man, don't deny it!" Prince Adam yells, pointing his index finger and clutching the rest of his fingers into a fist.

"Indeed, I had known that man." Captain Wolfe responds.

Prince Adam shakes with rage. Before anyone could react, he pulls out his cutlass and points the tip towards Captain Wolfe.

"No!" I shout and push my way in front of Captain Wolfe.

Prince Adam's eyes become full of confusion, but his cutlass slowly drops.

"Prince Adam, do you truly want three deaths in one day?" I ask softly.

His eyes change from hardness, to compassion in a minute to me, but when they return his Brother's gaze, they fill back with hatred.

"Do not believe this changes anything, Brother." Threatens Prince Adam, "I may be younger, but I can still declare treason, even against you!"

Captain Wolfe's body stiffens as he watches his Brother take one last look at the corpse separating them. Prince Adam then turns around, and leaves the scene.

"What do we do?" I whisper.

"You need to go back to your room. Stay there until I tell you it's okay to come out." Captain Wolfe orders while pushing me out of the throne room. I look back at him as he shuts the doors containing the massacre.

I sit on the steps and wait, leaning my head against the flowered wallpaper. The townspeople begin walking out of the throne room looking utterly shocked and traumatized. Some crying, and some just looking like walking corpses themselves. My mind thinks of everything that has happened to me. Being taken from my family, meeting Captain Wolfe, almost being killed on several occasions, but then being in the Palace of England.

Captain Wolfe finally exits the throne rooms, looking around until he spots me.

"I should have known you wouldn't have listened." He teases walking over to me.

I look at his face with a blurred expression due to my tears. He kneels on the stair in front of me and looks up at me with compassion, as from what I can see through my tears. I finally lose all self control. The tears roll down my face rapidly as I feel by body being lifted off the ground. The realization of the day has finally sunk in.

"You're safe now, you have no need to cry anymore." Whispers Captain Wolfe in my ear as I cry into his shoulder, my arms wrapped around his neck.

"But-But." I begin, unable to create full sentences. "He'll have you hanged- for treason."

"No one can take me alive away from you." Captain Wolfe whispers.

I look up at his facial expression which shows pure shock, until I look in front of us at the door on the floor leading into his old room.

"Did you do this?" He asks completely befuddled.

I nod. "It's a long story."

He just laughs and sets me on the edge of the bed. As I sit up, I dangle my feet. Captain Wolfe joins next to me. I wipe my tears away and see him clearly at last. "You're hurt." I say, touching his face.

"It's nothing serious." He says.

My heart sinks as reality sets in even more. "What are we going to do?" I whisper.

"I don't know." He whispers sorrowfully.

"England needs a King now." I say as I look up at him. "And you are next in line."

"I already told you, that is not the life I want." He responds quickly.

"But think about England! Think about all those scared people, worrying about where their country will go." I say quickly.

"That isn't my concern. My Brother knows more of living a royal life than I ever will. He will take over once we leave." He says, looking away from me.

"But, it's your duty as next in line!" I say, trying not to yell. "I left my country on a journey to go meet my arranged marriage husband due to an agreement between countries my Father set up! I did it for the sake of Panama and it's people." I hiss.

Captain Wolfe now looks into my eyes sternly, "Where was your ship going?" He asks.

"I wasn't allowed to know." I answer, looking down at my hands placed neatly in my lap.

"Did you wish to marry this man?" Asks Captain Wolfe softly.

"No." I say. "I was against the plan the moment I heard of it."

His arm wraps around my shoulder and pulls me closer to him until he kisses my forehead. His kiss makes all my worries and cares fade away.

He looks back over to where the door is missing. "Did you cause all that trouble by yourself?" He asks at last.

"It's a story, like I've said. I'll explain another day." I say, looking up at him with a soft smile.

"I'll find you a guest room to sleep in." He says, getting up from the bed.

"Wait." I say, as he's almost half way out of the room. He looks back at me waiting for what I was going to say. "Be careful." I whisper.

He chuckles. "Aren't I always?" He jests.

This causes a smile to appear on my face. "Don't press your luck."

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