Chapter Twenty: The Ball

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The movements of men and woman dancing is what can be seen as soon as the doors open. A loud orchestra plays waltz's as drinks are being served from golden platters. But as soon as the townspeople see their long lost Prince, they create a path for both Captain Wolfe and I to walk. Many stared in awe at Captain Wolfe, but some seemed to ignore the fact that he was even in their presence.

I grip the fan in my hand tightly to relieve the stress of seeing the King and Prince Adam stand at our arrival. My arm tightens as well looped in Captain Wolfe's. He must tell that I am feeling highly uncomfortable and scared because he looks down at me, but then faces his Father and Brother.

The King raises his hand for silence to take over the room. "Good people of London! You all must know already the reason we are having this grand ball here tonight, but I shall tell it again! My Son, and your Prince, has come home!" The King says with great triumph. The crowd of people burst out into joyous claps. Even while the King is speaking, I feel Prince Adams eyes focused on me.

The King places his hand up once more for the room to go silent. "It is with generous arms that we welcome him back on this very night! Now that he is here, let the feast and celebrations begin!" Yells the King with a gigantic smile.

The men and women go back to their dancing, drinks are now being served by the double. I've never been to such a grand and lively celebratory party in my entire life.

Prince Adam now walks down from his throne, and stands in front of Captain Wolfe and I with a friendly smile. "It would be my great honor, if you would would agree to waltz?" Prince Adam says to me.

Captain Wolfe unhooks him arm from mine, and I place my hand on top of Prince Adam's as we make our way to the center of the dance floor.

"You look very lovely tonight, Ms. Maria." Prince Adam says as we begin to move with the music of the waltz. His arm holds onto my waist, as his other hand holds onto mine. The hand holding my fan sits on his shoulder as my other hand is entwined with his.

"Thank you, you look most handsome. But, do call me, Kate." I say to him with a smile.

"Kate, of course." He says while he twirls me.

"I must warn you, I'm not very light on my feet." I tell him, but he shakes his head.

"You are a marvelous dancer. With my big feet, I'm surprised I haven't stepped on your toes yet." He jests.

I laugh at this as I gaze into his eyes. Damn, I'm beginning to feel worse and worse about deceiving him.

The waltz's finally finished and we step off the dance floor. "Would you care for a drink?" He asks flagging down a butler with a golden platter.

"Yes, please." I respond. Prince Adam grabs two glasses of wine and hands one to me.

"So, how did you come to meet my Brother?" He asks, taking a sip of of wine from his glass.

"Well, we were both trying to hail a carriage. I'm guessing for the same reason as well, to come here, and I suppose the carriage driver did not see me, but saw Prince Eric. So, your Brother asked where I was going, and when I said the Palace, he invited me to come along." I lie.

Prince Adam nods, cluelessly believing all of my lies.

"Excuse me." The voice of Captain Wolfe says. "May I steal Miss Kate from you for a dance?" He asks Prince Adam.

"Why, of course! This is your party, you should dance with every lady here!" Prince Adam remarks.

"You know as well as I that I am not the best dancer. Don't want to make a fool of myself on my first day home." Captain Wolfe says with a hearty laugh as he takes my hand and leads me into the middle of the crowd.

"How did it go?" He whispers.

"Fine, even better than fine." I respond.

"Perfect. Did he ask you any question I should know about?" Asks Captain Wolfe as he twirls me.

"One, but I will explain that later when I'm not about to bump into anyone." I say. This causes him to laugh.

Captain Wolfe smiles passionately at me as we waltz, I of course, return the smiles of affection back to him. But I fear that if we show our affection for each other too powerfully the entire plan with unravel, and may end with a bloody battle.

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