15. Dead Man (Revised)

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     As I look over towards the door, the glass mosaic window is no longer being lit up by the lanterns from inside, but from the beaming sun outside the study. The beautiful colors show on the floor and amuse me as I stand from the bear-skinned chair to place the book back upon the shelf.

"Done," I state while placing the book back upon the shelf. "It gets better every time."

"Finished already?" Captain Wolfe seems shocked, but then smiled in my direction. "I would expect any less from you."

"Thank you, I'm a fast reader."

"Indeed," he replies before looking down at his pocket watch.

"What time is it?" I ask through a yawn.

"It's about seven in the morning." Captain Wolfe replies before shutting the pocket watch and slipping it back into his pocket. "How time flies when you're reading ancient literature."

I shake my head with a smirk upon my face. "It actually is very..."

My heart rate accelerates as the study door flings open. Expecting it to be Marco, I'm released to see one of the men who had helped carry Captain Wolfe a few nights ago. He seems quite out of breath.

"He's awake," the man states sternly.

Captain Wolfe strides towards the open door before looking back at me. I walk over to him, determined to go with him. He sighs before sending the crew man on his way and closes the door. The rainbow bow lights of the mosaic window now cover both of us like a blanket.

"If I asked you to stay here, would you?" He inquired almost pleadingly. In his eyes I can see deep concern and worry, a look I've never seen his gaze show, especially towards me.

"Would you like an honest answer or a lie?"


"No, I'm coming with you," My stance widens as I cross my arms with a stern gaze. "I'm sure it'll all be fine."

"I can't risk that," Captain Wolfe replies. "He'll be furious, and who knows what he'll say or do if he sees you, too. Please, stay here."

"I'm coming with you," Captain Wolfe has opened the door slightly, but not enough for me to fit through. "I want to give him a piece of my mind."

Though Captain Wolfe is smirking, I know he'll still be against it. "And that's exactly why you must stay here. You'll have your chance, Kate, but right now I need to handle him. I can't let you do that. Try to understand my reasoning, and stay here if you know what's good for you," with those being his final words, Captain Wolfe slips out the door before closing it behind him. I stand there, frozen in time, trying to fit the pieces of the puzzle together.

Against my better judgement, my hand rests upon the door handle before I slowly open the door. Walking of the study, I can faintly see the top of Captain Wolfes head vanish beneath where I am standing. My few walk down the steps carefully before I follow Captain Wolfe from afar. Tip-toeing quietly down from the upper deck, and down to the lower deck, I'm in luck that none of the crew member have seen me or questioned my presence among them. My heart lurches into my throat as a sudden rage induced yell can be heard from one of the rooms. Curses fly from the mouth of who can only be Captain Marco. Pressing my ear to the door, I listen carefully.

"You're a dead man when I get out of these chains!" Threatens Captain Marco as I can hear the sound of chains rattling against the wooden floorboards. "Do you hear me?"

"I wouldn't plan on getting out of those chains anytime soon," Captain Wolfe confirms my suspicion. "I'm sorry it has to be this way, old friend."

"Oh, I plan on it all right," a shiver runs down my spine at his tone. "And when I'm free from these shackles, that girl is as good as dead, too!"

I notice a tiny hole within the door and kneel down, placing my eye upon it in order to see what's going on. Captain Marco is bound to the wall, with Captain Wolfe and Mister Joe close by. Captain Marco looks as though he's taken a terribly beating. Big purple and blue bruises line his jaw and around his right eye, but besides that, he seems the same. I almost gasp aloud as Captain Wolfe effortlessly lifts Captain Marco from the floor by his blouse collar.

"You listen to me, Marco, and listen well. If you lay a finger on Kate, you will be the dead man," Captain Wolfe growls threateningly before throwing Marco back down upon the floorboards.

The howling laugh that erupts from Captain Marco surprises me. "Where has the pirate in you gone? Where is the ruthless killer that I once knew?"

"Right here," replies Captain Wolfe as he pulls out his pistol, aiming it towards Captain Marco. "I wouldn't push your luck."

"How frightening," Marco mocks sarcastically before erupting in a fit of laughter once more. "Shoot me, Wolfe. Go on, you don't have the guts!"

The gun clicks as it is pressed to Marcos forehead. I watch Mister Joes facial expression turn. "Sir..."

"I could kill you here and now, Marco, but I've got better plans for you." Captain Wolfe remarks before pulling the gun away from Marcos head.

"You can't protect her forever from me," Captain Marco says as I feel the blood disappear from my face. "She will be my wife, and there's nothing you can do."

"Your wife?" Now Captain Wolfe bursts into a fit of laughter. "She'd sooner wed a snake before you!"

"Why have a boy when she can have a man, Wolfe?" Captain Marcos wicked grin returns.

"How dare you--" Starts the familiar voice of Mr. Joe, but Captain Wolfe sticks out his arm in order to stop him from approaching any closer.

"Let him suffer for the pain he's put Kate in," Captian Wolfe orders gruffly. "No food or water."

I quickly stand from the floorboards as Captain Wolfe starts to make his was towards the door. However, I am too late, for when the door opens, I am in clear view. Captain Wolfe stares down at me as his eyes fill with anger.

"I thought I told you to stay in the study, he states while placing a hand on my waist, leading me far away from the door.

"And I told you when you asked for me to stay in the study that I would not," looking over my shoulder, I watch Mister Joe now exit the room as well.

"I don't ever want you to go down there, you understand, don't you?" I don't respond but merely look up at him. "You understand the sort of danger you would be in?"

I smirk with confidence. "It wouldn't be any danger that I haven't faced before."

Captain Wolfe gazes down at me sternly as we reach the main deck. We're engulfed in the early morning rays of sunlight, causing me to raise my arm up over my eyes in order to see. Captain Wolfe suddenly stops walking, causing me to bump lightly into his back. He turns around to face me.

"You have to promise me that you'll never go down there," he places both of his hands roughly on my shoulders. "Promise me, Kate."

"I promise," my voice is soft compared to his, but my eyes equally stare him down.

Captain Wolfe nods before walking away from me. I watch as he climbs the few stairs up to the study, leaving the door open for me. Walking up the steps, I closed the door behind me once I entered the study. Captain Wolfe once again hovers over his map, and I return to his side.

"I can defend myself," I state while leaning against the table of which the map is on. "You don't need to protect me, or whatever it is you're doing."

His eyes once again look up from the map and meet my own. He looked slightly stunned by my response. "I don't doubt you could defend yourself, but I'm just trying making sure you never have to." I watch as his gaze leaves mine and plots another point on the map. Staying silent, I continue to watch Captain Wolfe charter our course and impending courses to come.

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