Chapter Twenty-Two: The Silver Pistol

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"How very, very rude." Captain Marco says with a devilish tone. As he walks, sounds of crystals crushing under his feet can be heard. Fear overtakes my body completely, so much so, that I feel my lungs begin to collapse beneath me. Captain Wolfe's arm tightens around my body.

"So, where is the guest of honor? Hm?" Captain Marco asks.

Captain Wolfe nods to me to start moving. He grabs my wrist as we begin to crawl across the floor till we reach the wall on the opposite side. As we get to our feet, we do not stand completely straight, but crouch.

"Quickly, out the door." Captain Wolfe whispers as he motions to the slightly open door for me to leave.

"I'm not leaving you." I whisper back to him.

"I'm not giving you a choice." He threatens.

I grab onto his wrist for dear life. "I am not leaving you."

"No one has any idea where he is?" Captain Marco yells, pointing his pistol at many frightful townspeople.

Captain Wolfe stares into my eyes with an expression of sorrow and compassion, "Let go." He whispers.

A single tear rolls down my face, "You said you'd always be there to protect me." I whisper back to him.

This might be the only way I can convince him to go with me.

"Ah! There he is!" Captain Marco says. His footsteps growing even louder. "Hiding like a coward!"

"Run!" Captain Wolfe shouts as the sound of more shots from the pistol ring out in the throne room. As we run out the throne room doors, I feel the wind from a bullet blow by my ear. My scream echo with the laughter of Captain Marco.

"Come on! We've got to move!" Captain Wolfe says. I kick off my shoes and run barefoot up the steps. Once we are at the top, we cling to the wall, so we still have somewhat of a view of the throne room doors.

"We have the upper hand. He doesn't know his way around this Palace, but I do." Captain Wolfe whispers.

The echoing voice of Captain Marco can be heard, "You can run, but you can't hide forever!"

Captain Wolfe grabs his cutlass out of his belt quietly. "Stay here." He orders.

Captain Marco now flings open the doors, and closes them completely after he is in the lobby. He fires a few warning shots all around, barley missing where we are hiding.

"You can't take down a man with a pistol by using a cutlass!" I hiss at him.

"You'd be surprised what I can do." He whispers back. "In my room, there is a secret pistol hidden in one of the dresser drawers. Find it, and bring it to me, so we can finally end this.
I can buy you some time, but not much."

"I'll try." I whisper in response.

"That's the spirit." Captain Wolfe whispers with an encouraging and sorrowful smile. "Now, hurry!"

As I'm running down the hallway, I hear the laughter and harsh words spill out of Captain Marco's mouth. Captain Wolfe has made himself visible. I must hurry.

I reach the door, and rapidly try to turn the door knob. Tears of stress and fear run down my face. Until I realize, the door is locked.

You blundering idiot!

I must have locked the door when I left to go to the ball! I rapidly being to kick, punch, and ram the side of my body against the door, but it totals out to nothing.

I continue these actions until finally, the door is released from its hinges and falls straight on the ground. Captain Marco will most defiantly know my locations if he chooses to leave his fight with Captain Wolfe and come for me.

I run on top of the door and into the room at last.

The pistol. You must find the pistol.

As I ransack through the drawers, the pistol has not yet been seen. I throw clothing and books out of the drawers until I finally find what I've been searching for.

I take it tightly in my grasp and run as fast as I can to the staircase. Once I arrive, a bloody massacre is unveiled to my eyes.

From what I see, Captain Wolfe is only bleeding from scratches on his face and arms. But as my vision turns to Captain Marco he is in much worse condition. Cutlass slices cover his arms, face, and torso. Puddles of blood cover his white blouse.

I stand at the top of the staircase, watching Captain Marco block Captain Wolfe's jabs with his pistol. By the looks of it, Captain Marco is losing too much blood far too quickly.

With Captain Wolfe's final thrust at Captain Marco, he is now laying on the ground clutching the pistol in his hand for dear life.

"Should this bullet be wasted on you?" Captain Marco asks Captain Wolfe quietly. "On her?" He says, pointing the pistol at me.
Captain Wolfe steps on Captain Marcos arm to keep him from raising it towards me or himself.

"Oh no, my dear Captain, I believe it is intended for someone else." Laughs Captain Marco. And with that, he shoots his last bullet at the closed door. The small bullet hole can be seen that impaled the door, but the frightening sound of knees dropping to the ground can also be heard.

Captain Wolfe finally thrusts his cutlass into Captain Marcos chest, piercing his heart.

The battle is over, but when Captain Wolfe opens the throne room doors, I can tell by the look on his face, something great has been lost.

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