Who's The Boss

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After Tsu leaves I look back at the blonde who is being restrained by me, Kami, and Kiri. I look over at Candy Cane and he just looks annoyed and tired. "So one last time, what's your name handsome?" He scoffs "None you're damn business asshole!" And with that I nod at Kami and Kiri. "Hey what the hell are you doing!?" I begin to take his shirt off. Kiri helps me and then continues to hold his arms down. "Ahh! What the hell man get off!" Kami doesn't budge. I then take his pants off with the help of Kami. "Thanks Kaminari." He nods and continues to restrain the blondes legs. He is now in nothing but his boxers. "Get your dumb hands off me!" "Man this guy really doesn't give up." Kirishima says shaking his head. "I know, you found a good one." I smile at him. Candy Cane looks over and realizes that the blonde is only in his underwear and his eyes widen. "Ok Kami go set him up while I deal with candy cane." "Ok Deku." He picks him up and walks down a few feet. "Hello candy cane, what's your name?" He glares at me. "You know, your friend over there wouldn't tell me his name either. So this is his punishment." "What are you gonna do? Rape him!?" He looks at me with big eyes, anger, frustration, and scaredness is seen. "What!? Of course not! What do you think I am, a monster?" I laugh because of the ridiculous question. "So what's your name candy cane?" I ask again. "Why does it matter?" I don't have time for this. "Candy Cane you're cute and so is your friend but I don't have time for twenty questions." I kiss his cheek. "Kirishima help me out so we can put him over there with the blonde." We strip him of his shirt and pants so he's only in his boxers as well. We take him over to the same spot where his friend is and we give the one last chance to say their name. They still refuse so we tie them from the ceiling. Yeah I like hanging people from the ceiling, so what. So they're hanging from their hands and legs and they're on a chair for now.
Everyone is here finally so we can start. "Evening everyone, thank you for coming down here. As you all know we have some new recruits. But they wanted to be difficult so we all know what that means." Everyone cheers and hoots, we haven't done this in a while.
         Skip to the event...
"Kaminari and Kirishima please come up here with me." They walk up here and try to keep a straight face. "Now Kiri I want you to remove Candy Canes chair and Kami I want you to remove blondies chair." So basically the thing we do is when someone refuses to say their name we strip them down to their underwear, tie them up and hang them from the ceiling by their arms and legs. Then I will use as many terms of endearment or sexual complements as it takes to get them to say their name. The gang helps usually and sometimes the gang would make it a competition but it's just Kami, Kiri, and I this time. It's pretty fun actually I've done it for almost everyone. Normally I'd remove both chairs but since Kami got bit and Kiri almost got bit, I'm letting them help. They both remove the chairs at the same time and now candy cane and blondie are just hanging there. "Let the fun begin!" I shout. "You have one nice ass!" Kaminari says to the blonde. He looks so bewildered I turn towards Kiri trying not to laugh. "Your hair is beautiful, I bet it's just as beautiful somewhere else too." I almost lost it, candy canes face is as red as Kiri's hair. They're starting bold. "Now boys", I say as I put one hand on each. "All you have to do is state you name and this will all stop, you be untied and given you're cloths back and we can finish orientation." I know I have to top Kami and Kiri's words, and with that thought I say "blondie I can see your abs are rock hard, I'm positive something else is as well." I smirk and look at the other boy. "Candy Cane I love your hair, it's the perfect length, I bet something else of yours is the perfect length too." And with that I look at Kami and smirk. "Your turn" since sometimes we'd make it a competition to out do others and it's just Kami, Kiri, and I I decide that's exactly what's going to  happen right now. He smirks back at me. "Hey blondie, you know you look so good right now I really just want to rub my hands all over your body." Kami grins at me the nods at Kiri. The blonde doesn't look angry anymore but surprised, confused and... horny? "You know you look so hot tied up like this it makes me want to lick all over your body." With that Kiri looks at me like he's won a medal for world's best Mafia man. I look at him and then at Kami. They want to play direct shots fine let's play. "Blondie your body is so sexy it's making me so horny. Hey Candy Cane, I'd totally fuck you right here, right now in front of blondie but there's too many other people around." I turn around and smirk at Blondie, then I look at both Kami and Kiri and they know they can't top that. But before they even tried, Candy Cane yells out, "My name is Shoto Todoroki! Just please stop and please untie me." "My name is Katsuki Bakugo! Now untie me assholes." You could hear the desperation in both their voices. Glad to see I still have what it takes to make em crack, I laughed to myself. "Well isn't that nice to know. Kami, help me untie them, Kiri go grab their clothes." Kiri comes back with their clothes and they get dressed.

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