Up Close and Personal

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"Let's start the game!" Mina squealed. Everyone gathered on the floor and placed a bottle in the middle. "Okay so  we're doing bottle version, you either answer the question or you take a pickled juice shot. The one who takes theost shots is getting hung from the ceiling, in their underwear, while the one who drank less dances around them in their underwear while Shakira is playing.  Mina spun the bottle and it landed on Kirishima and Mina. "What's your sexuality?" "I'm bi and single as of right now." Mina giggled. Next it was Momo and Iida. "Are you still a virgin?" Momo smirked. Iida blushed at this question and threw back his first shot of the night, blushing while he's at it. Momo snickers at his blush. "How can you be so shy about that when you're a ruthless killer?" "What the- Momo, you make it sound like I murder people back to back!" "Well you have."  Mina says nonchalantly and shrugs. "Okay spin the bottle, I want to know who's next." Mina squeals. They spin it and it lands on Bakugo and yours truly. "How long did your last relationship last?" Bakugo raises a brow at this question. "A month, the bitch was annoying and crazy." Deku smirks, "I'm crazy Kacchan." Bakugo rolls his eyes, "you're a different kind of crazy." He then not so subtly winks at the smaller male. They spin the bottle again and lands on Sho and Tsu. "Okay Todoroki, what's your dream profession?" "That's easy, I always wanted to be a veterinarian." She smiles and he nods. The bottle is spun once again, landing on Kaminari and Sero. Sero grins wide, "how many times have you and Kiri fucked?" Kami blushes slightly, "twenty times at the least." Sero is left wide eyed with a few snickers from the others. The bottle of death is spun again landing on Iida and Kiri. "Kirishima, have you ever owned a pet, if so what kind?" "Oh yeah, definitely! I had a blondish Pomeranian and a simease cat." Kiri is smiling proudly, thinking back to Mittens and Snowball.  "Okay last time, it's getting boring." Katsuki rolls his eyes. Midoriya scoffs, "oh I didn't know you called the shots around here." The sarcasm is dripping from his voice. "Yeah well this game is boring." "Oh is that so?" Midoriya says in a sultry tone and smirks. "Yeah let's hurry up and get it over with. We should do body shots afterward." Katsuki laughs to himself a little and closing his eyes while leaning back, not thinking Deku would take him seriously. "Okay, yeah sounds good. Hurry up and spin the bottle." The  blondes eyes flew open and he sat up straighter than a board. "Huh!?" "K agree with you, so we're going to finish and then do body shots." Deku smiles really big, mocking the blonde for his ignorance of the smaller males drive to do crazy and random things. The blonde just nodded and spun the bottle. It landed on Jirō and himself. "So Bakugo, are you a top or a bottom and how many times have you guys fucked?" Jirō is grinning and Bakugo is blushing HARD, but he quickly gets himself together. "I'm a top and twenty-three times, not that it's any of your business." "Damn Bakugo, okay okay." She laughs and the blonde male just "tch"s. "Well since the game is over, I guess it's time for body shots!" Kami yells this and Kiri jumps up and grabs Kaminari, "nobody get to do shots off of Kami except for me!" Izuku walks over to Kirishima, "Come on Kiri, be fair. Here, if I let people do body shots off of Kacchan and Sho, will you let people do them off of Kami?" Kirishima grunts then looks at the shorter male, "fine, but if anybody tries anything, I'm beating their ass." "That's fair, and I'll do you one better, if anyone tries anything, I'll personally kick their ass." Deku smiles at the red-head and he gives Midoriya a hug. "This is why your my best friend." They begin their crazy game of body shots. They came up with the brilliant idea of whoever is the most drunk at the end of the game, has to get stripped to their underwear, get tied up and get hung from the ceiling and they had to sleep like that. At the end, it had been Kirishima and Kaminari had become an equal amount of drunk because seeing as the more tipsy they became, the more they couldn't keep their hands off each other. Well with Jirō being the asshole drunk she is, kept pouring more liquor on them which resulted in them becoming as drunk as they did. The rest of the night ended in everyone being drunk off their asses and doing the dumbest things. Like when Kirishima kept saying "bitch be purple like that" but eventually he licked Mina's face and said "damn, I thought you was da tree, my bad" But it was worse when Kacchan stripped to his boxers and got on the counter and started yelling "go faser ya dam igloo, lookn lik a dam d-d-draf!" But then when Sho walked by he grabbed him by the hair and kissed him then said, fukn luuuv uu, y's ya pubes so dam lon'? Lik waaaat I lik da- 'hic' do..." Then he began yanking on his hair and continued to talk about his 'pubes' but started to talk to his hair at the same time. I'm never letting him or Kiri drink that much ever again. You may be wondering how I remember all this, well I don't really remember shit to be honest. Momo, bless her heart, she was able to record everything, and I mean  EVERYTHING. (that's my favorite talent of hers. She can record properly, no matter how wasted or blazed she is.) Oh damn we were a mess last night. We all woke up around three in the afternoon. If someone said they didn't have a headache, they're a fucking liar, and a terrible one at that. After maybe an hour or so of drinking lots of coffee and some Tylenol later, I told everyone to get dressed so we could go over the plan for Friday, which is tomorrow, and start up our intense training session. We all know that no matter what happens the day before a mission, we all do our intense training. After 15 minutes everyone shows up to the common area to discuss  tomorrow.  "So does everyone know what their jobs and covers are for tomorrow?" Deku, standing in front of the group  with a serious face on, asks. "Yeah" they all say in unison. "Good, but like always I'm going to go over it just like always." Everyone nods and some hum their agreement. "So Sero,  as always you'll be our driver but you'll also be a bouncer in the club watching who goes in and out. Tsu, your taking the hooker role. I know it's the last thing you want to do but it's greatly appreciated and necessary. You'll look for intel and important details. If you seen one of them,  get them to go with you for a 'private dance'. Restrain them and let me know. Jirō, you'll take on the bartender, also listened for info in people's conversations and be sure to keep track of who orders what as well. Kami and Kiri, you guys will be waiters and watch for Souls members as well as listen for intel. Momo, Mina and Iida, you guys will be staying here monitoring from here,  watching over everything. When it's time, you guys will come in and help out. Sho, Kacchan, and I will be business men.  I personally will be monitoring the whole mission as well as waiting for you guys' reports. Sho, Kacchan, you two will do the same but you'll also be walking around Evey once in a while. As per usual, we'll  have ear pieces,  if you have any info on the targets, let me know. They're going down tomorrow. After we finish the job, I'm going to pick up Iida, Mina and Momo and I'm taking us to one of my clubs so we can celebrate and relax." The group cheered at this and were happy. "Kacchan and Kiri, I'm going to keep an eye on you both. You drank too much last night and it's not happening again." I snicker at them and they both smirk before laughing. "Oh before we go train, Momo show them the video." She smirks at me and connects the video to our TV.
           20 minutes of pure   humiliation  and laughter later.
"Alright let's go train. Sero, Kacchan, Sho, I want you guys focused in the hand to hand room. Kami, Kiri, Tsu, I want you guys focused in the knife room. That leaves Momo, Iida, Jirō, and Mina. I want you guys to train in the gun arena. After everyone has trained for an hour, we will alternate training areas." Everyone nods and smiles. "What about you Deku? Where will you be training?" Shoto asks me looking a bit concerned. As I go to respond, a smirk goes across my face because of his ignorance, "I will be everywhere. I train in every place all at once while showing everyone up and giving them better ways to do things. So don't you worry Sho, I'll be around." With that I wink at him, walking away towards the knife room. I smirk to myself and quietly say, 'let the training begin.'

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