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After the movie....
    "What are you thinking about Kacchan?" "Huh, oh nothing." He looks distracted. "Why did you keep glancing at Deku and I during the movie Bakugo?" Todoroki asks. "I wasn't icyhot. I was watching the movie. Why were you two acting weird during the movie?" "Because you were acting weird first." I laughed. "Yeah, when Deku pulled me aside, we planned it then." Todoroki snickers. "Yeah, every time it showed that one scene with the chick riding that one guy, you would look at us. That's why I started moving on your lap and why todoroki put his hand on your thigh." I was laughing along with Sho at this point  and Katsuki was red in the face. "I did not keep looking at you two. You guys were just screwing with me for the hell of it." "Yeah pretty much Kacchan but whatever. So do we want to watch another movie or do we want to do something else?" I ask. "I say we do something else, we are off until Friday and we should enjoy our time off together." Kirishima says. "I agree, we don't get to spend time together much anymore unless we're working and we can't do fun stuff while we're working." Kaminari said, agreeing with Kiri. "Okay so what do you guys want to do then?" I ask, unsure of what else to do. "Oh what about a bonding game?" Mina shouts and gets excited. "Sure that sounds fun. What do we do?" "Well we all get a piece of paper and write down something interesting about yourself. Don't put your names on them. Then all the pieces of paper will get put in a hat or a bowl or something and we each will pick one and guess who it belongs to." "That's a great idea Mina." We all put our paper in the bowl and we all grab a paper. "Who goes first?" "I'll go first!" Kirishima shouts. I smile at him, "ok Kiri go ahead." "It says, 'I took five years of boxing classes when I was seven and took three years of MMA classes the year I finished boxing classes.'  Well this has to be either Momo or Mina." "Not me." Mina shakes her head. "It's not me either." Momo shakes her head and laughs. "What really? I could've sworn it was one of you two." I look at him and smirk "One more guess." "Is it Tsu?" "Sorry Krishima, it's not me either." "Alright, who was a badass kid then?" I look at the group and smirk. "It was mine" Todoroki says and kinda laughs. "Whoah seriously Todoroki?" "Yeah Kirishima, my dad made me take classes. It mostly bored me because I was ahead of everyone so I had no real competition." I smile and look at Sho. "After this game you, Kacchan, Kiri, Kami, and I are going to the training area and we're going give you some competition." I wink at him and he gulps. "U-uhh o-okay." "My turn," I say "This one says 'my hair color isn't my natural color', well if Sho's hadn't already been guessed I say this was his. Is that your really hair color Sho?" "Yeah it is, it's just a weird thing with my genetics." "Cool, well you know I'm thinking this is Kiri's paper." He looks at me with wide eyes "How'd you know!?" "We live together, I've seen you sneak out at night and come back with hair salon bags, and I can see when you roots show. Just like right now." I smirk at him and he freaks out. "Wha- they're showing?! You c-can see them!?" He gets up and almost runs out the room. "Kirishima calm down, I was just kidding." Everyone is laughing and me and Kami are wiping tears from our eyes from laughing so hard. "That's so not funny Deku." He sits down and frowns. "Oh lighten up Kiri, we all love you either way." Sho looks up at this. "I'll go next." He says. "This one says 'I started with nothing and I finished with everything' well I'm gonna have to say this is yours Deku." I look at him and think for a second. "No that's not mine." I smile at him. "Really well then I'm not really sure." He thinks for a second, "Is it yours Iida?" "Nope that's not mine." "It's mine, and it's true. Before Deku recruited me, I had nothing. I didn't have a home, a family, a job, nothing. Living on the streets with nothing until Kami and Kiri picked me up that day and brought me here. Ever since then I've had everything I could've asked for. A home, a family, a job, people who care for me. I'm so thankful for that day. If it wasn't for Deku I would probably be dead somewhere." Everyone looked at Momo as she said that. A few teared up. "We love you so much Momo, and we're luck to have you as a part of the team." I say and I hug her. The rest of the gang hugs her except Sho and Kacchan. "Alright next person" I say. "I'll go next," Kacchan says. "This one says 'no one in the group has dated or had a s/o and had them involved with the rest of us, I want to break that streak' I'm guessing that's Kaminari's because he seems pretty gay for Kirishima." Kami looks at Bakugo then at Kirishima. "U-uhh y-yeah that's true but it wasn't mine." Kirishima's face is almost as red as his hair. "Really Kami? I didn't think you felt that way." "Yeah, i-i do but I didn't think you were gay. You seemed to be straight to me." "Are you kidding me? I'm like the gayest guy in the group!" Kirishima laughs and hugs Kami. "Kaminari, do you want to go out with me?" Kami blushes profusely and nodds. "Yeah I do, do you want to be my boyfriend?" "Well duh dummy!" Kami shys away at the name. "You know you're my dummy right?" Kami smiles at those words and hugs Kiri tighter. "Well that's great but I don't who this paper belongs to since it wasn't Kaminari's." Before I knew what I was doing I get up and walk over to Kacchan and smirk then sit in his lap. (Everyone is sitting in the floor for whatever reason) I take the paper from his hand, "you're not very good at guessing pretty boy" I lean back and tap the side of his face and get up.
        After the game is finished......
"Kami and Kiri get over here." "Yeah Deku?" "One second, Kacchan and Sho come here." They walk over. "What Deku?" "We're going to the training area, remember? Todoroki is gonna show us what he's got. Plus I think it's a good idea to start training right now anyway." "So we're only working with hand to hand combat for right now then?" "That's right, gotta get these two in shape and ready enough to at least tag along on Friday."

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