Smaller but Bigger

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The next morning
Todoroki is was asked to wake Midoriya for breakfast and was on his way to the small bosses room. *Knock knock* 'No answer, I'll go in I guess' Todoroki thought to himself. He opens the door and steps in. "Hey Deku, Momo wanted me to get you up for breakf-" He trails off after noticing Bakugo in bed with Midoriya. Deku sits up and rubs his eyes. "Oh hey Sho." Bakugo then wakes and sits up. "Huh, what the fuck?" Bakugo being tired still, didn't see Todoroki. "Well uhh breakfast is ready." As Sho said this he slowly started to back out of the room. "Ok we'll be down in a few minutes." Todoroki just nods and turns to run out of the room. When he gets back down stairs and sits down at the table. His face is blank but also a trace of fear is noticed by Kami. "Hey man what's wrong, you look like you saw a ghost or something." "Huh, oh it's nothing. I'm fine." Kami just nodded and left it alone. He knew something was up but he didn't want to push.
10 minutes later....
Deku walks into the dining room with Bakugo in tow. "Good morning everyone. How'd you guys sleep?" "Morning Deku" Everyone relpies, they all nod and respond with good's and ok's. "How'd you sleep Deku?" Kiri asked curiously."I slept very well, thanks for asking Kiri." Kirishima smiled and nodded. "Thanks for breakfast Momo. You're a natural at everything you do." "No problem Deku, I don't mind. And thanks, that's sweet of you." As Momo says this, she walks past Deku and hugs him, placing a small kiss on his head. He smiles at her as she goes to sit beside Tsu and Iida.
Time skip to Later in the Day
Deku decided to take Bakugo and Todoroki to the weight room with Iida and Sero. Iida and Sero went across the room to the treadmills. Todoroki was benching 150, around five feet away Bakugo was deadlifting 180, and Deku was beside him, not wanting to show off was lifting dumbbells. A 50 in one hand and a 50 in the other. After about ten minutes of non-stop lifting, Todoroki pauses and sits up to grab his water bottle. He looks over and notices Bakugo and Deku still lifting. 'Damn they both look hot' he thinks to himself as sweat drips down Midoriya's face and down Bakugo's arms. He stops staring and gets back to lifting. Deku and Bakugo both pause to take off their shirts. Deku looks at Todoroki then at Bakugo. "Hey Kacchan, I got a question." "What is it?" "How do you feel about sho?" "What do you mean?" "Do you think he's sexy? Don't worry, this isn't a trap either." "Well, yeah I do but I have you." Deku smirks "How would you feel about having two boyfriends?" "You mean like a poly relationship?" "Yeah but with only me and one other." "I mean I guess I wouldn't mind." "So can Sho be our second boyfriend?" "Yeah, I'd really enjoy that." Bakugo smiles at Deku. "Good, but I wanna play with him before he's our boyfriend. He saw us this morning and it was funny the way he reacted. Take off your sweats." "Uhh okay" Sho couldn't hear a word they said. All he knew was, when he looked up again, Bakugo had taken off his pants and him and Midoriya were both shirtless. 'Holy shit, why isn't Bakugo wearing pants?!' As Todoroki thought this, the green haired man walked over to him and smiled. "Hey Sho, whacha benching?" He smiled at Sho and the multi-color haired man felt his heart skip a beat. "Uhh just 150 is all." He smiled back at the smaller male. "Oh, well do you mind if I give it a go?" The greenette said. "Yeah sure, just be careful." The shorter man only looked up at the taller man and snickered. "Okay big boy, I'll be careful." With that Deku tapped Todoroki's chest and positioned himself. Across the room, Sero noticing Deku and what he was doing. He laughed lighty and tapped Iida's shoulder. "Hey Iida, Deku's about to show him up." The black haired man said as he pointed to Deku and Todoroki. "Haha, he is isn't he. This is going to be interesting, especially since Bakugo is here." Iida smiled and laughed as he said this. Todoroki stood at Deku's head as he layed there. The shorter male laughed to himself. 'Aww how cute, Sho thinks I need a spotter.' Midoriya thought to himself right before he began. Todoroki was surprised by what he saw. Deku easily benched the 150 a hundred times. Deku just layed there for a second with the weight still in his hands. "Kacchan come here." Bakugo walks over. "Yeah what is it?" Midoriya winked at the blonde and he caught on. He sat down on the smaller males crotch area and leaned down. "What can I do for you?" Bakugo smirked at Deku. Todoroki was still standing towards his head, surprised at what was going on. "Kacchan can you be a dear and take off the two 25's and replace them with two 75's?" The blonde just smiled and nodded. He got up and switched out the weights, then sat back down on Midoriya the same way. The smaller male benched 250 a hundred times and smiled up at Sho. He replaced the bar to its place and stood up. "You think you can bench 250 big boy?" "I'm not sure, I haven't tried." "Well you're going to try now." Midoriya said this with an evil grin and had the taller male sit down. He sat on Sho's lap the same way Bakugo did to him. Sho looked up at Midoriya and gulped. Deku pushed him back down and signaled for Bakugo to stand at Todoroki's head to be his spotter. After several failed attempts to bench the 250, Deku smiled at Sho and stood up. He helped up Todoroki then smiled at him. "Did you hurt yourself big boy?" He asked in a flirty tone. Shoto scratched the back of his head and smiled at the shorter male. "Uhh no I didn't...." He trailed off. "That's good, wouldn't want you to tear anything in that big, strong body of yours." Midoriya smirked at Shoto and walked away. After everyone finished, Deku told them to hit the showers. "Alright everyone, nice work today. Now hit the showers and Sero if you actually hit the shower again, I'm gonna hit you." "I won't I promise, but I'm going to the shower in my room." "Yeah same here. See ya later Deku." Iida said. Well you two need to get in the shower now. You're both all hot and sweaty." "Isn't that a good thing Deku?" Bakugo asked and smirked. "You're such an idiot!" Midoriya laughs and steals Bakugo's towel and then beats him with it. Bakugo begins laughing and running from the smaller male. Todoroki just watches them and smiles. He gets into a shower stall and begins to wash off. "Now get in the shower blondie!" Deku yells at the taller male while he laughs. "Fine fine, I'll get in the shower." "Good, you need one." Bakugo watches as Deku begins to walk in the opposite direction of the showers. "Hey where are you going?" The shorter of the two turns around and sighs playfully, "If you must know, I have my own separate shower, away from these." He turns around and continues to his shower.

(I know what they lifted wasn't much but they're smaller males. They're still pretty big though)

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