It's a Blood Bath/Fun in The Club

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(Don't mind his hero suit)

As the man under me screams in pain, I stare at him grinning slightly. I slap him in the face "shut the fuck up already. You so damn loud and irritating." I roll my eyes and he quickly tries and fails to stop yelling. Yes I'm still moving the knife but damn he's being a little bitch about it. "Now are you going to answer me or do I need to kill you right now?" His eyes widened and he quieted a bit. "Oh so now you're scared of dying" I say giggling. "Now answer me, I'm not saying it again, I'm just gonna slit your throat." He gulps and begins to speak. "Shut up dumbass" I slap him again. "I'm done with this dumb shit so, Kiri, interrogate that bitch and don't let her try any funny shit. Bakugo, ask the hoe relevant questions like we discussed. Same goes for you Shoto. If they try to screw around, stab them. I don't care where or how, they're going to die anyway." All three nod and do as I say. "Iida I want you to keep watch outside the door." He nods and steps out. When I look back at the guy in front of me, I notice he was intently focused on each person I spoke to. So I pull the knife out of his shoulder and stab his other shoulder. "Think you can memorize us!? You're not leaving here. Do I need to prove that? I guess I do have to, don't I?" I look at Kirishima, "Kiri did she say anything useful?" I notice he's already stabbed her in the arm. He shook his head and I knew she wasn't going be useful at any point so I decided to prove that they weren't leaving tonight. "Okay well since she isn't giving any information and these douchebags think I'm bluffing, please show them how much I'm bluffing right now." He smirks and nods,"Alright Mr. Devil, plus she was getting on my nerves with her damn flirting trying to get out of here." Hearing that made me pretty pissed. I walk over to him, "actually before you 'call my bluff'," I grabbed his knife that was still in her arm and yanked it down so it slit her arm open. She began screaming bloody murder so I stepped back and Kiri 'called my bluff'. I don't bluff unless I'm playing poker; he got up and snapped her neck. The other three gasped and the other chick began to cry. Damn she's an ugly crier. Thankfully though, Kacchan slapped her and told her to shut up. I went back over to my guy and sat back on his lap. "So you still think your leaving here tonight buddy?" I laugh as I feel him shake. "Last time dickhead, you work for Souls, correct?" He nods his head but I don't accept that. "Use your fucking words!" I'm getting tired of messing around. "Hey Todoroki, has he said anything useful because I'm about to say fuck it and just kill them already. They aren't any form of useful." "No, he just keeps smirking at me and saying weird shit." That just irked a nerve and I'm 100% ready to just kill them all. "Have you stabbed him yet?" "Uhh no, I haven't...." I sigh, I don't think he's very fond of the idea of killing these guys. Or killing in general. "You know we have to kill them right?" I notice the guy he's dealing with keeps look at me. "Yeah I realize that, it's ju-" he gets cut off by the guy in front of him. "You know your kinda hot for a Yakuza leader." "What the fuck did you say?!" This bitch got some balls to sit here and say that. I notice Todoroki's entire aura just warp into something entirely different than I've ever seen. He grabs the guy by his collar and pulls him close to his face, "the hell did you say to him?" I swear steam would pour from his nose at any point. "Oh you seem eager to know don't you? Don't be jealous, you hot too." I'm steam at this point, but I wanna see how this plays out. I smirk seeing the rest of the group eyeing the two. "If you want to keep your dick intact, I suggest you shut the fuck up real fast." Ooh, I like this side of Sho, it's kinda hot. That guy doesn't give up though. He literally just watched Kiri, snap that chicks neck and he's still talking. "Oh? You sound horny baby, I can help with that." He winks at him. I go to lunge forward, bit a pair of strong arms holds me back and whispers in my ear, "I'm as pissed as you right now but we all want to see what happens and you and I both know, Shoto like this is fucking sexy as hell." I relax as I let Bakugo just hold me in place. I nod and stay put. I lean back and whisper, "thank you, and yes it is." We back at Sho and see he's pulled out his switch blade. "I'm not saying it again, shut the fuck up or I'm going to cut your dick off." I'm wide eyed, I honestly hope he does. Torcher before killing is more fun in my opinion. "Aww you probably want to suck my dick as much as I want Mr. Devil over there to suck me off." He grins and I'm greeted by Kacchan holding me tighter and against his chest as I struggle to get loose. That was it for Todo though, he yanks the guys jeans down, along with his boxers, revealing the guys hard on. That's so fucking disturbing, and I gag at the thought of him being hard after we literally just killed one of his partners. Sho seems pretty pissed and doesn't care, as he grabs the guys dick and cuts it off right then and there. I flinch, thinking how much that must have hurt. Don't get me wrong, I showed no sympathy whatsoever, but a dick getting cut off, anyone has to feel pain just seeing it. "Ahhhhh- fuuuc- you asshole! Fuuuuuck! How the fuck am I supposed to fuck your boss now!?" Are you kidding me!? This fucker just got his dick cut off and he's still at it?! Well that did it for Todoroki, as you could practically seething. "Uhh Sho what are y-" I'm cut off as I watch him slit the guys throat. "I told you to shut the fuck up you dumb fuck." He says this so monotone, it makes me shiver a bit. "Kacchan did you feel it too." "Yup, definitely.... Damn" I chuckled as I walk over to him. "I love you too baby." I place a quick kiss on his lips. "Now let's hurry this up. I'm getting bored. Bakugo, take care of your chick while I keep my word on this one. Tsu, would you like to help?" She smiles and nods, walking over to me. "You can do the honors." She just grins and pulls out her switch blade.

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