Tonight We're Going Hard (500 special)

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I've decided to go out tonight. I'm so bored and there's nothing else to do so why not? I'm inviting a few friends because everything is better with friends. I head out to the main room and find just who I'm looking for. "Hey Kirishima do you want to go with me tonight? I think I'm gonna do like a guys night out." "Yeah sure Midoriya. Do you want us to meet you somewhere or are we all going together?" "We can meet here at 6:00. Oh and can you tell Kaminari too. I want him to come as well." "Yeah sure, of course bro." "Thanks" I walk over to Todoroki who's in the kitchen and I suspect he's eating cold soba again. "Hey Todoroki, what are you doing?" "Oh hello Midoriya. I'm just eating some soba. Anything I can do for you?" Figures. "Yeah actually there is. So tonight I wanted to do a guys night out type thing. I wanted to invite you to tag along." "That sounds fun Midoriya. What time do I need to be ready?" "I told Kirishima I wanted to leave at 6:00." "Alright, sounds good." "Thanks. Oh and Todoroki, I was planning on asking Mina and Tsu to come as well. So it probably won't be exactly a GUYS night." "Oh okay, well it's fine with me either way." "Good to know. See you later." "See ya" Alright, next is Kacchan and I hope he doesn't kill me for asking him. I head into the living room and walk over to Kacchan who's sitting on the couch. "Hey Kacchan" "What is it butt munch?" Is it me or is he more passive than usual? "Well u-uh you see I was going to i-invite you to go with me and the other g-guys tonight for a guys n-night out." Why the hell am I stuttering? "The hell?! No why the hell would I-..... Actually you know what? Sure I'd love to, it'd make my day. What time are we doing this?" "I told the others 6:00. We're all meeting here and going together." Jeez now I'm worried. He was acting like himself times two then all of a sudden he's agreeing to go? Something isn't right. "Hey nerd, stop mumbling you sound like you've lost it." "Oh uhh right, sorry." He scoffs and I leave. What is with me today, I don't normally act like this. Around three, I invite Mina and Tsu and they agree to come with. "Tonight is.....gonna be crazy. But I know we all need it. We've been focused on finalizing our stuff to graduate and become pros but being 20 year olds having to focus on that on top of a few other things, it gets stressful. Maybe I can get Kacchan to tell me what's been going on. It's not  likely, but I can try. Eventually it's 5:20 and realize I should probably get dressed. Going through my closet, I find my grey suit and decide on that. It takes around twenty minutes for my to get dressed and fix my hair to look presentable enough. Yeah we're going out but still. I go down to the common room and see Kirishima and Kaminari sitting on the couch and Todoroki standing by the kitchen counter. Kaminari is wearing a dark blue suit and Kirishima is wearing a nice deep red suit. Todoroki is wearing a dark grey suit. Well are we all going to wear suits tonight? Haha. So we're waiting on Kacchan and the girls. At 5:55, Kacchan and Iida come out of the elevator. Kacchan wearing a dark blue suit similar to Kaminari's and Iida wearing a black suit. Well everyone looks great tonight. "Midoriya, the girls said they couldn't make it because something came up and they sent me instead." "Okay, well I hope everything's alright with them." "So now four eyes is coming? What a buzz kill." "I beg your pardon Bakugo?" "The nerd said we'd have fun tonight. That's pretty hard to do when you're around 'class prez'." "I'll have you know I can be very fun." Before Kacchan could say anything else, I jump in. "Look we're all 20 right? So we all the choice to do whatever, weather it's immature or not or responsible or not. It's up to us alone. Iida just likes to look out for us because he cares. He can make things dull, yes but he's going to refrain from that tonight. Right Iida?" His head snaps to me, wide eyed. "Uhhh umm, Midoriya?" "This means no yelling or freaking out if someone drinks. We're all of age. This means no freaking out if someone curses, it happens so let it go. No freaking out in general. Yes we represent UA but we've made a long term name for ourselves and it won't go away that easily. Now can you do this or are you going to be a buzz kill Iida?" "Uhh I-i.... *Sigh* I will try my best Midoriya, you have my word." " Good let's go, it's 6:00." We all head out and walk a few blocks down to a place they named after Kacchan. I don't know why, but they did. It's call Ground Zero. Kacchan snickered. "Hey you think we could get a discount if the knew I was here?" "I don't know. We could always ask." I was joking obviously but Iida seemed to twitch with the need to lecture me about it. "Calm down Iida, would you feel better if we got a private room for all of us?" "We can do that? That sounds awesome, let's do it Midoriya!"  Kirishima and Kaminari looked like they'd jump out of their skins at any moment from the excitement. "What do you think Iida? This way we can tell the boss or an employee without telling everyone and we'd have our own space so we don't have to worry about room to do anything or for people to bombard us if they realize who we are." I think I convinced him, huh who would've know you could persuade this guy. "I guess so, it does seem like the best way to enjoy ourselves." "Good, then let's go." We get to the line itself and I realize how long it is. "We're cutting to the front. Iida don't freak out." I know that's definitely something he'd make a lecture out of. We make it to the front and I notice that pro hero Fatgum is the bouncer. "Oh hey Fat, how are you?" "Midoriya? Oh good to see you. I'm doing well. What brings you guys here?" "Me and the guys are here to relax and let go for a bit." "Oh alright, well I can let you in now if you want." "Of course thanks. Oh and can you tell the main guy a private room is needed now. If he gives you a hard time just mention Deku, Ground Zero, Ingenium, Charge-Bolt, and Red Riot." "I'm new but I'm not that new. I can get you boys in pretty easily. You said Red Riot, where's Red then?" What did he mean? "What, what do yo-" I turn and he's not there. "Kaminari, where did Kirishima go?" "Oh crap he's still at the back of the line." That little idiot. "Go grab him." "Yeah sure thing." Not even a minute later here comes Kaminari dragging Kirishima behind him. " It's about time." "Red! How are you?" Kirishima looks up from being out of breath. "Fat, It's you! I've been alright. Struggling with studies but I'm good. How about yourself?" "I'm pretty decent. Started this side job recently." It's nice to see Kirishima so happy again. I don't think he's smiled this much in a while. "So can we go in yet or what?" "Kacchan, don't be mean." "Tch, whatever." "Oh yeah, go ahead in. Go to the bar and tell them 'private room reserved for Ground Zero team'. They'll understand, and take you where you need to be." "Alright thanks again Fat." "No problem guys." We head in and do exactly what he told us. The bartender come from behind the counter and motions for us to follow. He leads us to a room upstairs. It has two couches, a table with cups, a punch bowl, (why is that here? Whatever) and snacks. In front of both couches is a glass table kinda like a coffee table but better. "Can I get you gentlemen anything?" "A bottle of vodka, a bottle of fireball, a bottle of rum, Kaminari, Iida? You guys want something?" Iida speaks first, "A bottle of white champagne." My eyes widened a bit. Damn Iida, I'd never.... Kaminari walks over to the bartender/waiter and whispers in his ear.

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