It's Mr. Devil's Night

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(The pictures above are what everyone wore to the club for their mission) Sorry this chapter might be a little longer than the others so please bare with me. I'll try to make it worthwhile.

Deku starts off with the knifes, practicing and educating his friends/co-workers. After ten minutes he heads to the hand to hand arena, jumping into the fight between Bakugo and Kaminari. He shoves Bakugo, making him stumble. He then punches Kaminari in the jaw hard enough to leave a slight bruise and gets him to the ground with his foot on his chest. "What if my foot was a damn gun Kami, what then?" Before Kaminari could answer, Izuku had left him to go over to a slightly confused Bakugo. He grabbed the blondes arm, putting it behind his back but being careful not to break it, and makes him drop to the ground. Izuku pins him down and leans next to his ear, "your focus must be on all of your surroundings, not just who you're in combat with. You must be on ready for anything." The smaller male gets up off of him and tells them to both get up. "I expected as much from Kacchan, but as for you Kami, I expect much better. You know this, I'm slightly disappointed in you Kami. You both need to work on being aware of your surroundings. Kami please help Kacchan to practice with this. I love you both dearly, so practice  so I won't loose you two idiots." He giggles a little then walks out. He heads over to the gun training to see how it's going. When he walks in, everyone has their backs to the door, aiming at moving and non moving targets. He grabs his favorite hand gun and loads it. He aims it directly beside Mina's head and he fires. She jumps and turns around. "Holy fuck Deku, you scared me!" "Yes well I'm glad realized I'm here." Sarcasm practically dripping from his lips. "You were off by ten centimeters your last three shots. I know you don't have my talent but we both know you're a good aim and that those ten centimeters can make a hell of a difference." She nods slightly, "yeah I know Deku, my focus has been really off lately." The small male hums to himself for a minute. "Well that seems troublesome, right now though, I need you to get your head in the game and practice until you're no more than two centimeters off. After the mission has been completed, we'll be going to my club and you can talk to me about it there. Okay?" He doesn't give her the chance to answer as he kisses her forehead and walks out. After switching training arenas multiple times, they finally stop. They eat dinner together and get ready to head to bed. "Goodnight Fallen, may you all dream of our victory, covered in blood, sweat, and tears. Don't forget where you started, and where you are now. I love you all, goodnight my Fallen." With this Midoriya blows a kiss towards everyone, grinning and everyone heads to their rooms.
                   Friday morning......
Everyone starts their day as normal: they wake up, get dressed, go to the main floor to eat, chat amongst themselves for a bit, and discuss business things. Before they know it, 4:00 rolls around and it's time for everyone to get dressed in their proper attire and discuss their plans for tonight.  "Before everyone gets situated, I need you to listen real quick." Everyone pauses what their doing and turns to Midoriya. " So, we're doing the outfits a bit differently this time so pay attention. Kami and Kiri, you both need to dye your hair. I don't care how, just do it. Momo already put the bleach blonde dye in both of your rooms. Kacchan, you're going to need to wear contacts, those are already in your room as well. Sho, I need you to dye your hair and put in contacts. Don't worry, Jirō, Tsu, and Sero, you guys are fine. You don't go with us enough to be recognized. Don't worry about me, I'll be wearing contacts and dying my hair as well. Momo put everyone's outfits in your rooms so go and get dressed.
              After everyone changed........
People slowly begin to file into the common area once more. Bakugo, Shoto, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Tsu all walk out of the elevator one by one. Katsuki wearing a deep orange button up with a black vest over top and surprisingly, a black tie. I didn't think he'd wear the tie. "Kacchan, wearing a tie? Who would've thought the day would come?!" I smirk up at him, teasing him. His face has a tiny splash of pink over it."Shut up damn Deku!" He retorts, trying to hide his bashfulness. I grab his collar and pull him close to my face, "you wanna say that again big boy?" I have that crazy look in my eye and I can hear his breath hitch. "N-no Deku, sorry." He meets my gaze for only a second before quickly turning away again. I smirk, letting his collar go and straightening it back out. I see Tsu and she looks very nice and hooker-y I guess.... She's wearing a skimpy bikini like outfit and has a lot of skin showing. Anyway I go over to her and compliment her and I can see Kacchan and Sho staring at me so I decide to mess with them a bit. "Damn Tsu, if I were straight, I'd already be trying to hit that."  She blushes a little. "Seriously Deku, you're such a flirt." I laugh a bit. "I try, I try." I then see Kami, he's wearing a white button up and a black vest over top, with a black tie. He's also wearing a black choker. "Look at you Kami! Aren't you looking sharp. Honestly, you should wear suits more, if it gets me going, it surely does the same for Kiri." I wink at him and he nods back at me. Looking slightly to the side, I can see Kacchan and Sho staring at me more intensely now. So I decide while I'm at it, I'll crank up the fuckery because why not. It is my specialty after all. I walk over to Kiri, he's dressed the same as Kaminari, just without the choker. "Oh fuck Kiri, you're looking as good as the day we met in highschool." He looks a bit confused until he looks over my shoulder and sees Bakugo and Shoto, glaring at him. Kirishima looks back the male in front of him, smirking and an evil grin forms on Dekus perfect face, raising a brow. The taller male standing before him nods, only enough for the other to see.  Midoriya leans into Kirishima for a hug and whispers in his ear, "I'll pay you $200 to go along with this--- including during the mission." The red head only chuckles, "I'll do it for free." Izu grins wide, excited he gets to fuck around with his boyfriends.       

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