A Days Errands

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"So boys, we need to get some stuff done today and you're coming. I'll explain if you have questions along the way. More than likely when we get back, the team will chill together. Now I have to go grab Iida and Momo. I'll be back shortly." With this, the green haired boss walked out of the common area. "Hey Bakugo, what do you think we're going to be doing?" "I don't know half n half. I know as much as you do."
             5 minutes later...
Bakugo and Sho look up at the sound of Midoriya's voice. He'd come back with Iida and Momo as he said he would. "Okay you two ready to go?" "Yeah Deku we're ready." Sho says this with a confident smile but a trace of uneasiness was heard in his voice. "Don't be so shaken up Sho, we aren't going to go murder people, not yet at least." Deku laughed slightly at his own joke. The group walked to the parking garage. They were met with an array of various cars. Different models and makes. Different colors and license plates. Lots of license plates lined the wall. There was an area several feet over that looked like a body shop/repair shop. You could see the items used for paint jobs, big stencils, rims, specialized rims, decals,  different spoilers, car parts ect. "Holy fucking shit Deku! You legit have your own car/autobody shop along with a specialized paint job/car design shop. This is so amazing, I love it!" Deku looked at Katsuki with a smile. He looked as if he'd pass out from being so happy. "I want to take the deep blue Ferrari." Todoroki said this while smiling. "I wanna take the black Lamborghini with the red stripes!" Bakugo yelled. "No and no. We can't stand out so much." Both Bakugo and Shoto frowned at this. "Well what's the point of having all these flashy cars if you're not gonna show them off?" The blonde questioned. "Most of them are used when we do races. Some are bought of of us by other mafias. We each have our own personal car and then certain one are used for missions and running errands. The lime green mustang over there is mine, the white SUV is Iida's, the deep red Corvette is Kiri's, the neon yellow Camaro is Kami's, the dark purple Mercedes Benz is Mina's, the light pink Jag is Jirō's, the light blue SUV is Momo's, the dark green Camaro is Tsu's, and the orange Audi R8 is Sero's. But before we leave, I need you two to pick your cars." The two men in front of him began jumping up and down, giggling like school girls. Midoriya chuckled at this as he turned to Iida and Momo. "So Deku, which car are we taking?" I'm glad you asked Iida. We're going to take the black Jeep. We need to go to the store but we also need to go to Juan's place. I need to buy some more weed and I also need to check the supply & delivery status. Then we gotta head down to Maria's to check how the gun shipment is going. After that we can head back, relax, get high, play games, and do whatever else." "Sounds good to me. I plan on getting high too so I have to baby proof the house when we get home." Momo starts laughing at herself. "Hey have you knuckle heads picked out your cars yet?" "Yeah we have and they're fucking awesome!" Bakugo exclaimed this while standing by his car. Katsuki had chosen a blood red Maserati and Shoto had chosen a deep blue Dodge Challenger. They both had huge smiles on their faces. "Wonderful choices boys. I'll have Sero write up that you've chosen your cars. Now we need to get going. We're taking the black Jeep so follow me." The two men nod and follow the shorter male.
             Time Skip to at Juan's house
"Okay I need to check a few things and pick up a few things. Are you staying in here or going with me?" "We'll stay here." When Bakugo said this Deku just nodded and got out of the car.
          10 minutes later...
Deku comes out with Momo and Iida and they get in the car. "Here keep this back there." The smaller male hands them three packages. "What's this Deku?" Todoroki questions, wondering what they might be. "It's weed Sho. We're all gonna chill tonight and the option to smoke weed is on the table. Now we need to make two more stops, okay? Okay." The two sit silently in the back. Momo looks over at them frequently, curious of how they felt.
              At Maria's house
"I need you guys to stay in here this time okay? I won't be long, I just need to make sure everything is running smoothly with the shipments we have." After that Deku exited the car with Iida and Momo. Maybe five minutes later Shoto and Bakugo heard a gunshot. Keep in mind Maria lived somewhere similar to Deku. She was off the grid so nobody would have heard it. The two looked at each other slightly scared and somewhat worried. Ten minutes later the three came out of the house and got in the car. "Uhh was everything okay? We heard a gunshot." Sho said shakily. "Oh yeah, so funny story. This guy who was supposed to be working for Maria tried snitching on her and turns out the cop he told was close friends with Maria and knows what she does but he is loyal and would never turn her in. Well her buddy called her while we were in there and told her that the guy tried to rat her out. She got pissed and shot the guy." Midoriya seemed to smile as he recalled what happened. Sho and Katsuki looked at each other then at Deku. They both released a sigh of relief knowing everything was okay. "So where to next Deku?" "Good question Kacchan, we're going to the store. I need some shit for the house and so we're going to go get it. Us three are staying in the car though." "Why are we staying here?" Shoto asked concerned. "Because I'm known very well and anyone would know my face. Since Iida and Momo don't really attend missions, they are not recognizable. They come out here with me when I need to do check ups on our stuff, so then afterwards they can go do some shopping." "Oh okay that makes sense." Sho smiled at Midoriya.
           After shopping and returning...
They arrive at five, plenty of time to make the announcement. Deku makes the announcement on the PA system that they are going to all hang in the common area at 6:00.
                     At 6:00pm....
Everyone files into the common area. Momo is making snacks and getting drinks ready, acting like the true mom figure she is. Deku tells everyone he brought back doughnuts making everyone get more happy and start to yell their favorite. Deku already knew their favorites, they were family and lived together for 7 years at the least. Deku remembers something and walks over to Sero. "Hey Sero, do my a favor and put in the system that the blood red Maserati belongs to Kacchan and that the deep blue Dodge Challenger belongs to Sho." "Oh you let them pick their car already, that's awesome. Will do, I'll get that done tonight." "Thanks Sero, you're the best." Izu smiles and walks away. Izu puts on Deadpool for everyone to watch. Momo brings in the snacks and drinks and sits down to watch the movie. It says something about 420 and Deku remembers the weed he'd gotten earlier that day. He smiles and pauses the movie. "Hey guys I bought some more weed today. Who wants to get blazed?" Everyone began hooting and hollering and cheering. Izu smirks and pulls out his lighter and tells Iida to go get the stuff. He comes back and gives it to Deku. He situates himself and the weed and starts rolling blunts for everyone.

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