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"You ready Candy Cane?" "As ready as I'll ever be Deku." I throw those first punch and he doges. He throws the next and just barely misses my face. Damn he really is good. "You're not half bad for a newbie." He scoffs "I'm not inexperienced so I wouldn't call myself a newbie." And with that he throws the next punch and lands it to my upper chest. I throw the next one and I land it to his stomach. I still have a grip on reality which is good. He throws out his arm to hit me in the face so I duck and hit him with a low blow. Not to the dick but to his stomach right above his pelvis. He grunts bit still stands. As I come up I forget to block as I do so and he hits me in the jaw with a right handed upper cut. I thought he might've dislocated my jaw but that doesn't matter right now. I grin at him and he smirks back. He tries to hit again but I block it the I hit him. I got to hit him again but he blocks the same way I blocked his last move. He then hits me in the stomach and trips me I fall to the ground and so does he. He has me on the ground restrained for the most part. I can't really move. "Wow so Japan's most feared Mafia's leader has been pinned down by a new recruit. That's so interesting." As he is saying this I think of a way to escape, flip the switch, reverse the roles. Then it hits me. I learned this at a camp I went to in middle school. The camp taught self defense techniques. I remember they taught us one for if someone ever had you on the ground just like this and you couldn't move but so much. So I did it. I looked at him and leaned up like I was going to kiss him. It worked because he started to lean down. When he was inches from my face I moved my leg between his and kneed him. Not in the crotch, this wasn't real and we're training. But enough to make him jolt and I used my strength and other leg to flip us. Thank All Might for middles school camp. I held him there before jumping up and pulling him up with me. "What the hell was that!?" He yell almost angered but more surprised than anything. "Don't ever let you're gaurd down when fighting." I smirked at him and threw another punch and landed it directly to his chest where his abs were. Damn he has a hard chest. No! Focus idiot think about his chest later. Fuck him! Gah! No! FIGHT him! He threw another punch and landed it to my chest this time. "Looks like you're getting distracted Deku. Is there a problem?" He smiles and cocks his head. Since when was he so arrogant? "Not at all Candy Cane." With that I punch him in his jaw. I didn't want to mess up his face but I also cant go easy on him. So I met it in the middle. He went to hit me but I blocked. I never expected him to grab my arms and throw me to the ground. But he did and he got on top of me and held me there. This time I would move at all. He was just holding me down. "Do you give up Deku?" "Of course not. You're good I'll give you that but I'd never give up. That's just not how this works." He smirked at me. "Let me go so we can finish fight." "No I don't think I will. I like you much better like this, under me and restrained." He smirked. Again with the cocky-ness and now with the sexual innuendos. I can't stay like this, he is very sexy and this just isn't helping. I'm supposed to be fucking NO! FIGHTING, IM SUPPOSED TO BE FIGHTING HIM! I mentally slap myself. It's not like I don't want to fuck him but now isn't the time. Aww shit I gotta stop thinking about him like that right now. I think I'm getting a boner. Fuuuuck! "You okay there Deku? You seem flustered." " I'm fine, just trying to think of a way out of this." I'm lying through my teeth. Do I have to stay here under him until someone notices? That could take forever with them all talking. I look back up at Sho. He is so beautiful and sexy. Even with the bruises, black eye, and busted lip. I kind want to kiss him right now. NO! Not right now. Ugh why can't he just get off. "How is this in any way benefiting you Sho?" "Honestly it's not but I like seeing you squirm under me." He smirks and looks away. Oh shit I know I'm blushing now. I wanna run my fingers through his hair. It's all disheveled and adorable. I wanna cuddle him and just have him in bed just holding him and call him mine. Run my hands all over his body, tracing all over his torso and his abs. Damn his V- line is so se- shit shit shit I have a fucking boner and I know for a fact Sho knows it too. Just great, can someone please help me? "Whatcha thinking about Deku?" I'm blushing my ass off "Nothing Sho. Uhh actually you know what, I give up. Please just get off of me." You'd think someone would have checked on us by now. I roll my eyes. "I'm not sure I want to Deku, I like this seat." "Please Sho I really want to get up." I sound so desperate. I mentally slap myself again. He smirks at me and shakes his head. "Nope, what's wrong Deku? Can't handle someone sitting on you?" "Not unless I ask them to!" Fuck that sounded weird. "You ask people to sit on your lap?" He asked sounding amused "No I don't, just get off please." I'm getting annoyed. "Deku what are you thinking about? You seem excited." And there it is. "Nothing, j-just get off I have shit to do Sho." He shakes his head and continues to sit on me. So I do the next think I think of, I try moving my hips. Maybe it'll weird him out. Nope it didn't, it just fucked my situation 20 ways to Saturday. The movement created friction against my dick and I quietly moaned. As if the situation couldn't get any worse, Sho looks at me and smirked. He smirks too much but it's cute. "What was that? And what were you doing?" "Nothing and nothing." "I think you just moaned." He's grinning so hard I think he might break his fucking smile. "No I didn't." I gulp. Why did I gulp!? To make everything worse he just grinds his hips into mine. I already have a problem don't make it worse. "S-sho what t-the hell are you d-doing?" He just looks at me and says "nothing, what are you doing?" What the hell!? I look down and to my astonishment, he's not moving, I am. Fuck my life.

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