Preparations Bitch!

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Around 5:30.........

So I've realized that it would be a good idea to have Kacchan and Sho do some intense training. Yeah I know I said everyone could chill but I've thought about it and they really do need it. Tough love and protection, that's all it is. I get up from my seat in my office to go find my boys. I head to the common area first, only finding Kiri and Kami acting like little nuts and Ari, Hatzüma and Mitoshi in the kitchen. "Hey Kami, have you seen the boys?" "Uhh I think they went to the weight room or to their rooms." "Thanks ya little dummy." I smile and blow him a playful kiss then head towards the weight room. Nobody but Iida and Juan. Well then they must be in their rooms. I roll my eyes and take the elevator up to Sho's floor. I knock on his door before I open it and walk in. "Sho, are you in here?" He appears from the bathroom. "Hey Deku, you need something?" "Yeah, I need you to meet me in the arena at 8:00." "Oh okay then, will do. Is anyone else going to be there?" "Yeah, Kacchan will be there with us. Any other questions?" "No that's it." "Alright, oh do you happen to know where he is right now?" "Last i saw him, he was heading to his room." "Great, thank you Shoto." I smile at him and kiss his forehead. "See you later Sho." "Later Deku." With this I walk out and go up to Kacchan's floor. I knock and walk in, same as I did Shoto. I find him on the floor, shirtless and doing push-ups. "Hello Kacchan" I say with just a hint of flirting in my voice. He looks up, "Hey Deku, what's up?" He pauses his work out and gets up and sits on his bed. "I need you to meet me at the arena at 8:00. Can you manage that?" "Yeah sure, no problem." "Great, oh and wear a shirt there ok? You're mine and Sho's, not the entire Yakuza's." I grin and chuckle at him. "Okay I will." "Good, love you." "Love you too Deku." I walk out and head back up to my office to create a game plan for later.


8:00 rolls around and Deku goes to the area to see both Todoroki and Bakugo sitting on a bench waiting. "Hello boys, now listen I know I said you didn't have to train but I thought about it annnnddd....... you two have to. Follow me, I need to grab Kami and Kiri, they're going to help with your training." "Why exactly do we need to train?" "Excellent question Kacchan, and I'll tell you. For one, you my dear still need to work on being aware of your surroundings. For two, if I'm being honest I haven't seen Sho train enough to know what areas he's good and bad in. And for three, yes everyone here is my family and I love them dearly but they've been at this for years with me and know what they're doing but other than Kiri and Kami you two are near and dear to my heart and if something were to happen to either of you..... I'll just leave it there. Anyway let's find those knuckle heads so we can start." With that, they enter the common area where the small male again finds Kami and Kiri. Kaminari is laying on the couch with Kirishima sitting on his chest, hands locked together while Kirishima has his legs behind his head like he was trying to do a backwards summersault on top of Kaminari. They're both laughing and giggling so hard, their faces are red. Todoroki and Bakugo look at Midoriya with a tinge of concern lacing their features. Midoriya only gives them a small smile and scoffs. He looks back at the condiment looking pair, "You know if I didn't know any better, I'd say you two paid a visit to my old pal Marco, but I do know better, so what in the hell are you two idiots doing?" They both stop and look at me. I found it amusing how they seemed to tense up when I mentioned Marco. "Why so tense boys? Marco got your tongue?" I'm such an ass sometimes but it's so fun. Now, unless they decide to talk about it, the story of Marco is a story for later. "Who's Marco?" Kacchan asks, seemingly tired of being confused. "Uhh well, he's an old friend of Dekus. He used to deal the hard shit you know? But Deku told us he was done with that about four days later. Well apparently Marco stumbled upon some douchebags who we used to sell to but cut them off because they missed several payments and Deku was already pissed with them. Well Marco was on his way to make a delivery when he stumbled across them and they ended up jumping him and found the delivery. They ended up forcing it in his mouth while the other guy held him down. For whatever reason they brought him here and he started tripping, like really badly. He was trying to hold me down and cut out my tongue. Everything he said was unintelligible but we figured as much when he kept grabbing at my mouth and had a knife in his other hand. At this point, Deku had just came in from training upstairs and he kicked Marco off and pinned him. I told him what happened and he locked him in the panic room til the next day. He explained everything and it was cleared up. We still don't like him though, but him and Deku are cool. He also agreed to not be near us or around us anytime he's here. He hasn't been here in almost a year though." The two just nod understanding it should probably left at that. "But no, nothing to do with Marco. Kami bet me $50 I couldn't do a backwards summersault while sitting on him." Kiri spoke up. "No wonder people called you both meatheads in highschool, you're great with athletics and fighting, anything else though and I'm trying to figure out what the hell you did with your brains." I facepalm, "I'll give you both $250 to stop being boneheads and come with me. I need you to help me."  "Alright fine we'll do it, don't think we're doing it for the money though Deku." I giggle a bit, "Oh I see Kiri, so you guys don't want the $250, I got you." Kami grabs my arm "That's NOT what he meant Deku!" I just laugh, "I know dunce face." Kacchan and Sho just stand there listening to our exchange. "Alright let's go then." We all get up and go to the elevator to go to the arena. Now I know what some are thinking, 'Deku just gave away $500 to make the idiots listen?' 'Where's that money coming from?' and 'That's not a responsible thing to do with your money.' Mhgh! Yeah shut up! Don't tell me what to do with my money and for two, shut up and I'll clarify. If it went unnoticed before, I own a club. I own lots of places and I deal shipments, i.e Maria and Juan (weaponry and weed) I used to deal the hard shit but dropped it quick because it wasn't something I wanted to be involved with, i.e Marco. I own a few clubs here and there and and some restaurants. They're all under the same name, my business name, Ground Zero. Only a few of them are named Ground Zero though. For instance, after our last mission we went to one of my clubs that had that name. See I have approximately 5 clubs throughout Japan and 10 throughout the U.S.  For the restaurants (yeah I own restaurants! Got a problem!?)  There's 6 of them in Japan and 15 in the U.S. Now some have the same name and there's a reason for that. The restaurants and clubs with the same names correspond. Meaning if a Ground Zero club needs more staff, they'll contact the Ground Zero restaurant. Same goes if they have a problem with imports. I don't do imports of weaponry through my businesses though. That'd be a hassle. I don't sell to people in my establishments either. Tried it, did NOT work. If you're not me, it can be hard to understand my system but it's simple really. There's a Ground Zero club, a Red Riot club, an Ingenium club, an Uravity club, and a Charge-Bolt club. There's 1 of each in Japan and 2 of each in the US. They correspond with the restaurants. There's a Ground Zero restaurant, a Red Riot restaurant, an Ingenium restaurant, an Uravity restaurant, and a Charge-Bolt restaurant. There's 3of each in the US but only 2 Ground Zero restaurants, 2 Ingenium restaurants, and 2 Uravity restaurants in Japan. So they have to correspond with the US but it works. So with all that, I'm good on cash. Honestly, how else would HQ be so amazing? After we arrive, I explain to Kami and Kiri what they're going to be doing. I leave Kacchan with Kaminari and they begin to spar.  Kirishima, Sho, and I go to the gun range like room. I hand him the gun he'll have tomorrow. "Now aim and fire." He looks at me then ahead at the still target. *BANG*.... *BANG*.... *BANG*  Sho stops and sets it down. I glance at him before walking out to the target. One in the head, directly between where the eyes would be. One in the chest where the heart would be. And one in the shoulder. I turn and look at him with a smirk. Shoto begins, "The head to make him fall to his knees, the heart to make him gasp, look down and realize he's lost, and the shoulder in case boss wants his fun with him." He smirks at me. I smile a little, scoff, and shake my head. "Kiri call Iida and tell him to bring his medical kit. We're going to see how Shoto does with a moving target." Kirishima looks at me, fear crossing the plains of his soft face. "But we don't have moving targets." "I told you to call Iida didn't I?" I only smile, that crazed sparkle dancing in my eyes once again. Then I proceed to grab the gear I need.

Hi guys, just wanted to say I made up the part about Marco right on the spot so I know it isn't the best and his businesses info was also on the spot. So sorry this chapter is pretty sucky but the next chapter is already underway.

Get ready to find out if Todoroki is as good an aim with a moving target as he is with a still target. Does Deku need stitches?, does Todoroki wimp out, not wanting to hurt his lover?, how's Bakugo's training going?

Answers to these questions and more in the next chapter of Mr. Devil.

              Stay tuned and enjoy 🙂

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