Let's Get Ready to Play

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By the time 6:00 rolled around I headed to the main floor and saw almost everyone there. We were only missing Sho, Kacchan and Iida. Oh did I mention the outsiders are staying with us since they are going to be here for and after the mission? Well they are, and it's nice to have them here. Not much later Kacchan, Sho and Iida step out of the elevator. "Fashionably late are we?" Kacchan rolls his eyes. Him and Sho are in their night clothes. I assume Iida was working in the clinic due to his scrubs. "Should I have worn a suit and tie to discuss our plans and eat dinner?" I smirk a little. I love how he's such a smart ass. I grab him by the collar, "Careful there hotshot, I'm not afraid to tie your ass up again. Matter of fact, I quite enjoy seeing you restrained and helpless." I grin and wink at him just to get under his skin. He scoffs and sits down across from me. "Well I for one am comfortable and I agree with Bakugo, should we have worn suits and ties?" My eyes widen a bit. "Sho, I think you've been spending too much time with Kacchan. You are never this cocky. Can't say I dislike it though." He looks at me and smirks. "I'm just comfortable with everything and everyone and don't feel like I need to be shy or act innocent." I can see what he means. I just give him a crooked half smile. "Then I'll tell you the same thing, be careful hotshot. I'll tie your ass up too. Hell there's a new rope set I recently bought and I want to try it out really bad, so I'm just waiting for you both to fuck around and let me catch you." They both look at each other then back to me but stay silent. "Well Deku, I was working in the clinic. I underestimated the time I had and didn't have time to go change." Iida was clearly trying to change the subject but his grin was obvious even though he tried to hide it. I let it slide though, understanding the humor in the situation. "That's okay Iida, I get it. Now I think it's best to go over our plan one more time to make sure everyone has a perfect understanding of what's going down and what they're doing. I can't afford to loose any of you." I normally don't speak directly about my real reasons for being so redundant about plans. Then again, I'm not very repetitive with mission plans either. The Souls yakuza is definitely one of the higher ups in ranking. I'm not scared or anything like that, don't get me wrong. Souls has just been incredibly persistent with taking out The Fallen for a very long time. I can easily exterminate Souls completely, but on the note of having all of The Fallen with me, it's a little nerve wracking. I love all of them, they are my family in all honesty. If I lost one of them, I'd do things I'd more than likely regret and I don't regret any decision I've ever made. All in all, we're taking down Souls tomorrow, point blank period. We're The Fallen for fucks sake! Back to our discussion, everyone nods and I begin. "When we get there it'll only be Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Bakugo, Shoto, Mina, Tsu and I. I'll find out how many people they have and I'll tell Maria using our headsets, i.e. the eat pieces from our last mission-" i get cut off by a certain unnatural redhead. "I am SO sorry for interrupting you Deku, punish me how you please, but you just called them 'Shoto' and 'Bakugo'. That- i-i uhh- I'm sorry it's just so odd..." He has this look of astonishment and confusion that made me give a small crooked smile. "I'll figure out your punishment later, for now focus on the topic at hand. Now, remember since we don't have exact numbers, be prepared for big numbers. Then she'll come in with the Hummer bringing anyone else we need. When we arrive Kaminari and Mina will go to the back, Kirishima will take the roof, and Sero will stay towards the front with Tsu. Shoto and Bakugo will stay in my range as I go in. I'm going in through the front. I know it's not the safest or smartest entry point but we have no time to hesitate or rethink this, it needs to be done and over with as soon as possible. Kaminari and Mina will go in through the back as I go in the front. They'll of course be expecting someone so go in and kill them all, no hesitations. It's possible some will run out to find the rest of us. At this point, Maria will already have arrived with everyone else. Sero, Kirishima, Tsu and the rest of you will cover the outside. Bakugo, Shoto, and I will take care of the bastards inside while awaiting Kirishima and Kaminari. Here's the main thing, we know the rest of Souls is going to be there which also means the leader will be there. I do have information on what he looks like. When he is spotted, don't kill him. At the most, injure him but don't kill him. I want my fun with the bastard." I go ahead and give them the rest of the information and plan. Then I give them the description of Souls's tiny dicked boss. 6'1, mid 30's, short dark brown hair with ashen streaks, dark green eyes and scar on his right eye, top of his eyebrow to center of his cheek. Looks to be about 190, slightly built. Shot in the leg recently so he has a bit of a limp. After I'm done explaining everything, we decided to watch some movies together since everything has been delt with. We end up watching a romcom first but I guess that's what happens when I let Mina choose the movie. After that, I let Kacchan pick and he chooses pretty classic horror movie, Nightmare on Elm Street. When the movie ends, I see Sero, Kami, and Iida head towards the weight room as I go up to my office to finalize some things, leaving Sho and Kacchan with the girls and Kirishima.

2 Hours Later

Damn I'm so exhausted, I just want to cuddle my boys and sleep. So that's exactly what I do. I call both Kacchan and Sho to my room. "Both of you, strip and get in bed." They both look at me but do as I said. They both get in the bed in nothing but their boxers. I climb in between them. "It'd been stressful lately and I just want to cuddle." I see them both look at me and nod. They scoot closer and hold me. "I love you Izuku." Both men say in unison. "I love you too Katsuki and Shoto." The three stay like this the whole night, falling asleep together in each others arms, smiles on their faces.

The Next Morning.......

I wake up to my boys on either side of me. I sit and smile, taking in their beauty. "Shiiiit" I groan wanting to get today's mission over with. I want to spend time with my two beautiful boyfriends and spend time with the others. Welp, time to begin badass boss and boyfriend mode. I laugh at my terrible inside joke. Sho has his head buried in my chest, arm draped over my waist and a leg wrapped over mine. Kacchan's head was resting on my chest, one arm my head, the other draped over his face. One of his legs were under mine, the other off to the side. The blanket was almost completely out of sight, falling off the bed. I'm on my back, wrapped in the limbs of my two lovers. Sounds uncomfortable, I know but it's actually quite the opposite. It's time to wake them up sadly, but I'll have fun doing so. That godforsaken devlish smirk appearing on my face, accompanied by the signature crazy glint in my eyes, creating the tag team that makes my face most chaotic. I raise my arms, thankfully they aren't trapped beneath the tangle of appendages, with one hand I grab Sho's ass and with the other I grab Kacchan's junk, squeezing just enough to get a reaction from both. "Ahhh- mmh" is all I hear before I felt Ruby red eyes and heterochromatic eyes staring at me. "Wake up boys." I smirk and kiss them both, then get out of bed. "Get dressed, we have some things to do before we kick some ass and murder people." I give them a cheeky grin as they get out of bed, stretching.

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