Relaxing and Chillin(Getting high and Screwing Around)

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(Sorry kind of a long title)

Midoriya rolls the blunts and hands them out. Everyone has their own lighter just because. Midoriya sees Sho holding his unlit blunt and walks up to Shoto. "Let me help you with that." Deku puts Sho's blunt into his mouth then leans forward lighting it with his own. Deku pulls back and smirks at Sho. "Thanks Deku" He smiles and kisses him on the cheek then walks off.  Todoroki sees Bakugo with his unlit blunt and did the same thing Deku did for him. "Thanks half n half" the blonde said with a smirk. Sho sits down beside him and watches the movie with him while they both kept smoking. "Duuude haha I'm fucking hungry!" Kami jumped up and grabbed a bag of chips off the table. Deku was very clingy and so was Kirishima. 'oops, we forgot to tell Bakugo and Todoroki' Iida thinks to himself. He walks over to the two "hey so Izu and Kiri get really horny when they're high." Iida laughs walking away and lighting up. Eventually everyone has smoked at least a blunt and a half. Everyone was blazed and laughing their asses off by the time the movie ended. The credits started rolling with music playing with them. Deku jumped came out of nowhere and started yelling, "I love this song!" He started dancing around the couch singing along to the song acting like a goof. It was a rediclous song so everyone was laughing even harder. When that song was over Iida took out the movie and Mina turned on the radio. A certain song came on and Midoriya's eyes widened, "this is my fucking song!"

Everyone went silent but a few snickered knowing what was happening. Deku loved to dance and he danced very well, weather it was freestyle, slowdance, contemporary, or random. He mostly enjoyed dancing like a whore, not because he is one, if course not. But because he found it more fun and free and flirtatious, like himself. Every time the group got high together, someone would put music on just to watch Deku dance. It was entertaining and interesting to watch him do so. The music was playing and Midoriya was hyped but controlled himself enough to dance to the song. Whilst dancing, the smaller male made his way over to Shoto and Bakugo. He began dancing in front of them as though he was about to give them both a lap dance. Deku continued to dance very seductively while everyone watched. He sang along to the song and stared into both of his boyfriend's eyes. The two sat there frozen, not knowing what to do. Bakugo gulped and Todoroki did the same then just took another hit from his joint watching the small male in front of him. Roughly two minutes later the song ended and everyone clapped for Deku. He turned to everyone and smiled. Then he looked back to the two men behind him and kissed them both. The next song came on and his eyes instantly lit up. Mina, Kiri, Kami, Sero, and Momo began cheering him on as he began to sing along to the song.

Little did Sho and Katsuki know, that Deku used to do all  sorts of choreography for all kinds of music and this was his favorite song to do choreography for. "Do it for the tik tok!" Mina yelled. Midoriya looked at her and smirked. "I was gonna do it anyway!" He giggled then got really close to Bakugo's face and started to sing along to the song and began giving him a lap dance at the same time. Bakugo turned red but couldn't take his eyes off the smaller male. Todoroki watched in amazement as Deku moved his hips so skillfully and watched his fluid movements. Not even a minute later, Deku got off of the blonde and then continued his routine with the dual haired man. He sat in his lap and grinded on him a bit while running his hands along his body and finishing his routine. He finished and was in Sho's lap, the smaller's back pressed against Sho's chest, one arm wrapped behind his neck with his free hand gripping Sho's thigh. Deku was staring into his eyes, obviously out of breath and the song ended. Deku placed a kiss on Todo's lips and got off him. Everyone began clapping and cheering. "Holy shit Deku, that was amazing. Like it had to have been your best performance yet." Kirishima said walking up to him. "If that's the case, I hope someone got it on video cuz I ain't remembering shit in the morning." Deku began laughing. " Yup I got you covered hun, I'm trained to remember to get things like this on camera, even if I am fucked up." Momo smiled and laughed when she said this. 'Im so lucky to have Momo around' Deku thought. "Man did you record Katsuki and Shoto's faces? Man they were priceless!" Kaminari laughed his ass off after asking this and Momo just nods and giggles. The blonde and half n half walk over to them. "So is that a normal thing, like does he give everyone lap dances when he's high?" Todoroki questions still looking shocked from a few moments ago. Deku was about to speak but then was cut off by Kirishima. "Yeah he does, we've all at least had one lap dance from him but he's never done it like that." "What is that supposed to mean?" Bakugo asks looking kinda confused and slightly mad for some reason. "Meaning he used to do all types of professional choreography for all types of music and the only time we've seen him use it is when he's randomly dancing. Anytime he'd give us lap dances when he was high, he'd use techniques we'd see other strippers do when we go out to the club or to his strip joint." "You have a strip club?!" Shoto semi shouts, seemingly confused. The smaller just nods, with a smile on his face. "That's beside the point man, he used his real moves on you guys! That's so cool." Kirishima exclams this, feeling happy about the situation. "Kiri, you're loud. I have a headache. Do we have any orange juice?" "Yeah and sorry." "It's fine. Do we have Vodka?" "Yeah it should be in the cabinet with the Jack and Fireball." Midoriya nods noticing he's coming down from his high, seeing as he hasn't smoked in almost four hours. "Kiri, I'm gonna get some orange juice. Can you help me?" Kirishima chuckles knowing Midoriya also wants the Vodka but can't reach the cabinet it's in. "Yeah I'll help you Deku, I want a screwdriver too." They both chuckle. "Thanks. Kiri I love you." They both walk to the kitchen. Kaminari notices both Sho and Bakugko are staring in the direction the other two left in. "Hey, don't worry about it, they're only friends. Have been since highschool. Deku, me, and Kiri are as close as you can get with your best friends. We've always told each other 'i love you', we do it just platonic. Well except between me and Kiri." Kaminari laughs at himself. "Who's had the most lap dances from Deku?" Bakugo asks this while glaring at Kaminari. "That would be Kiri. I came in second, of course the guys all had more than the girls seeing as each girl only had one." Shoto's mouth dropped. "How many did you and Kirishima have!?" "I'll tell you but you gotta chill and stop acting like it happened while y'all were together." Todo scoffed and nodded, "fine." "Last time I checked, Kirishima has had 83 and I've had 72. Sero has had like 60, Iida's had maybe 20 and all the females had 1. Looks like you guys need to pick up the pace cuz y'all are the boyfriends but me and Kiri are in top rank." Kaminari said this, and began laughing like an idiot. Katsuki and Shoto stare at each other for a second. "What the fuck?!" Bakugo yelled a little. "Don't freak out man. We've known each other since high school and we've been getting high since senior year. We went to college together too. All three of us have stuck together since then, so when he recruited us to be in his mafia, we couldn't say no. We were the first members and everything. No hard feelings man. I've got Kiri and you two got Deku. But if you hurt him, I'm trained to kill you both with my eyes closed." Kaminari winks at them and chuckles. Deku and Kirishima walk into the room laughing and Mina speaks up, "I've realized that Bakugo and Todoroki hardly know anything about Deku or his past, with and without us. They know nothing! So we should play a game. Like 20 questions but with more questions. It'll be fun, you know remembering old times together!" "Yeah that's a great idea, that way these major douche bombs will know they have nothing to worry about." This time Midoriya spoke. Both Bakugo and Todoroki looked at him and said in unison, "douche bombs?" Deku rolled his eyes "sorry, sexy as fuck douche bombs" he smiled at the two. Kirishima laughed a little, "He really loves you two. You guys are super lucky to have Deku. Don't fuck up or I'll fuck you both up." He winks to mess with them. "By the way, Deku isn't a light weight but he prefers to act like it in public." "Aww man Kiri, you ruined my plan." Deku frowned and stuck his tongue out at Kirishima. He simply laughed and patted Deku's head. "Well let's begin the game." Mina chirped.

  A/N yeah I know Midoriya seems a little slutty or whore-ish when it talked about the amount of lap dances everyone has had from him. He's not though, he's just a major flirt at heat and it increases when he gets high or drunk. He's been besties with Kiri and Kami since highschool and they got high and got drunk a lot together. His family (the rest of the group) accepts him the way he is. You should too. Deku is NOT A WHORE 😊😘

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