Do It 😆🔫

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Iida arrives five minutes later with his first aid kit. I put on a bulletproof vest, a shoulder protector, and that's it. My head is unprotected. So to speak. "You're good with still targets yes, but that doesn't go for moving ones as well. Heart, shoulder, head, I'm your dummy. We're going to the roof. You'll shoot me in the exact same  places as the target while I move around jumping from place to place." With that, I grab Sho and Kiri by their arms and dragging them with me to the roof, slightly smirking at the fear stricken look that covered both of their faces for a minute before it disappeared from them both. "Shoto are you ready?" Saying nothing he looks up, seemingly hesitant. "Deku are you insane?!" "Oh we both know the answer to that Kiri." I grin at him. "Quit messing around Deku." 'Iida isn't objecting, does he know something? Doesn't make a difference either way, I just need Sho to shoot me.' I thought to myself. "Ready Sho?" He looks at me and gives a quick nod. "Wha- what, Todoroki! Don't do it!" I think Kirishima's nerves are shot right now. Normally he'd just stop whatever is happening. "Alright, start wherever and I'll say when to begin. Kiri stay over there with Iida, who knows how many stray bullets are about to fly." I wink at him because I'm an ass and his face goes pale. Todoroki starts towards the front of the set up, as Midoriya makes his way through the mid section. "Let's play Sho." Immediately after saying this, Midoriya ducks down and the sound of the first shot rings out through the air. "TODOROKI! STOP, NOOOO!" Before Kirishima could take action, Iida grabbed him with a bored expression. "Sit down and let Deku's crazy ass do as he pleases. We both know he's crazy but we also both know he's not stupid." This helped the redhead calm down a bit, but was still anxious. "Aww, you gotta do better than that baby." The smaller male says as he moves from barrier to barrier. "Ever heard of practice shots?" As the dual haired man says this, he pulls the trigger, hitting Deku in the shoulder. "Damn, I felt that one. Keep in mind though, there's no such thing as practice shots when you're on a mission." Deku gets back up and continues moving. Iida had to grab Kirishima once more, "if you don't stay still, I'm going to sit on you." "He shot Deku!" "I'm this close to sitting on you." Iida had his fingers touching. "And I don't plan on moving until they're done." "Noted...." Iida isn't over weight or anything. He's around 250 pounds and a lot of it's muscle, so one could assume all that weight on poor Kirishima, for who knows how long, would suck. As Todoroki begins to focus more, he breathes, aims, and fires. Deku drops and Iida sits on Kirishima. "You do know be put the vest on and he felt from impact right?" "So!? He could still be injured!" "Very true, but I'll evaluate that when they're done." The redhead groaned in defeat. The small boss gets up. "Damn....... It's weird feeling vibrations in my body that aren't coming from my ass." Deku smirks and runs off again. The dual haired man not letting Deku throw him off, this time chases Deku. They reach the end of the building. "Oh look, you caught up. You going to shoot me Sho?" Deku's grin is so wide his face will probably hurt later. Todoroki puts the gun to Deku's head. Midoriya just smirks at him. "Come on Sho, do it! Pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty........ please?" *BANG* Deku falls down, blood running down his face. Todoroki begins to panic, "oh shit....." Midoriya opens his eyes. He smirks, winks, and "shhh..." then he closes his eyes. Todoroki realized what just happened. Naturally, Kirishima is freaking out and struggling under Iida. Midoriya trusts Todoroki will play along and just lays there. "Iida, get over here! He's bleeding really bad! I don't think this was supposed to happen, I-I thought he knew what he was doing." Iida's face drops and he is now a replica of Kirishima, freaking out and running over, almost being run over by Kirishima. "Todoroki! What the hell man?! Why would you actually shoot him?! Are you insane?!" The redhead grabs the other male by the shoulders, shaking him vigorously. "KIRISHIMA CALM THE FUCK DOWN! FREAKING OUT WILL HELP NOTHING!" Kirishima being extremely shocked that Iida reacted that way, releases his hold on the other and backs away a bit. While Iida is going through his first aid kit and Kirishima had closed his eyes to take a breather, Midoriya sits up, wipes the blood from his face and drapes his arms over Shoto's shoulders. Shoto who is currently kneeling beside him with his back turned, jumped slightly but kept quiet, smiling to himself and places his hands lovingly on Midoriya's arms. "You guys really do love me don't you? Good to know because if someone killed either of you, they'd be piecing that body back together for months." Kirishima and Iida whip their heads around at a neck breaking speed. "WHA-" Speaking at the same time but being cut off when they see Midoriya wrapped around Shoto. The confused stricken faces only make Deku chuckle. "Supriiise! I'm perfectly fine and yes Iida you can check me if you want. This was to train Sho with firearm but after seeing how good he was, I decided to test Maria's new gear. We have out bullet proof vests and we also have the side pieces like leg, shoulder, and arm gear. Well Maria decided to come up with something for the head. When it's worn, you can't see it but when it's not being worn, it's a light tan with grey streaks. She only told me about the project because she wanted it to be a surprise to everyone. I just really wanted to test it." "Deku I think I had a heart attack because of that," Kirishima rolls his eyes, feeling his heart slow down a bit. "So you used fake blood then?" "Yeah I did, I wouldn't know exactly where he'd fire so I lined the front of this with the break-away packs." "That makes sense but Deku, you really sold it. I honestly thought you were dying. The fall looked real and you lying there too." "I know, in high school I took private acting lessons. Then, you should be familiar with this but, being in the Yakuza like we are, you have to train your body to slow it's breathing as fast and as much as you can. Especially when running around then having to be silent right after. That's how I slowed my chest movements so much in such a little time frame." Both Iida and Kirishima nod in understanding. "Don't say anything about this to anyone. I want to do something similar soon. But with everyone present. I might need you guys help too, so just stay hush." "No problem." "Thanks guys. So Sho can just practice with Kiri inside some more and I need to go check on Kacchan." Everyone agrees and heads inside. Deku drops the two off to the gun range room and Iida goes to his office. Midoriya makes his way to the fighting area with a grin on his face and the notorious crazy glint in his eyes. I have Kacchan in the training arena for a reason. Why not find out if that yellow-blonde  knuckle head is teaching him anything. I always have plans divided, it's just one of the many things I do. Whether it's made on the spot or planned ahead, it always works. This one should be fun especially since I just thought of it. Reaching the arena I go into stealth mode. Finding Kami and Kacchan sparring towards the opposite end of where I am, I pin point their exact location and movements. It's a pretty open area so I have to watch their every move. I fixate my breathing so it couldn't be heard. Making my way down towards the two males quickly and without being noticed, I set my plan into action. Without making a sound, Deku goes to grab Bakugo from behind to pull him backwards and throw him to the ground to test his theory of Kaminari not training him. Before he could touch Bakugo, he grabs him by the arm reaching over his shoulder and flips him over his body, slamming the smaller into the ground and pinning him. "Hey there Deku, how'd things go with halfie?" Deku wanted to wipe the smirk off Bakugo's face but set with just the usual tap to the face. "Was great, turns out he's great with guns." Katsuki gets off Midoriya, holding his hand out to help him up. "Thanks, so it seems like Kami is training you. I'll be honest here Kami, I didn't think you were doing anything at all." He scoffs and holds his chest faking a hurt look. "Deku you wound me. Have I ever let you down?" He chuckles, "No but you do goof off a lot. Good work though, he's already improved a lot. Now let's continue shall we?" Smirking, Deku begins to help Katsuki and eventually they spar.

                 Two hours later.....

Leaving the arena drenched in sweat the three make their ways to their own floors. "Oh guys, come down to the common area at 6:00, I want to discuss a few things and we'll have dinner at 7:00." The blonde and yellow-blonde nodded and continued on their way. 'I need a shower.' I think to myself. It's good to know that Sho and Kacchan learn so quick. As much as I hate to say it, if it wasn't for that, they'd more than likely be inconveniences right now. But either way I still love them. Damn I can't wait until this is over and we go on vacation. It'll be nice to get away and relax without having to worry about whose neck I'm going to snap next. Well we go in tomorrow so it won't be much longer. I step in the shower, turning the knobs to adjust the temperature and setting it to a pretty hot temperature. As I stand letting the hot steaming water bounce off of and run down my back, I gather my thoughts and clear my head.

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