Get Your Ass in Gear 😈

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As Iida and Sero leave to do as I asked, I begin to contemplate the plan. From taking out Souls to going on vacation with everyone and leaving HQ to Maria, Juan, and our outsiders, this is the first time my nerves have been really irked in a while. They know we just killed four of their best people yet they're stupid enough to try and steal our weaponry cargo!? Damn, as agitated as that makes me, I can't hey but laugh at how ignorant and naive they are. The best part is that even though we eliminated half their crew, they seem to take us for granted. I can't wait to show them what's what. Deku takes the elevator up to his floor, making his way to his room to wake the two men, grinning as wide as possible. The crazy glint shining in his eyes with many ideas running though his mind. He makes it to his room and finds both men still knocked out. 'They look so beautiful. Too bad I have to do this' Deku giggles to himself as he lifts one side of the mattress the two males slept on and the both toppled off, landing on the floor with a heavy thud. Both jumping up, almost falling over due to the drowsy-ness, look around, eyes landing on Deku. Before either could say anything Izuku pipes up, "Sorry I had to, I saw the opportunity and I took it. I love you though." Izuku giggles and kisses them on the cheek. "We're having a meeting in my office at 2:30 and you need to pack your bags. Don't ask questions but if you have a question about the meeting, ask away. Katsuki spoke up first, "what's the meeting about?" "Ahh you'll see." Katsuki scoffs and shakes his head, not really caring enough to argue. "Well what should we pack?" "Something comfortable. You'll have more details at the meeting. Is that all?" They both nod. "Okay then, I have some business to attend to before the meeting. You remember where my office is correct?" "Yeah" The two say in unison. "Good, if you need anything find Iida or Momo, they should be able to help." With that I smiled and left. I went to my office to go over my plans a few times and sent a message to Sero telling him which vehicles are going to be used. I also messaged the outsiders of The Fallen.

The message....

My lovely Demons,
Ha sido un tiempo. Necesito tu ayuda. Almas planea robar nuestra carga de armamento mañana. Todo el cuartel general y yo los vamos a sacar....
Después nos vamos de vacaciones y los necesito junto con María y Juan para que se queden en la sede y velen por todo. También necesito que llegues a la sede central a las 2:30 para la reunión que estoy celebrando. Entonces se dará más información.
No somos solo socios, somos amigos, somos familia, somos Los Caídos. Gracias amigos, te veré pronto.

End of message....

Now knowing them, they'll most likely show up. I should probably go get my shit together. Deku makes his way to the elevator and to his room. He grabs his suitcase and begins packing and packs a weeks worth of clothes. Three t-shirts, three wife beaters, a plaid shirt, three pairs of jeans, two pairs of cargo shorts, two pairs of basketball shorts, pair of sneakers, pair of work boots, and a pair of high-top Converses. He also packed a black suit and black dress shoes. Adding socks and boxers, he slipped in a bottle of lube, a sexy officer costume and his favorite gun. 'That'll come in handy for sure' Izuku thought and grinned to himself. He finished packing and set his suitcase to the side. Going to everyone's floor to tell office placements, Izuku noticed it was 2:05. "They should be here soon", he whispered to himself and headed to the common area.

2:30pm on the dot......

A text comes in......

Amigos de afuera: Estamos aquí señor Diablo

Señor Diablo: Ahh bueno. Estaré allí en un minuto.

Amigos de afuera: Cosa segura.

End of Messages .....

'Good, on time as always. I knew they would come through. Not because if they betray me I'll kill them, but because we're close. Even though they don't stay at HQ, we're close. I met them my Sophomore year in high school and we became friends. We didn't talk as much as Kami, Kiri, Sero, and I but we're still close friends. We vowed that no matter what happens, we'd be there for each other even if we don't communicate much. I don't know how I ended up with such great people as my friends and family.', Deku thought as he went to the back entrance. "¿Cual es tu nombre y la contraseña?" "Me llamo Ari, y la contraseña es The Fallen viene por ti." "Si, es bueno!" They glare at me and I laugh. "I'm an ass I know, but I had to. It was funny though and I wanted to hear you say it." I say grinning at them. "Yeah yeah, now are we going to the meeting or what?" "Yes we are. You remember your placements right?" "Of course we do. We could never forget. Especially since the one time we forgot, you stripped us tied us up, and did your 'endearment treatment'. That was and still is, so weird." All of us laugh at the memory. "Alright, come on let's go." They make their way up to Deku's office to start their meeting. Deku has always had specific seating arrangements for when they have meetings in his office, blame his OCD. When they enter his office he sees everyone in place and waiting. Sero sits in Deku's chair at his desk. (Normally Deku would sit in his chair at his desk but on occasion he has Sero sit there.) Kirishima and Kaminari sit in the two chairs in front of his desk. Over in the right hand corner of the room, Maria sits in a chair and in the left hand corner of the room, Juan sits in that chair. To the right of the desk, on the couch against the wall, sits Iida, Mina, Jirō, and Tsu. Momo sits on the random bean bag chair and Ari goes to sit on the other one. Nezaru and Mitoshi go to stand on either side of the desk while Hatzüma and Toshu stand on opposite ends of the couch. Midoriya walks over to the other couch opposite of the desk, where Katsuki and Shoto are sitting. When Midoriya sits down, Katsuki takes it upon himself to get in Midoriyas lap. He wraps his arm around Deku's neck and surprising everyone including himself, Izuku doesn't get mad or make him get off. He quite enjoys it actually. Midoriya notices Bakugo with a gun and it's fiddling with it but pays no mind other than wondering how he got it. "Alright let's begin. I'll do proper introductions after we discuss this, all I'm going to say for now is friends," he points at Ari, Hatzüma, and the others that came in with him, "boyfriends." He says gesturing to Shoto and Katsuki. "It's been brought to my attention that the rest of Souls is planning on stealing our weaponry cargo. Yes Maria is a bad bitch and could normally handle this herself but I don't know numbers. What I do know is that they're also bringing their own weapons. I also know that the four we killed the other day were their strongest members. They may be bringing their own weapons but so are we. We spare no one, ending the Souls yakuza for good. Now, along with the automatic runner ups, we're going to have Mina and Tsu going, along with the two newest ARs, Kacchan and Sho." They look confused and I giggle to myself. "Since you two are new still, I'll tell you who and what automatic runner ups are. Automatic runner ups are like first in line on calls. They're the ones who go on surprise missions. If help is needed, of course it can be called for. Now the people who are the ARs are Kiri, Kami, Sero, myself, and now you two as well." They look at me and nod. "Now let's discuss transportation and weapons, shall we. I will be taking Sho and Kacchan and I'll take my car. Kiri, Kami, and Sero, you guys will take Kami's car. Mina and Tsu, you will take Tsu's car. I'll have Maria come in with my favorite Hummer," I smirk and nod at Kiri who is bouncing in his seat because my favorite Hummer is his favorite Hummer as well. "She'll bring Juan and Ari with her. Maria will take my car back, Juan will take Kami's car back and Ari will take Tsu's car back." Almost everyone is confused but doesn't say anything, knowing better than to interrupt Deku during a meeting. " Now as I said before, they plan on bringing weapons, well so do we." Some seem to perk up at this part of the discussion. " I'm taking my favorite hand gun, as you should all know." I smirk at everyone.

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