Mr. Devil Wants to Play With You

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After getting dressed we take the elevator down to the main floor. We head into the living room but I walk towards the kitchen. Seeing Kiri in there I decided to have some fun. I walk up behind him, ready to put him in a chokehold but before I could, he turns around and decks me in the side. "Kiri! Haha, good job. I seriously thought I was going to get you." Laughing, I punch him in the shoulder. "Not this time Deku. I've been working a lot harder on focusing on everything around me." "Oh is that so? Well I hope you've been helping Kami with that as well." "Actually, yeah I have. He's been improving a lot lately." "Good, that blonde knucklehead and you are important in everything I do. Don't fuck up." We both chuckle and I shake my head walking out with my drink. Until we head out, it's going to be chaos. We do it normally but now it's going to happen to everyone, a lot. Fighting in the middle of anywhere and everywhere, breaking out into fist fights and pulling knifes. It's just what we do and the boys are going to learn that before we leave. Right as I step foot into the living room, Sero comes out of no where and knocks me in the jaw. "Damn" I'm kinda stunned because I didn't think anyone besides me would have started this early. Before I can do or say anything Sero hits me again, this time in the jaw. The force was so hard I stumbled back a little and my drink spills. I glare at him. "You made me spill my Monster Sero." My entire aura becomes darker. The boys don't know but Monster and coffee are my favorite drink. They're practically my energy source. Everyone else knows not to fuck with my supply of either. Yeah I'm kind of a bitch when it comes to either but can you blame me? He just smiles at me. "Fuck your Monster Deku." This bitch, I know what he's playing at and he knows he's playing a dangerous game. I place my Monster on the counter and turn around immediately decking him in the face. "You really want to die today don't you Sero?" "Not sure, maybe." He shrugs and goes in for another hit. I dodge making him stumble forward a bit. "Hey now, don't go getting all sloppy now. You need to have better arm control if you don't want your ass kicked." He looks at me and scoffs. "Have you told your pretty boys about what we do around here?" Ahh there it is, the infamous provocation. Something we all do to each other to escalate adrenaline and fight response time. I side sweep his ass and pin him. "Don't call them that and no I haven't. They'll figure out on their own. They're pretty boys but they're smart pretty boys." I slap him for emphasis. I get up off him and help him up. "Don't trash talk my drinks." I give him my signature face tap and walk over to both Kacchan and Sho who look confused and surprised. "Like I told him, you're pretty boys but you're smart. You can figure out what is going on. Just know, that I'm not the only one who is going to drop you in an instant today." I wink and walk past them grabbing my Monster and going to sit down on the couch.

Several hours of random fights and minor wounds later..........

"Sho, Kacchan, come with me. Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, go get ready. Mina, Tsu, go get your shit and go to your car. Everyone else, grab you guns, knives, and make sure you're wearing your ear piece. We're doing this shit and we're doing it now." I toss Kacchan and Sho their guns and grab my own and we go out to the parking garage to get my car. "You both have you're blades right?" "Yeah" they respond together. As I get in my car, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Mina, and Tsu are already walking to their cars. They're never late and don't waste time, I think smirking to myself. I pull out of the garage and head to our warehouse. "Maria, do you read me?" I say speaking into the headset. "Roger that Mr. Devil." I can hear her smirk just by the way she said that. "Okay Fallen, can you all hear me?" I receive several 'yes' and 'copy Mr. Devil' from everyone. I look over at the two in my car, "blondie, candy cane, can you hear me?" We're in a relationship and they're right next to me but I'm still their boss and we're doing a mission, they need to act and respond accordingly. "Both Kacchan and Sho look me in the eyes when I glance at them and reply, "yes Mr. Devil." I smirk and shake my head. "Whatever I say applies to you both as well. Don't get that confused." We arrive to the warehouse in less than ten minutes. "Park at the shed and get into position, I'm done dealing with these fucktards." We all get in position, Sero and Tsu near the front, Kami and Mina at the back, Kiri on the roof, and me with the boys ready to go in. "Fuck em up boys." I bust down the door and go in. *BANG* These idiots really want to play huh? *BANG* "Don't start something you can't finish." I roll my eyes. And so it begins, guns firing, terminating Souls by the minute. I have to say, there's more than expected but of course, we handle just fine. Quite a few of them went outside, boy was that a mistake. I chuckle to myself as I hear what's going on outside. Maria and the rest of them certainly have it under control. Before I know it, Kami and Kiri made it inside and help out. Then I see him, that son of a bitch. "Kirishima, Kaminari, to you're right! Grab that piece of shit!" I yell to them, and they respond immediately. As they grab him I grin the most sadistic grin I've ever made in a while. Ahh rookie move, as I was relishing in the fact that I got ahold of Souls's leader, I dropped my guard and someone grabbed me from behind. Now I have to deal with this dumbass, great. "I recommend you let me go buddy." This guy smells like cheap cologne and motor oil. "Why would I do that, boss says you gotta go." He's a newbie, well let's get this over with. I begin to chuckle, "Well if you look around, there's maybe twenty of your guys left, I've got your boss tied up over there, and there's at least three guns at minimum pointed at you right now. Plus I can kill you right this second." "Bullshit, that's not possible, none of it is." "Why don't you take a look then." I feel him look up and when he does, I rip my arm from his grip and stab him in his jugular. He falls to the ground and I look at him smiling my ass off. "Nothing isn't possible when it comes to Mr. Devil" *BANG* The noise rings out after I pull the trigger, shooting him in the head. I contact everyone though the ear piece, "alright hurry up and finish the job. We have the boss man in here, I'm heading outside now to help finish up. Then I'm going have fun with the big bad boss." I get a roger here and there and I go outside. There's at least five in direct sight. I have three bullets, let's do this shit. *BANG* The first hits one guy going through him and hitting the guy behind him. Three guys, two bullets. *BANG* This one goes through the guys head. "Perfect" Two guys, one bullet, let's have some fun. The container of gasoline sitting a few feet away from the last two. *BANG* *BOOM* I shoot the gasoline tank creating a good size explosion which blows up the last two. After killing the last few, I go back inside. I walk over to the Souls leader, seeing him tied up on the ground. "Well well well, if it isn't the needle dicked Souls leader. I've heard a lot about you Hatami Shisuki. Now I've been wondering, what made you think you could steal my supplies and make it out of here alive? Just curious, and especially since two days ago I took out your top four people. I mean is there a voice in your head telling you to do it and saying you won't die, are you being mind controled, or... or are you just that stupid?" He stares blankly at me. "Answer me!" "You're really a crazy ass bitch aren't you?" Oh well boo hoo, doesn't matter if I am or not. I am but that's not important right now. I kick him in the gut making him double over. "Tell me, why'd you do it." "I don't take orders from you." I right hook his ass in the face. "You honestly think you can come in here, try to steal my shit and disrespect me, boy how wrong you are." I shove him to the ground, "why. did. you. do. it." I grab his jaw forcing him to look at me. Then he spits in my face. Wiping it off I right hook him again. "Enough with the bullshit, Kirishima put him on the hook. It's time to show this son of a bitch how crazy I really am. I decide it's time to have some fun. "Take out your blades." I say to both of my boys standing together a few feet away from me. I want you both to carve your name into him, first and last. Can you do that Sho?" He nods and walks over to the guy with Kacchan in tow. I walk over there as well, Kacchan starts carve his name into his arm and he hollars at the pain. Sho cuts open his shirt and begins cutting into his lower abdomen. I cut his pants and put my name in his upper thigh, he tries to kick me so as I finish the a in Midoriya, I stab my blade into his thigh. Jeez this guy screams a lot. "Shut up, damn you're annoying." He doesn't get any more quiet. "You two sit still, I'm going to go grab something." They both nod and Deku walk to a shelf on the other side of the room and comes back with a container. He opens it and pours some of the contents on top of Dekus name making the male yell out even louder. "Pretty painful right, it's bleach, vodka, and lemon juice. Believe it or not it makes a very good cleanser for the weaponry." He pours the rest onto Shoto's and Bakugo's names. Hatami gets louder and Deku becomes irritated. "Alright let's play a game shall we? First we'll play bullets. Kirishima, get him off the hook and put him into position." Kirishima does as he's told placing Hatami on the ground, adjusting him so he's on his stomach with his ass just barely propped in the air and the red head sits there holding him in place. This made him yell even louder. Deku walks over to a table a foot away and grabs a cloth then shoves it in his mouth. "Shut up or I'll curb stomp your ass." (Those of you who don't know what that is, I'll leave it up to you to look it up.) "Alright let's begin." *BANG* "Damn I missed, again." *BANG* "That was a lot closer Mr. Devil. Third time's the charm." Kiri says winking. *BANG* "Perfect, it went right through both cheeks." Yes, the purpose of 'bullets' is to shoot at someone's ass is the goal is to have the bullet go through both cheeks and come out the other side. Yes Deku is a weird and chaotic being bit we already knew that. "Alright I do believe it's time for the next game. Hmm, I know, well play limbs. Shoto, Bakugo, take out your guns. Kirishima, you're going to be my other player." The three pulled out their guns and waited for what was to come next. It was noticeable at this point that the notorious crazy sparkle that appears in Deku's eye has become so intense his eyes were practically glowing. It just made him look like he's completely lost it but yet made his eyes all the more gorgeous. "This game is simple, each person is assigned a limb, you shoot it four times and try to make it bleed as much as possible. Whoever has the most blood and loudest scream wins. Oh and watch out for the carvings, I like those. Alright Sho and Kacchan, you two take the legs, Kiri you have that arm and I'll take this one." The greenette walks over and removes the cloth from the man's mouth. "Kacchan you first." He does as he's told and shoots him four times. He receives loud hollars and a fair amount of blood. "Now you Sho." He nods and complies. *BANG* Shooting him four times, he gets a very similar reaction with the same amount of blood. The small boss looks at Kirishima and only nods. The redhead smirks, *BANG*, four shots, a noticeable amount more of blood seeps down from the man's arm and the scream is comparably louder. Midoriya takes his turn, *BANG* "One," *BANG* "two," *BANG* "three," he continues to count out loud, reaching three then pauses for a second. *BANG* "Four." He shoots him in the head. "And that's how you end a game of limbs." Deku says this in a tone of gloating and enjoyment while grinning. Some smile at him and some clap a little, over all everyone is satisfied with the out come. "So, how do you two feel?" Bakugo speaks up first, "I feel pretty great actually. These missions aren't half bad." Deku grins at him and chuckles, "good to know big boy. What about you Sho?" "This was surprisingly very enjoyable. I fee amazing, I don't hate it like I thought I would." A smirk grows onto the greenette's lips. "That's probably because you're doing it for someone you love but also because you know what they were trying to do was wrong." He faces everyone else, "You all did a fantastic job today, let's go ahead and clean up. Afterwards, there's showers in the back as you all know and you can clean yourselves up." They all agree and begin to clean up.

Two hours of blood and bodies later.....

Everyone made their way back to the car and they change their clothes. They proceed to get into the vehicle. "Well let's begin our 'road trip' to our vacation place." Everyone whoops and hollars when I say this. I climb into the driver's seat. Kaminari and Kirishima get in the first row of seats behind me. Mina, Tsu, and Momo sit it the second row of seats. Iida, Sero, and Jirō set up camp in the trunk section of the car, leaving the third row of seats empty. Kacchan sits in the passenger seat next to me, and for whatever reason, Sho sits in the seat space between the dash board and the passenger seat, sitting in front of Kacchan. It's weird but I don't question it because it really doesn't bother me and I'm the weirdest person you could ever meet. "Alright let's do this shit!" Everyone cheers and gets super excited and we start this long ass road trip.

Mr. DevilHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin