⚜️Saints Row ⚜️ Part 3

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Bakugo's POV......

I'm still in my personal room with halfie and Kirishima and Kaminari. I thought about what Izu said earlier and I had an idea. (Yes because his ideas are amazing when thinking about Deku sexually. i.e the car) Realizing that I've only ever fucked and been fucked a couple of times and that's when I met Izu. (Yeah I'm not a fuck boy like you'd assume, fuck off.) I learned what I know from porn, the internet, and old friends of mine who'd never shut up about it. It also occured to me, I never have or tried to seduce someone. Being the genius I am, asked these two for help and tips, because I'm not sure about Shoto over here, but I'm trying to get fucked to Neverland. Yeah, I'm a switch, most of the time I'd normally top but with Izu, I really enjoy bottoming. Shoto is a complete bottom, I don't think he'd ever top. Well he'd never top me anyway. I text Izu letting him know we'll be a while.

Text conversation....

Blonde Bitch: Hey, Shoto Kirishima Kaminari and I are going to be a while.

Big Daddy 😍: Uhh okay but why? Is everything okay?

Blonde Bitch: Yeah, they're just helping us with something.

Big Daddy 😍: Alright, as long as everything is fine. I love you.

Blonde Bitch: Love you too.

End of text conversation.....

That's taken care of, so we should be fine. "Now what do we do?" I ask unsure. "Since you're a switch we can work on seduction for screwing and getting screwed." "Yeah, Kiri will do the top training and I'll do the bottom training." I nod, "Okay then, that works." "We'll help you too Todoroki, don't worry." I don't think he's worried. "First we'll work on bottom seduction. If you really want to get your intentions across, teasing is ideal. Wearing clothes you know he likes, touching here and there, doing something you shouldn't and acting oblivious. Those are major parts in teasing. Most things fall under teasing. Hell even try some things that get you going when your topping. Now since we've known Deku for almost ever, we know all his likes and dislikes in ever aspect. So, open your closet and suitcase and let's see what you've got." Kaminari makes a good point. I'm still hesitant to show them my clothes and I don't even know what Deku stocked that closet with. "Uhh I don't really think-" I'm cut off when Kirishima scoffs, "Not even three hours ago, you were burried deep in him," he says pointing at Shoto. "In the car and basically side by side with us as we did the same, and you're hesitant to show us your clothes? Bakugo you're going to come to realize that we're all as close as you can be to someone. Now let's see what you have." He made a good point too. Oh well then I guess, let's do this shit. I open my closet that was stocked by my insane and beautiful boyfriend and also open my suitcase. "Alright, I'll check what Mr. Devil stocked in here and you check the case." Kaminari then began to go through my clothes as Kirishima raided the closet. 'Close as someone can be' huh? I hope so because-, my train of thought is cut off when I hear it, *squeal* "Ahh I knew Deku likes you for a few reasons, you really are a kinky bitch." Kaminari exclaimed, probably busting my eardrums as the redhead chuckles after speaking. "I can promise you that collar and lube isn't shit compared to what that green haired nut case has. Then whatever he has here too and I gaurentee he brought something from home too. Don't feel weird either because Kami did the same thing, bringing his favorite bondage things and Deku legit made one floor specifically like a 'punishment room' or like a kinky bondage room, specifically with us in mind. Then he made my room almost like a BDSM play room, including a sex swing in there. So yeah, don't feel weird." I snicker a little at the fact that he actually did that. "Okay fine, proceed." "Do you have a pair of short shorts?" "I have basketball shorts." "That won't work, babe do you see any in there?" "No..... But I did find these thongs, three different garter belts, and a literal assortment of buttplugs and dildos." Kirishima smirks and my eyes go wide. I'm speechless and really don't know what to say. "What color are the thongs?" "There's the entire damn rainbow and then some in here." "Then bring me a dark green pair and then go grab my favorite pair of shorts from my room." "Alright." The redhead brings the electric blonde what he asked for then leaves to go get the shorts. "Okay, Bakugo take off your jeans and boxers then put this on." He hands the ash blonde the underwear. "What?!" "Did I st-t-t-t-t-u-u-u-tt-tt-er? No, now you want dick tonight right?" I sigh, "Yeah." "Then put it on, and just listen to us. We know what we're doing." "Katsuki, would it help if I wear a pair as well?" I look at Shoto and play his offer in my head a few times. "You don't have to do that." "I don't have to but I will." Be gets up and walks into my closet and comes out with a dark blue thong. He takes off his pants and boxers. Todoroki then slips on the thong, adjusts himself a bit then walk into the closet again coming back out with a pair of sweats and slips them on, then walks back over to me and sits beside me once again. I wrap my arms around him and place a quick kiss on his head. "I love you Shoto." "Love you too Katsuki." The door then opens and Kirishima walks in, sporting a pair of shorts and some shoes. "Here put on the thong then put these on." He hands me a pair of shorts that are incredibly short but I've given up fighting it and just comply and strip myself of my pants and boxers. I put on the tight green piece of fabric then slip on the shorts. "My ass isn't even covered." Well it is but not by much. "It's okay, you need a different shirt though." Kirishima walks into the closet once more. "Can you grab a second one too?" Kaminari gives him a look that say 'really?', seeing the shock that quickly comes and goes from his facial expression makes me laugh. Kirishima without question just responds with a 'yeah sure.' A minute later he comes out with the shirts. He tosses one to Shoto, it's a white tee that says 'Daddys Toy 👌🏼👅, in dark pink font. He only shakes his head while smirking and pulls on the shirt. "Looks like Deku wanted their inventory to match ours." Kaminari begins laughing and Kirishima just rolls his eyes, trying to hold in his grin. Kirishima then hands me a black shirt. "Where's the rest of it?" "It's a crop top numb nuts." Kirishima laughs at my question. "Yeah no shit fucker, why- you know what I don't even care at this point." I look at the front, in big bold red letters, it says 'POWER BOTTOM 💯'. I glare at him, he knows I'm not a power bottom because he was part of the conversation for reasons that I don't even know. So he just likes fucking with me apparently. Oh and I forgot to mention, the shorts are black too so it all matches. "You're an ass you know that right?" "Oh of course I do, and you know you are too but everyone here immediately took a liking to you both when you first got here. So you can't really complain." "I- whatever." I scoff, he's helping me yeah but I swear they just want me to look like a fucking whore. Whatever, the shorts are kinda comfortable so I don't care. Then Kirishima hands me a pair of dark green Converses. He tells me to put them on and they're nice so I don't oppose. He walks back to closet and returns with a black pair of high top Converses and gives them to Shoto and tells him the same. "Yay, so we've got the look done, let's move on."

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