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"Wow Deku I think that's the best we've had so far." Iida says this and I nod my head in agreement. "So Bakugo and Todoroki, are you two going to cooperate or do I need to use my other methods to make you listen?" "That's not necessary, we'll cooperate just fine." Todoroki says. "Good to know. Well since that's finished we should finish orientation." "What the hell is that?" "It's where you meet everyone else and you get a tour of the house and see your rooms and stuff." Kirishima says. "Sounds interesting, can't wait."  "Says the guy who didn't want to say his name until he was tied up and given sexual compliments while practically naked!" Bakugo snapped at Todoroki. "Chill out Kacchan, leave Sho alone." "What did you just call me!?" "You heard me, I give people nicknames, deal with it. Now let me introduce everyone. As you know I'm Izuku Midoriya but call me Deku." "Haha, Deku? You really just said call you Deku!" Bakugo laughs histarically. "Yes I did, is there a problem?" "No Deku there's no problem." Todoroki says and elbows Bakugo in the side making him shut up. "Good, now this is Denki Kaminari, the one Kacchan bit, he's specialized in hand to hand combat. This is Ejiro Kirishima the one Sho tried to bite, he is also specialized in hand to hand combat. The rest of the group is these people, let me introduce Tenya Iida, he's our medical professional and he works with guns as well. This is Momo Yayorozu, she is like the mother of this Mafia, she does room set ups, also she is specialized in knife and gun combat. This is Tsuyu Asui, she is kind like a floater, she's trained in all areas though. That over there is Kyōka Jirō, she is our hacker, tracker, she makes sure everything runs smoothly with our missions and can fight if she needs too. And this is Mina
Ashido, she is very skilled in all fighting departments, she also handles  the money. If we have someone try to screw us over, they deal with her. So any questions about these guys?" "Yeah, what are you specialized in?" Todoroki asks. "Me? Well other than being the leader,  I'm specialized in everything, I can do everything anyone of these guys can. I'm a badass honestly. Anything else you need to know?" "Yeah, do you plan on training us or anything?" This time Bakugo asks the question. "Of course, what kind of Mafia leader would I be if I had men that couldn't fight?" I smirk at the boys. "Now I'll give you a tour of the place and show you guys your rooms."   
             Towards the end of the tour....
"This is the training deck. It has several areas, the gun range, one for knife practice, one for hand to hand combat training, disarming training, and Iida's special area, wound care. Iida teaches you how to take care of lots of different injuries, long enough to make it back to HQ and have him take care of it there."
                   Last floor......
This is my office, now everyone has their own office but not on their own floor. Any questions?" " Nope" "No" both boys say. "Well let's go see you rooms then."
          At Bakugo's room....
"Kacchan, this is you room. I had Momo put this color scheme in here. Does it look ok?" "Yeah, I like it. Thanks I guess." "I'm glad you like it. Now you can stay here or follow me to Sho's room it's up to you." He follows me to Sho's room. "Well here we are Sho, do you like it?" "Yeah I do, it's really nice. Thanks Deku." "No problem Sho. Well look guys, we don't have any business to take care of for at least another few days. Tonight we decided to do a movie night so we're all gonna go to the common area to watch movies and hang out since we dont do it very much. We're gonna have snacks too. Do you guys want to come?" "Sure I guess." "Yeah whatever." "Ok, here's my number in case you forget how to get there. I know this place is big. Well we start at 9:00 and it's 8:20 now. Let me know if you guys need anything."
                 9:00p.m. movie time
'They'll be here eventually', I thought to myself. "Hey guys what movie are we watching first?" "Ooh can we watch a scary movie first?" Mina asked. "I guess, which one though. We have tons." "How about Eight Legged Freaks?" I turn around and see it was Todoroki that suggested it. "Well hey Sho, and alright Eight Legged Freaks it is. Wheres Kacchan?" "He should be here any second, he was right behind me." "I'm right here Deku" He glares at me. "Oh hey Kacchan. No need for the evil glare by the way." "Tch whatever."  We start the movie, we're all on one couch. I love our couch, it's like a Tetris block. Short, four seated then comes to the corner, I love the corner seat, then is long as hell and has like eight seats on the other side.  The day we got this couch it was established that the corner seat was mine. I get up to pee and grab a few more snacks. When I come back I knew WWIII was about to break loose.

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