Chapter Seven

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A Week Later

ROBIN sat on his chair furiously tapping his pen as he looked at his board. What kind of sheriff was he? He was solving a murder case and after a week he had nothing, he was still in the beginning.

All he knew was that Josh was the last person who met her before the killer. Sarah had told Lisa when the presumed killer rang the bell and Erik passed by her house at the time of the murder.

He started feeling hopeless when someone knocked.

"Come in.", he said and in came Peter, a fellow policeman. He was one of those who were working at the crime scene. The police had gone to the house gathered all they needed and finally left days ago. But they hadn't opened the place up for people to visit.

"Good morning sir.", the man said.

"Peter, good morning. Have you got anything?", Robin asked.

"Yes sir.", Peter said.

"Well go ahead then.", Robin said gesturing for Peter to sit.

"So we had found some items at Sarah's house. We found a necklace laying on the floor in the room while on the kitchen counter was an empty alcohol bottle which seemed recently opened at the time we found it. But most importantly we found a watch, a man's watch to be precise.", Peter said and Robin nodded.

"So our killer is presumably a man then.", he said.

"Presumably but what about the alcohol bottle, there was no used cup indicating that the person drank from the bottle?", Peter asked and Robin snapped his fingers.

"Let's assume something. Let's say the killer came and they chatted, she served him a drink, he probably didn't need a cup and drank like that. Things could have gotten heated, say, he might have wanted something from her, something she didn't give and then they got in an argument and boom, the fight and...."

"But sir, we found the alcohol bottle in the kitchen, and it's farthest from her room where she was found dead and there was no trace of her being dragged to the room. We can however assume that whoever it was talked with her in the kitchen and maybe she went to the room and he followed her and there they argued before he killed her.", Peter said and Robin looked impressed.

"That's a good assumption, but whoever it was must have been very comfortable with her, for him to take off his watch perhaps. Where did you say you found the watch?", Robin asked.

"In the kitchen, just some metres away from the alcohol bottle.", Peter said "And yes, something strange also.", Peter added.


"The watch was broken. It was cracked along the face and it had stopped working and it definitely stopped when the person was at the house", Peter said.

"What was the time?", Robin asked.

"Seven ten. And for all we know, the crime was committed within the period of seven to eight-thirty, which was the time from when Lisa had her last call with Sarah till Lisa called us. And if this person was at the house during that time frame, then it means he must be involved in the murder."

"That's good, that's very good. This is it, the killer was a man who drank at her house, and got into an argument which would explain the punches she received. Good.", Robin paused. "We need to catch him first to know the full story. Take the watch to forensics, let's see who the bastard is.", Robin said and Peter nodded before leaving.

And for the first time since the burial, Robin smiled.


Hugh and Pablo sat in silence at a table in the back of the pub. Hugh was swirling the small bottle in is hand and Pablo was staring at him, studying him.

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