IV - power of the blood god

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IV - power of the blood god

parties, anger, shots, blood
face pushed down to the mud
hands, grip, neck, slit
it's almost as if it was meant to fit
pain in chest
this is a mess

breath, dark, fallen world
my real futute shining like a pearl
fight, befriend, love, lose
don't be too quick to tie that noose
flowers, weeds, lighter sky
it's your time to say goodbye

"I assure you, this is normal Minecraft."
Zak layed back in his gaming chair, waiting for me to accept his invitation to film a video with Spifey. Of course I denied, knowing well enough it'd be another one of those 'cursed' videos. But to no surprise, he managed to make me agree, somehow.

Whatever, this can take my mind off my situation, anyways.
"If I'm going to do this, Dream is joining us."

Dream, Clay. I'd never been very close with the guy before some days ago, when I purchased the bleeding hearts. For some reason, whenever I saw or thought of them, he'd come to mind. It didn't make sense, but I didn't mind. In the past few days we became close, almost as if we were long lived friends.

"Fine, fine. Get him in here, if you can't in 10 minutes we're starting anyways."

I raced to open his contact, not bothering to send a text & just call him instead. It'd be easier, & knowing Zak, I didn't have anything close to 10 minutes.

"Hi Frenchie~"
His familiar voice came from the other line, using one of those stuoid nicknames he always did for his poor attempt of flirting. Sometimes I could never tell if he was joking or not. I decided to brush the name off, getting straight to the point.

"Hey, are you home?"

"Yeah, wh-"

"Can you go on Minecraft? I'm with Zak & we're playing on a world with Spifey." under my breath I muttered something extra, "I think they're planning some cursed sort of thing, you can never tell with them. I do NOT want to be alone with my brain hurting."

A soft chuckle came from him, along with something else under his breath I couldn't understand. "Bad grammar, but okay. I'm getting on now."

"Shut up. Also, join the YT voicecall in the trio server."
Without waiting for him to reply I hang up, he most likely had nothing else to say either way.

It only took him about 5 minutes to get on Minecraft & the discord, along with joining the server.

"Okay, Spoofy & Skeppy. What do you have planned for us today?"

Zak shook his head at my question, Spifey just explaining.
"We're playing UHC, sorta. We have half an hour to go around & get stuff, after that we let people on the server. They have to try to kill all 4 of us, the last person alive wins."

"So, what's the demonic twist?"

Zak chuckled slightly, trying to keep quiet. Spifey just didn't answer my question, fixing up a timer.

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