XIV - not appreciated

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XIV - not appreciated

We were once something
Or so, I thought
I'm holding these memories, so close, I caught
feeling for you, but,
oh, forget it
I'm burning down this place;
this place; I resent it.

Throughout the entire night, Harvey & I managed to collect five of the snow pearls in total. Three from me, & two from him.

For sure, it was going to take a few more nights of being here to gather the materials we needed. Along with that, we had to know if this even was the right thing to do.

"You know, Harvey," I glanced over to the Asian bow now fumbling to tie the laces of his boots back up. He stared up to me, a small smile.

"We are going to have to find out the recipe for the rest of the items to the portal, if this IS the proper way to get out."


"Yeah, I know. I do know what we need for it- or, suspect, I guess."

It sparked my attention, the fact that he knew so much about this. Almost as if, this wasn't his first time doing this. Also as if, he has done this at one point.

But that can't be.

I shoved the thought out of my head, stretching my arms above my head as we continued on.
We went on until finally, we stopped, our eyes settling on what stood before us.
A small almost cabin-like structure stood before us, windows borded up & snow covered.

"Looks like it's abandoned," Harvey exclaimed, walking closer towards the structure, onto the porch. He attempted to look through the boards, shrugging over to me when he failed.
"Are you coming in?"

"Do I really have a choice?"

"Nope, come on."
He tapped his foot in anticipation, waiting for me to join him.

I mean - there could be useful things in there.

I hopped up the three front steps, them being steep & nails sticking out over them. Already, I knew something was off about this.. house.

Perhaps it isn't empty?


The shorter pushed open the door, with struggle. It seemed to have been slightly jammed, like it hadn't been used in years.


"Uh," I diverted my eyes away, "nevermind,"

He stopped dead in his tracks as he looked around the room. A light glowed of his face, one that reminded me of the night we were brought back here.

But, that wasn't any light.
I knew for a fact, it was fire.

"Harvey-" I grabbed his arm, trying to pull him back towards me, but he pushed me away, running into the building.

outvaded (skeppy, bbh & a6d)Where stories live. Discover now