XXII - soldier

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XXII - soldier

a handle that turns on the clock that decides the time of your death the gloves that will cover my traces as if i was never here the rope that i will use to take me out with you all the smile that i wore knowing this world will fall so what's the point anyways? a hug you wish to give your friend but instead he sat there dying in front of you because of your selfish actions another hug from another friend to another dying friend that corresponds to the other's ending, all driven by selfishness

"Thanks for coming over and not thinking I'm some lunatic trying to kidnap you," the lady smiled at me, sitting down on the white leather couch, across from the identical one she had me sat on.

"Uh, you're welcome?"

"So, you think you are no help.. because you have no power?"

I nodded, "Kind of, yeah."

"What about in Fallen? You're a hero to the people there. You don't think that that is power of some kind? You defeated a monster that was cursing that place for, how long?"

"That was in Fallen, how will that help with battles elsewhere?"

"Didn't this all start in Fallen?"

I covered my face with my hands, taking in a deep breath.
"Yeah," I exhaled.

"Although, you have a point. This is going beyond Fallen, thus.. why I brought you here. My name is Finn,"


She- he smiled, nodding.
"I'm surprised you didn't recognize me. I guess we were never close, fairly enough."

"How did you die?!" I blurted, "I was never told. Zak never was, nor Darryl-"

"Nobody found my body before I was sent to be a guardian. It wasn't even 24 hours. I was murdered by 2 guys on the street, ones I had.. issues with before, with Zak. I knew they were bad, but I never knew they'd have the drive to kill someone."

"So, now you cross dress on a daily?"

"It's a disguise. Nobody has came looking for me, anyways.." he looked down for a moment, then back to me, smile returning, "but you're here now. Promise you won't tell the two? I'm not sure they can handle another sudden death of their close friends.. regardless of knowing about Dave's."

"Yeah, it's.. whatever. Again, you brought me here to..?"

"Right," he smiled, sitting up & grabbing hold of my hand, bringing me up, "There is someone I need you to meet. Try to keep your balance, travelling dimensions can be rough your first time,"

Travelling dimensions?

"What do yo-"

"Quiet. Close your eyes, you could go blind from the light.."

Before I could have any response, he covered his hands over my eyes. I didn't object, still confused to all of this.

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